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FASTER SORTING using RECURSION : QUICKSORT 2014-T2 Lecture 16 School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington COMP 103 Marcus.

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1 FASTER SORTING using RECURSION : QUICKSORT 2014-T2 Lecture 16 School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington COMP 103 Marcus Frean

2 2 RECAP-TODAY RECAP  MergeSort  cost O(n log n) TODAY  QuickSort ANNOUNCEMENTS  Test on Thursday – 4pm RoomsFROMTO  MCLT103Abubakr  Geuze  HMLT002Gibb  Jones  HMLT205Julian  Pappafloratos  KKLT303Patel  Zhu sorting algorithms put to music: (quicksort is at 38 sec)

3 3 MergeSort Cost (analysis order) LEVEL 1 (two mergesorts) LEVEL 1 (merge) LEVEL 2 (two mergesorts) LEVEL 2 (merge) LEVEL 3 (two mergesorts) LEVEL 3 (merge) LEVEL 4 (two mergesorts) LEVEL 4 (merge)

4 4 Divide and Conquer Sorts To Sort:  Split  Sort each part (recursive)  Combine Where does the work happen ?  MergeSort:  split is trivial  combine does all the work  QuickSort:  split does all the work  combine is trivial Array Sorted Array Split Combine SubArray SortedSubArray Sort Split Combine SubArray Sort SortedSubArray Split Combine SubArray Sort SortedSubArray

5 5 QuickSort  uses Divide and Conquer, but does its work in the “split” step  split the array into parts, by choosing a “pivot” item, and making sure that: all items < pivot are in the left part all items > pivot are in the right part  Then (recursively) sort each part Here's how we start it off: public static void quickSort( E[] data, int size, Comparator comp) { quickSort (data, 0, size, comp); } “wrapper” version starts it off recursive version carries it on (and on...) note: it won’t usually be an equal split

6 6 QuickSort – the recursion public static void quickSort(E[ ] data, int low, int high, Comparator comp){ if (high-low < 2) // only one item to sort. return; if (high - low < 4) // only two or three items to sort. sort3(data, low, high, comp); else { // split into two parts, mid = index of boundary int mid = partition(data, low, high, comp); quickSort(data, low, mid, comp); quickSort(data, mid, high, comp); } 67891011012345

7 7 QuickSort: simplest version 1. Choose a pivot: 67891011012345 pivot 67891011012345 2. Use pivot to partition the array: 67891011012345 not yet sorted

8 8 QuickSort: in-place version 1. Choose a pivot: 67891011012345 pivot 67891011012345 2. Use pivot to partition the array: low high left (gets returned) not yet sorted

9 9 QuickSort: coding in-place partition /** Partition into small items (low..mid-1) and large items (mid..high-1) private static int partition(E[] data, int low, int high, Comparator comp){ E pivot = int left = low-1; int right = high; while( left <= right ){ do { left++; // just skip over items on the left < pivot } while (left<high &&[left], pivot)< 0); do { right--; // just skip over items on the right > pivot } while (right>=low &&[right], pivot)> 0); if (left < right) swap(data, left, right); } return left; } 67891011012345 data[low];// simple but poor choice! median(data[low], data[high-1], data[(low+high)/2], comp);

10 10 QuickSort data array : [p a1 r f e q2 w q1 t z2 x c v b z1 a2 ] indexes : [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ] do 0..16 : [p a1 r f e q2 w q1 t z2 x c v b z1 a2 ] part@ p ->6 : [a2 a1 b f e c w q1 t z2 x q2 v r z1 p ] do 0..6 : [a2 a1 b f e c ] part@ c ->4 : [a2 a1 b c e f ] do 0..4 : [a2 a1 b c ] part@ b ->3 : [a2 a1 b c ] do 0..3 : [a2 a1 b ] done 0..3 : [a2 a1 b ] do 3..4 : [ c ] done 0..4 : [a2 a1 b c ] do 4..6 : [ e f ] done 4..6 : [ e f ] done 0..6 : [a2 a1 b c e f ] do 6..16 : [ w q1 t z2 x q2 v r z1 p ] part@ q2 ->8 : [ p q2 t z2 x q1 v r z1 w ] do 6..8 : [ p q2 ] done 6..8 : [ p q2 ]

11 11 Quick Sort do 6..16 : [ w q1 t z2 x q2 v r z1 p ] part@q2->8 : [ p q2 t z2 x q1 v r z1 w ] do 6..8 : [ p q2 ] done 6..8 : [ p q2 ] do 8..16 : [ t z2 x q1 v r z1 w ] part@v ->12: [ t r v q1 x z2 z1 w ] do 8..12 : [ t r v q1 ] part@t ->10: [ q1 r v t ] do 8..10 : [ q1 r ] done 8..10 : [ q1 r ] do 10..12: [ v t ] done 10..12: [ t v ] done 8..12 : [ q1 r t v ] do 12..16: [ x z2 z1 w ] part@x ->13: [ w z2 z1 x ] do 12..13: [ w ] do 13..16: [ z2 z1 x ] done 13..16: [ x z2 z1 ] done 12..16: [ w x z2 z1 ] done 8..16 : [ q1 r t v w x z2 z1 ] done 6..16 : [ p q2 q1 r t v w x z2 z1 ] done 0..16 : [a2 a1 b c e f p q2 q1 r t v w x z2 z1 ]

12 12 QuickSort public static void quickSort (E[ ] data, int low, int high, Comparator comp) { if (high > low +2) { int mid = partition(data, low, high, comp); quickSort(data, low, mid, comp); quickSort(data, mid, high, comp); } } Cost of Quick Sort:  three steps: partition: has to compare (high-low) pairs first recursive call second recursive call

13 13 QuickSort Cost:  If Quicksort divides the array exactly in half, then:  C(n) = n + 2 C(n/2)  n log(n) comparisons = O(n log(n)) (best case)  If Quicksort divides the array into 1 and n-1:  C(n) = n + (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-3) + … + 2 + 1 = n(n-1)/2 comparisons = O(n 2 ) (worst case)  Average case ?  very hard to analyse.  still O(n log(n)), and very good.  Quicksort is “in place”, MergeSort is not

14 14 Stable or Unstable ? Faster if almost-sorted ?  MergeSort:  Stable: doesn’t jump any item over an unsorted region ⇒ two equal items preserve their order  Same cost on all input  “natural merge” variant doesn’t sort already sorted regions ⇒ will be very fast: O(n) on almost sorted lists  QuickSort:  Unstable: Partition “jumps” items to the other end ⇒ two equal items likely to reverse their order  Cost depends on choice of pivot.  simplest choice is very slow: O(n 2 ) even on almost sorted lists  better choice (median of three) ⇒ O(n log(n)) on almost sorted lists

15 15 Some Big-O costs revisited Implementing Collections:  ArrayList: O(n) to add/remove, except at end  Stack:O(1)  ArraySet:O(n) (cost of searching)  SortedArraySetO( log(n) ) to search (with binary search) O(n) to add/remove (cost of moving up/down)  O( n 2 ) to add n items O( n log(n) ) to initialise with n items. (with fast sorting)

16 16 the test this Thursday  20% of final grade, and takes 45 mins RoomsFROMTO  MCLT103Abubakr  Geuze  HMLT002Gibb  Jones  HMLT205Julian  Pappafloratos  KKLT303Patel  Zhu  Please be on time, and bring your ID card.  “Exam conditions”: sit in alternate rows, so someone can walk right along every 2 nd row sit in alternate seats put your ID card where it can be seen (but no need to leave bags at the front as happens in final exams)  What’s in? everything up to now no complex coding questions on recursion or the fast sorts old tests are a guide for what to expect

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