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Presentation on theme: "POLICY SCAN - RATING THE INDICATORS – PART TWO Ventura County Public Health."— Presentation transcript:


2 Questions or thoughts before we dive in…..  Progress on data collection efforts?  New data sources to share?  Successes or challenges

3 RECAP:CTG Strategic Directions  Tobacco  Obesity: Healthy Eating Active Living  Clinical Preventive Services  Social and Emotional Wellness  Healthy and Safe Physical Environments

4 4 Data Sources (Quick Recap)  Gathering relevant data helps to determine the level of community support for a particular indicator  There are two types of data recommended for collection  Quantitative and Qualitative

5 New Data Sources  Health Indicators Warehouse  National Center for Education Statistics  USDA Food Environment Atlas

6 6 Quantitative Data (Quick Recap) Quantitative data are usually numbers, percentages, or statistics. Gathered from:  State and regional reports  Web sites ( such as AskCHIS [California Health Interview Survey], C-Stats [County and Statewide Archive of Tobacco Statistics], etc.)  Local evaluation reports

7 7 Qualitative Data (Quick Recap) Qualitative Data: descriptive data objectively collected and gathered locally  Interviews  Focus groups  Coalition/advisory committee member discussions  Observations  Documents (such as policy records, newspaper clippings, or correspondence )

8 Materials Provided:  Copy of today’s presentation  Attribute Definitions  Indicator Rating Guide  Indicator Rating Worksheet Instructions  Indicator Rating Sheet  Indicator Rating Sheet for Data Entry  Group Activity Materials

9 What are Attributes? 9 Attributes are characteristics of indicators that were pre-selected by the CDC and VCPH (i.e., public awareness, public support, etc.)  You will rate 16 attributes for each indicator  An attribute rating guide (rubric) will assist you in determining each rating  Attributes are a guide to help determine if a particular indicator is a priority in the community you are rating.

10 Attributes:  Evidence Based  Potential Reach  Public Awareness  Public Support  Media Attention  Education/Awareness Campaign  Media Campaign  Voluntary Policy  Local Legislated Policy  State policy  Preemption  Health Equity/Disparities  Active Enforcement  Compliance  Intensity/Comprehensiveness/ Exemptions/Fidelity  Sustainability  Other

11 Steps to Rating Attributes 11  Convene those who should participate in the rating process  Share with the group relevant data pertaining to each attribute  Using the Indicator-Attribute Rating Guide, discuss the conclusions that can be drawn about each attribute  Reach a group consensus on the rating for each attribute (the rating scale ranges from zero to four)  Record the rating and make any edits necessary to the summary of findings  Continue process for all remaining attributes

12 How to come up with an “OVERALL Rating”  As a group, arrive at an overall impression of this indicator. Looking at the ratings of the attributes, does it appear to be a compelling need in the target community?  Reach a group consensus on a rating for this indicator.

13 Overall Indicator Rating Tips 13  Most often a subjective process  Is NOT a mathematical average of the attributes ratings  Some attributes may deserve greater weight than others  Is a judgment call based on the collective wisdom of the group  Group must discuss their feelings about the attributes and come to a consensus  The overall rating will help you determine if there is a compelling need in the target community  Comment, comment, comment – support your rating and explain how the group arrived at the rating

14 Group Activity – Rating an Indicator  Elect a spokesperson and a scribe  Using the data gathered and your knowledge on Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Multi-Unit Housing (Apartments) discuss and rate each attribute.  Come to a consensus to give this indicator an “OVERALL” RATING”  Share your findings with the group

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