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Isms 1.Conservatism 2.Liberalism 3.Nationalism. The Congress of Vienna (September 1, 1814 – June 9, 1815)

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Presentation on theme: "Isms 1.Conservatism 2.Liberalism 3.Nationalism. The Congress of Vienna (September 1, 1814 – June 9, 1815)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Isms 1.Conservatism 2.Liberalism 3.Nationalism

2 The Congress of Vienna (September 1, 1814 – June 9, 1815)

3 Key Players at Vienna The “ Host ” Prince Klemens von Metternich (Aus.) Foreign Minister, Viscount Castlereagh (Br.) Tsar Alexander I (Rus.) King Frederick William III (Prus.) Foreign Minister, Charles Maurice de Tallyrand (Fr.)

4 2. Conservatism

5 CONSERVATISM ’ S SPOKESPERSON Prince Klemens von Metternich (1773-1859) Architect of Congress of Vienna Austria ’ s Foreign Minister (1809 - 1848)

6 Europe After the Congress of Vienna


8 The Germanic Confederation, 1815

9 What did conservatives believe?? Example: Edmund Burke (1729 - 1799)

10 Characteristics of Liberalism 1.Sovereignty of People 2.Best Government = Constitutional Monarchy 3.Liberty over Equality 4.Written Constitution 5.Laissez-faire Economics 6.Human Progress from growth of wealth & science/inventions 7.Church & landed aristocracy obstacles 8.Orderly change through reform 9.Dislike of wars

11 Nationalism: the new -ism What is Nationalism?Why might it be a product of the French Revolution?

12 Greek Revolution - 1821 Greece on the Ruins of Missilonghi by Delacroix, 1827

13 Russia: The Decembrist Uprising - 1825 Russia: The Decembrist Uprising - 1825

14 Uprising in German States 1817 How does Metternich react?

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