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Project Based Learning (PBL). 21st Century Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence Agility.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Based Learning (PBL). 21st Century Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence Agility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Based Learning (PBL)

2 21st Century Skills Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence Agility and Adaptability Initiative and Entrepreneurialism Effective Oral and Written Communication Accessing and Analyzing Information Curiosity and ImaginationA

3 Introduction Emphasizes learning activities – long-term, – Interdisciplinary – student-centered – Problem solving Students – often must organize their own work – manage their own time Learning is represented by artifact construction – students' collaborative or – individual

4 Teacher’s Role Facilitator Develop environment for shared responsibility Structure the proposed question/issue so as to direct the student's learning toward content-based materials. Regulate student success with intermittent, transitional goals to ensure student projects remain focused and students have a deep understanding of the concepts being investigated Not to provide direct answers Feedback at the completion of the project.

5 Student’s Role Inappropriate for some subjects (Mathematics) Cannot use standard tools to evaluate Loss of focus: Final product vs learning improvement

6 Advantages Work in a community Taking social responsibilities Better work habits Better attitudes toward learning Independence Responsibility of learning

7 Criticisms Waste of time Loss of focus of students Imbalance of sharing of responsibilities Not suitable for all subjects and contents Teacher is not capable. Suitable only for certain age ranges/students No standard measurement tools for performance. Lack of facilities.

8 Elements of PBL Organized around an open-ended driving question or challenge. Creates a need to know essential content and skills. Requires inquiry to learn and/or create something new. Requires critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and various forms of communication, often known as "21st Century Skills." [6] Allows some degree of student voice and choice. Incorporates feedback and revision. Results in a publicly presented product or performance. [7]

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