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WaterWater Investigation 1 Part 1: Looking at Water.

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Presentation on theme: "WaterWater Investigation 1 Part 1: Looking at Water."— Presentation transcript:

1 WaterWater Investigation 1 Part 1: Looking at Water

2 Essential Question What factors influence the shape of water?

3 What You Will Learn Safety in the classroom What water is What water does on different surfaces.

4 Safety in the Classroom Always follow the safety procedures outlined by your teacher. Never put any material in your mouth. Do not taste any chemical unless your teacher specifically tells you to.

5 Safety in the Classroom Do not smell any unknown material. If you teacher asks you to smell a material, wave a hand over the material to draw the scent toward your nose.

6 Safety in the Classroom Avoid touching your face, mouth, ears, or eyes while working with chemicals, plants, or animals. Do not mix unknown chemicals just to see what might happen.

7 Safety in the Classroom Always wash your hands immediately after using chemicals. Clean up spills immediately. Clean up your work space after each investigation.

8 Safety in the Classroom Be careful when using sharp or pointed tools. Always make sure that you protect your eyes and those of your neighbors.

9 Safety in the Classroom Report all accidents, even small ones, to your teacher. Follow directions and ask questions if you’re unsure of what to do.

10 Safety in the Classroom Behave responsibly during science investigations. If you cannot follow directions the first time, you will have to sit out and be an observer.

11 Looking at Water We are going to start an investigation of a very important substance, water. Look at the cup of water that I am holding up.

12 Looking at Water An earth material is a substance that makes up or comes from the earth. What do you know about water? Fill in your worksheet with a few notes. You do not have to write in sentences. more

13 Looking at Water Journal Entry What does water do? How is water used? Where is water found? Let’s share some ideas.

14 Looking at Water Vocabulary Property – a characteristic of a material, something you can observe, such as shape, color, temperature, and small

15 Looking at Water What happens when water gets spilled, splashed, or dropped on something? Does water do the same thing on all surfaces?

16 Looking at Water We are going to use –waxed paper –aluminum foil –paper towel –copy paper to investigate what happens when you put water on different surfaces.

17 How to Use a Dropper Squeeze the bulb. Put the tip into the water Release the pressure on the bulb Take it out of the water. Squeeze the bulb gently to release one drop at a time. Put the dropper on the tray when it is not in use. Do not put it in the cup.

18 Investigation You will place individual drops of water on the different surfaces and observe and describe what you see. Observe the drops from all angles and pay attention to the shapes the water makes. Make careful observations.

19 Directions The getters will get a tray with enough materials for each pair of students.

20 Directions No. 1 student will drop water on aluminum foil. No. 2 student will drop water on a paper towel. No. 3 student will drop water on waxed paper. No. 4 student will drop water on a piece of copy paper.

21 Directions Turn to the first page in your water booklet. These pages will be graded and will make up a large part of your science grade.

22 Directions After you have put drops of water on the four different materials, you will record your observations on the Water on Surfaces page. Draw what you observe in the box and explain what you observe with words on the lines.

23 Directions You have ten minutes for this activity. Materials After 10 minutes go to the next slide.

24 Questions What happens to the circles of water as more and more drops are added to make big drops? How close together can you put two drops of water without them touching? What happens when they do touch?

25 Questions Can a drop of water bounce off another drop of water? Can you drag a drop of water around with the dropper tip? What shape are the drops of water as they fall through air?

26 Collect Materials The Materials Collectors will collect the materials and put them back on the counter. Make sure all of your materials are on the tray.

27 Observations You have 5 minutes to complete your observations. Be sure to draw the picture and write words.

28 Discuss the Results Reporters: What happened to the drops of water on each of the materials?

29 Vocabulary Absorb – When water soaks into a material, like the paper towel, we say the towel absorbs the water. Beads – When water sits on top of the material in drops, we call the drops beads and say the water beads up on the surface.

30 Discuss Results Identify the materials that absorbed the water and those on which it formed beads. Describe the shape of the water beads.

31 Vocabulary Water – a liquid earth material. Property – a characteristic of a material or an object, something that you can observe such as color, smell, and taste.

32 Vocabulary Absorbed – water soaked into another material Beads – what water forms on some materials

33 Content - Inquiry We will answer these questions in your journal. What happens when water gets spilled, splashed, or dropped on something? more

34 Content – Inquiry Does water do the same thing on all surfaces? Do you have anymore questions?

35 Record Observations Record your observations during these tasks on the Surface Tension Record sheet.

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