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A UTO S AFETY T EST Common Sense? Notebook Page 7.

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Presentation on theme: "A UTO S AFETY T EST Common Sense? Notebook Page 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 A UTO S AFETY T EST Common Sense? Notebook Page 7

2 P REPARE TO WRITE If you don’t have your composition book yet, you will be doing this twice.

3 D IRECTIONS 1. Turn to Page 7 of your composition book. 2. On the top line write Safety Part 1 3. On the first line of the page write the question.

4 R EPORT A CCIDENTS TO : Write that in your notebook

5 D IRECTIONS 1. Turn to Page 7 of your composition book. 2. On the top line write Safety Part 1 3. On the first line of the page write the question. 4. Guess the answer 1. This doesn’t cost you anything 2. If you get it right, you’re doing good 3. If you get it wrong, figure out why

6 R EPORT A CCIDENTS TO : The Instructor The school nurse Nearest student Department chair What do you think the answer is?

7 D IRECTIONS 1. Turn to Page 7 of your composition book. 2. On the top line write Safety Part 1 3. On the first line of the page write the question. 4. Guess the answer 1. This doesn’t cost you anything 2. If you get it right, you’re doing good 3. If you get it wrong, figure out why 5. See if you got it right

8 R EPORT A CCIDENTS TO : The Instructor The school nurse Nearest student Department chair Write the answer in your notebook Circle, highlight or underline the answer

9 D IRECTIONS 1. Turn to Page 7 of your composition book. 2. On the top line write Safety Part 1 3. On the first line of the page write the question. 4. Guess the answer 1. This doesn’t cost you anything 2. If you get it right, you’re doing good 3. If you get it wrong, figure out why 5. See if you got it right 6. Write the correct answer in your notebook 7. Highlight, underline or circle the answer in your notebook 8. Continue this for the rest of the study guide


11 D ON ’ T USE EQUIPMENT UNTIL : The instructor shows you how You have read the instructions You have tested it yourself You have watched someone else use it

12 D ON ’ T USE EQUIPMENT UNTIL : The instructor shows you how You have read the instructions You have tested it yourself You have watched someone else use it

13 D ON ’ T USE ANY EQUIPMENT UNTIL YOU HAVE : A safety certificate Someone with you The instructors permission A license

14 D ON ’ T USE ANY EQUIPMENT UNTIL YOU HAVE : A safety certificate Someone with you The instructors permission A license

15 D EFECTIVE TOOLS SHOULD BE : Reported to the instructor Thrown away Put under the bench Marked as defective

16 D EFECTIVE TOOLS SHOULD BE : Reported to the instructor Thrown away Put under the bench Marked as defective

17 I F A MACHINE IS NOT WORKING RIGHT : Tell the instructor Use another machine Try to fix it Use it carefully

18 I F A MACHINE IS NOT WORKING RIGHT : Tell the instructor Use another machine Try to fix it Use it carefully

19 I F YOU DON ’ T FEEL WELL : Take two aspirin Keep your mind on your work Take a break Tell the instructor

20 I F YOU DON ’ T FEEL WELL : Take two aspirin Keep your mind on your work Take a break Tell the instructor

21 S PILLS MUST BE CLEANED BECAUSE THEY : Look messy Are slippery Ruin shoes Crack the floor

22 S PILLS MUST BE CLEANED BECAUSE THEY : Look messy Are slippery Ruin shoes Crack the floor

23 I F YOU SPILL SOMETHING : Report it to the instructor Lay some clean paper towels down to absorb it Avoid the area Clean up the spill immediately

24 I F YOU SPILL SOMETHING : Report it to the instructor Lay some clean paper towels down to absorb it Avoid the area Clean up the spill immediately

25 W HAT SHOULD YOU DO WITH RAGS SOAKED IN OIL, GAS OR SOLVENT ? Burn them in a closed container Place them in a fireproof container Throw them away Place them on the bench for later

26 W HAT SHOULD YOU DO WITH RAGS SOAKED IN OIL, GAS OR SOLVENT ? Burn them in a closed container Place them in a fireproof container Throw them away Place them on the bench for later

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