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KET and PET Readings in Lessons Margaret Horrigan.

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Presentation on theme: "KET and PET Readings in Lessons Margaret Horrigan."— Presentation transcript:

1 KET and PET Readings in Lessons Margaret Horrigan

2 Overview of seminar  Ways we read  Texts we read  KET Reading  PET Reading  Intensive Reading  Tasks for class  An example  Theory into practice  Roundup

3 Ways we read…

4 Ways we read  Intensive  Extensive  Skimming  Scanning  Top down  Bottom up  Reading every single word for meaning  Bringing our world knowledge to the text  Reading to get the main idea  Reading for specific details or items  Reading a lot of different types of texts

5 Ways we read  Intensive  Reading every single word for meaning

6 Ways we read  Intensive  Extensive  Reading every single word for meaning  Reading a lot of different types of texts

7 Ways we read  Reading every single word for meaning  Reading a lot of different types of texts  Intensive  Extensive  Skimming  Reading to get the main idea

8 Ways we read  Reading every single word for meaning  Reading a lot of different types of texts  Intensive  Extensive  Skimming  Scanning  Reading to get the main idea  Reading for specific details or items

9 Ways we read  Reading every single word for meaning  Reading a lot of different types of texts  Intensive  Extensive  Skimming  Scanning  Top down  Reading to get the main idea  Reading for specific details or items  Bringing our world knowledge to the text

10 Ways we read  Reading every single word for meaning  Reading a lot of different types of texts  Intensive  Extensive  Skimming  Scanning  Top down  Bottom up  Reading to get the main idea  Reading for specific details or items  Bringing our world knowledge to the text RReading every single word for meaning

11 Texts we read  Intensive/ Bottom up  Extensive  Skimming  Scanning  Top down 1.Notices 2.Newspaper articles 3.Magazine articles 4.Dictionary definitions 5.Postcards 6.Letters 7.Diary entries 8.Messages 9.Adverts 10.Emails 11.Labels 12.Novels

12 KET Reading Tasks Insert single words into sentences Paraphrase notices from 3 options Complete conversations from a choice of prompts Insert the correct word from 3 options into a gapfilled text Decide if sentences relating to a short text are right or wrong Complete a message/note based on information from other adverts/messages Write a word based on its definition Complete a gapfilled text

13 PET Reading Tasks Match personal profiles to short texts Paraphrase notices from 3 options Insert the correct word from 4 options into a short gapfilled text Decide if information about an article type text is correct or not Choose the correct answers, from 4 options, to questions about a short text

14 Sometimes we loose the bigger picture when we read at word level!!!

15 Tasks to enhance intensive reading…  Predicting text content using co-textual information such as headlines/titles/images  Skimming texts for general idea  Scanning for specific details  Using questions to predict text content  Scanning texts for key words used in questions  Inferring meaning to unknown words from contextual clues  Brainstorming vocabulary before reading

16 Example 1… For rent: Spacious 2 bedroom city flat near the underground. Parking spaces infront of flat. No smokers need apply. For rent: Quaint old country house, large garden. 4 bedrooms, dining room, parlor, large kitchen with pantry. Outdoor toilet. For rent: Large estate house. 10 bedrooms. Ample living quarters. Cellar converted into large home theatre. For rent: Small country home. 3 bedrooms with ensuite bathroom in master bedroom. Large garden.

17 Example 2… firs I liked to read what they liked to read: what they enjoyed, delighted me; what they approved, I reverenced. They loved their sequestered home. I, too, in the grey, small, antique structure,with its low roof, its latticed casements, its mouldering walls, its avenue of aged firs--all grown aslant under the stress of mountain winds; its garden, dark with yew and holly--and where no flowers but of the hardiest species would bloom--found a charm both potent and permanent.

18 Example 3 … Indoors we ___(1)___ equally well. They were both more accomplished and ___(2)___ read than I was; but with eagerness I followed in the path ___(3)___ knowledge they had trodden before me. I devoured the books they ___(4)___ me: then it was full satisfaction to discuss with them in the ___(5)___ what I had perused during the day. Thought fitted thought; opinion met opinion: we coincided, in short, ___(6)___.

19 Strategies used in the Jane Eyre examples  Top down: Brainstorming the specific needs of a person from their picture  Intensive: choosing a single text from 4 possibilites based on key words.  Top down: what do you know already about Jane Eyre?  Top down: Brainstorming content for the possible titles  Scanning: ’How much time did Jane spend reading?’  Skimming: to see if your ideas were mentioned  Intensive: inferring meaning to words in the text  Intensive: filling in gaps (open cloze test)  Intensive: filling in gaps (multiple choice cloze test)  Intensive: correct/incorrect statements  Extensive: we divided a rather long text into 2 and read them as completely seperate texts.

20 Theory into practice  Choose a KET/PET reading  Decide how you could get students to predict text content  Use the exam tasks to draw students into predicting more about the text  You have only 5 minutes to do this!  You may refer to ideas used in this seminar to help you!

21 Roundup  Ways we read  Texts we read  KET Reading  PET Reading  Intensive Reading  Tasks for class  An example  Theory into practice

22 Cambridge ESOL Websites (in Italian) (in English)

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