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Magellan F/5 System Status A.Szentgyorgyi / Ann Arbor 25 Sept 2005.

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1 Magellan F/5 System Status A.Szentgyorgyi / Ann Arbor 25 Sept 2005

2 F/5 Wide field corrector optics done & coated Lens cells 95% done Lift fixture done & on site @ LCO Topbox (shutter, filter changer & wavefront sensor ~85% done) Engineering trip planned for mid-October SAO on hiatus 15 Nov 2005 - ? to move Central Engineering (and all Magellan WFC hardware not at LCO) to new site Dialogue Megacam/MMIRS/Minicam on software interfaces proceeding News Summary

3 Wide Field Corrector Lenses & Prisms AR Coating Sol Gel coatings accepted at Cleveland Crystal late June 2005, shipped to SAO. In shipping containers until start bonding lenses into cells late Spring 2006 (after move). All coating meet specifications and are cosmetically excellent.

4 Wide Field Corrector Optic Cells Lens cell fabrication ~90% done. During October 2005 engineering visit will fit check lens cell assembly and verify procedures and ancillary equipment without lenses installed. Final machining operations at Bechdon not complete in time to ship for October operations, so will return cells to Bechdon to finish cells – expect all cell fabrication complete around 1 Jan 2006 Bonding lenses and prisms into cell must be done at new site - Cambridge Discovery Park (CDP) – which is still under construction. Taking pessimistic view that moving operations will take 5 months – so planning to do bonding in March – May 2006 interval.

5 Lift Cart Lift cart is used to install all SAO instrumentation on Clay Delivered to LCO 2 Sept 2005 Two bearings leaked in transit, but fixed by Frank et al., otherwise in good working order.

6 Lift Cart

7 Instrument Adapter Instrument Adapter (IA) is interface between MMT instrument interface and Clay telescope Weighs 1200 lb, significant contribute to mass on Cass rotator Was delivered to LCO 23 April 2005, but have not had opportunity to fit check on Clay yet Will fit check during October 2005 engineering

8 Filters SAGEM has been contracted to make a complete set of Sloan filters for MegaCam. Filters will be single-substrate. Delivery is expected Feb 2006.

9 TopBox Contains shutter, filter changer and wave front sensor At present, only needed for Megacam – MMIRS has integral guide, wavefront sensing & filter wheel Mechanical assembly nearly complete Critical path is electronics and electronic enclosure Wave front sensor only “new” subsystem – testing in progess Current plan is to complete before move, ship to LCO in late Nov.

10 Continuing dialogue between Skip and SAO software engineers – Dylan Curley, Maureen Conroy and John Roll Expect all electronic subsystems complete by 15 Nov 2005 Start testing Mar 2006. Software/Electronics

11 Oct 2005 – Engineering visit will demonstrate corrector fits and we can install it safely Nov/Dec 2005 – Topbox complete, ship to LCO 15 Nov 2005 – Hiatus at SAO Jan 2006 - Receive finished lens cell Mar 2006 – Start bonding lenses into cells - Resume subsystem testing May 2006 – Bonding complete May – Fall 2006 – System integration/test Fall 2006 – Ship remaining elements to LCO Fall 2006 – Trip to install computers, lay cables, test software interface between wavefront sensor and Clay. Bench test Minicam. January 2007 – First light of F/5 with Minicam Roadmap to Finish

12 Team involves including MMTO instrument and software scientists (T. Pickering & G. Williams) Fit/ops check of wide field corrector installation - 0.030” blind clearance between wide field corrector & mirror shrouds Refinement of elec./mech./software interfaces and ops planning Tune lift cart parameters October Engineering Trip

13 To verify stiffness of rotator bearings, pull test has been performed on Baade rotator Results indicate bearings approximately 1/3 as stiff as Rotek specifications Even with this reduced stiffness, bearings marginally meet requirements for F/5 instrumentation Imprtant to verify that Clay bearing is the same as Baade – perform test this October Pull Test on Clay Bearing

14 Project Status Expect on-schedule delivery in early Jan 2007.

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