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Project Based Learning in the NAF Curriculum Laura Fidler Curriculum Specialist, NAF 646 896 3866.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Based Learning in the NAF Curriculum Laura Fidler Curriculum Specialist, NAF 646 896 3866."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Based Learning in the NAF Curriculum Laura Fidler Curriculum Specialist, NAF 646 896 3866

2 KWL Chart What I Learned What I Know What I Want to Know

3 Session Objectives How PBL is implemented in NAF Curriculum Location of culminating projects in NAF Curriculum and NAF website Use NAF PBL approach as a springboard to your own PBL implementation

4 Class of 2026

5 The Committee of Ten December 4, 1893 12 years of schooling: 8 yrs. Elementary & 4 for high school Standardized Curriculum 180 instructional days Agrarian Calendar 8 subjects

6 Project-Based Learning “…… an extended inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks. (Source: Project Based Learning: A Guide to Standards-Focused Project Based Learning for Middle School and High School Teachers. Buck Institute for Education, 2003)

7 Lets begin with the end in mind! Ethics in Business What are the skills and knowledge needed to do this project?

8 Lets see some examples, shall we? 1.What skills/knowledge must be mastered? 2.How much advanced planning is involved? 3.How much class time is devoted to the project? 4.How does is fit within the course? 5.What supports are needed in order to complete this project

9 Every NAF course is structured the same Lesson 1 – Course Introduction – Anticipation Guide – End of Course Project Video Project Overview Lesson 18 (or final lesson) – Final Presentation and Class Closure

10 Where can we find this?

11 KWL Chart What I Learned 1.As a result of this session, I’ve learned…… 2.I still have questions about……. 3.As a result of this session, I plan to…….. What I Want to Know What I Know

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