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Religious freedom; to build a “perfect society” Self-governing; very religious (theocracy); Mayflower Compact & Mass. Bay charter from king Puritan Separatists.

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2 Religious freedom; to build a “perfect society” Self-governing; very religious (theocracy); Mayflower Compact & Mass. Bay charter from king Puritan Separatists led by Wm. Bradford (1620); 2 nd group led by John Winthrop (1630) Harsh winters, warm summers; Rich pastures and forests Farming, livestock, and lumbering Puritan Separatists ONLY


4 Religious Freedom from Puritans open to other religious beliefs Farming, lumbering, trade, shipbuilding, fishing, whaling Self-governing w/elected assembly Former Puritans forced out of MA: Roger Williams (Providence, 1636) Anne Hutchinson (Portsmouth, 1638) Humid summers and cold winters; Coastal lowlands and rocky woodlands “Forced worship stinks in God’s nostrils” slave trade, pirates Rogue’s Island! Naragansett Bay, coves/inlets

5 Establish a new Puritan settlement Puritan Farming, shipbuilding, fishing, whaling Self-governing with a written constitution Former Puritan Thomas Hooker Cold winters and mild summers; forested hills and seacoast “Free consent of the people” Fundamental Orders New Haven stricter than Hartford anyone who was Puritan could vote no legal charter

6 MONEY!! Various faiths Fur trapping, lumber, shipping, slave trade, farming, trade, iron mining British-appointed governor and council; eventually an elected assembly Dutch/ English Cold winters and hot summers; wetlands and forested mountains originally Dutch, New Netherland Jacob Leisler rebellion against Duke of York 1691 – able to elect assembly (laws & taxes)

7 Religious freedom Various faiths Farming, trade, lumbering, and shipbuilding Elected assembly English Quakers led by William Penn Cold winters and hot summers; rolling hills and fertile soil King Charles repaid debt owed to WP’s dad Great Law of 1682 Quakers (a.k.a. Society of Friends) & other faiths KCII annoyed by Penn & his Quaker ways

8 Religious and Political Freedom, $$$ Various faiths, especially Catholic Farming, lumbering, shipping, fishing, iron mining Elected assembly English Catholics and Protestants Cold winters and hot summers; low fertile land around the Chesapeake Bay Charter granted to Lord Baltimore by KC1 1649 - Act Concerning Religion excluded atheists & Jews tension btw Protestants & Catholics Calvert family

9 MONEY!! Elected assembly (House of Burgesses) farming Church of England (Anglican) English landowners and skilled laborers Mild winters and hot summers; coastal lowland and wooded mountains Jamestown (tobacco = $$) Sir Walter Raleigh Indentured servants & slaves many Native Americans disappeared/died of disease

10 Religious freedom and cheap land Ruled by James Oglethorpe for 10 years; then Elected Assembly Farming (plantations and independent farms), trade Protestants, Catholics, Jews Debtors from English prisons and other Englishmen Mild winters and hot summers; wetlands and forested mountains frequent Spanish attacks Not all debtors wanted to move James Oglethorpe No alcohol/slaves get poor ppl out of debtor’s prison in England

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