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Why PBL? h?v=LMCZvGesRz8 h?v=LMCZvGesRz8.

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Presentation on theme: "Why PBL? h?v=LMCZvGesRz8 h?v=LMCZvGesRz8."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why PBL? h?v=LMCZvGesRz8 h?v=LMCZvGesRz8


4 Sources of Inspiration for Projects Your community Current events Real-world Problems Your content standards Your file cabinet Your colleagues Your students Online project libraries Project search

5 8 Essential Elements Significant content 21 st century skills In depth inquiry Driving question Need to know Voice and Choice Revision and Reflection Public Audience

6 8 Essentials for Project-Based Learning Read article in small groups. Create a poster that defines, summarizes and illustrates what each essential element means. (draw a picture) Share out

7 …Sounds like a great idea, but I don’t think it will work with my students cRqM

8 How long should my first project be? Your first project may only take two weeks. Your first project may only integrate one or two subject areas. Limit the number of student products. Use rubrics to set the tone for behavior, create an I chart.

9 Use Planning Tools to Help (all available on the site…) PBL Essential Elements Checklist Project Design: Overview Project Design: Student Learning Guide Project Calendar Project Assessment Map

10 How do I get Started? Focus on Significant Content… Make sure the content aligns with the CCSS. Make sure the topic is relevant to the students. May take ideas from the news, or current events in the community.

11 PBL is problem solving

12 We miss the FUN in the classroom!

13 It’s a learning process. Take small steps, rely on one another. Make mistakes! Keep Moving Forward

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