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1 NDIA'S 4th Annual Interoperability & Systems Integration Conference Joint Battle Management Command and Control Roadmap Mr. Alex Urrutia JI&I/JBMC2 USJFCOM.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NDIA'S 4th Annual Interoperability & Systems Integration Conference Joint Battle Management Command and Control Roadmap Mr. Alex Urrutia JI&I/JBMC2 USJFCOM."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NDIA'S 4th Annual Interoperability & Systems Integration Conference Joint Battle Management Command and Control Roadmap Mr. Alex Urrutia JI&I/JBMC2 USJFCOM

2 2 Why a JBMC2 Roadmap Set goals and direction for JBMC2 efforts Clearly state roles and responsibilities Communicate Commander USJFCOM’s intent with respect to JBMC2 Build consensus and harmonize Service/COCOM and Agency JBMC2 activities – Concept, doctrine, integrated architecture development, training, experimentation – JBMC2 oversight activities Prioritize JBMC2 resources, protect Service equities Establish scope on JBMC2 efforts and initiatives

3 3 Selecting a Roadmap Roadmaps are planning tools Various types: –Descriptive – Used to delineate various paths to achieve the stated goal(s) –Prescriptive – Used as a strategy for acquiring, fielding, and sustaining the required capabilities –Research or S&T – Used to identify and highlight gaps between available technologies and required capabilities

4 4 A coherent and executable plan that will lead to interoperable and integrated JBMC2 capabilities Goal of a JBMC2 Roadmap

5 5 A JBMC2 Roadmap will…… Support achieving net-centric capabilities providing: – Real-time shared situational awareness – Fused, precise and actionable intelligence – Decision superiority – Responsive and precise targeting information – Ability to conduct coherent distributed and dispersed operations

6 6 JBMC2 Roadmap will…. Support achieving an interoperable and networked joint force that will facilitate implementation of emerging joint warfighting concepts: – Standing Joint Force Headquarters – Collaborative Information Environments – Operational Net Assessment – Effects Based Operations – Joint Interagency Coordination Group

7 7 MID 912 “Expands the USJFCOM role in establishing joint BMC2 mission/capability area requirements and in identifying system-of-system capability requirements. In this expanded role, USJFCOM, in coordination with CJCS, will lead Combatant Commanders in the development of joint doctrine, concepts, requirements and integrated architectures for interoperability and connectivity.” DoD 5000.2 “Using integrated architectures, USD (AT&L) shall lead the development of integrated plans or roadmaps. DoD shall use these roadmaps to conduct capability assessments, guide systems development, and define the associated investment plans as a basis for aligning resources and as an input into DPG, POM development and Program Budget Reviews.” JBMC2 Roadmap Partnership Development of a Joint BMC2 Roadmap

8 8 JBMC2 Roadmap Integrated Capability Goals Focus on Interoperability to the tactical level Ensure current JBMC2 capabilities are integrated and interoperable Ensure planned POM’d JBMC2 programs will be integrated and interoperable, e.g., FCS, FORCEnet Develop complementary non-material JBMC2 capabilities –Employ a synchronized approach across DOTMLPF spectrum JFCOM to utilize MID 912 and related initiatives to ensure an integrated family of interoperable operating pictures –DJC2, SIAP, SIGP, FORCEnet (SIMP), SISP, etc. Make legacy JBMC2 systems interoperable by 2008 or …phase out legacy systems by 2008 that cannot be made interoperable (on a cost comparison basis)

9 9 JBMC2 Roadmap Focus Providing joint warfighting capabilities on a priority basis for critical mission threads: – Joint Close Air Support – Time Sensitive Targeting – Joint Command and Control – Joint Ground Maneuver – Integrated Air and Missile Defense – Joint Integrated Fires – Joint Focused Logistics Addressing & synchronizing all DOTMLPF aspects Aligning mission thread requirements to and providing context for: –Programmatic decisions regarding legacy and “pathfinder”programs

10 10 The DOTMLPF Approach Develop an overall DOTMLP action plan for JBMC2 through the construction of a series of mission threads Identify, develop, synchronize, manage, execute and track relevant DOTMLPF elements –Incorporate all as-is information –Cross Check with DoD specific and implied actions –Develop recommended actions required to achieve desired operational capability –Determine opportunities to synchronize material and non- material components –Assess, vet, execute and track approved actions across DOTMLPF spectrum to align and synchronize delivery of the capability to the field –Draft mission thread specific DOTMLP action plan

11 11 Joint Force C2 CONOPS And OP Arch COCOM SOP/TTP CONOPS NCES C2 COI CONOPS/ORD Joint EXP Concepts JIACG ONA EBO IO SJFHQ DOT_LPF DJC2 CONOPS JFC2 UJTLs/ JMETLs NCES DISA JC2 DISA DJC2 USN CIE USJFCOM DJFAC PACOM GCCS-J + Variants DISA/Services FIOP Services Future C2 Cap Functions: Assess Situation Prep Plans & Orders C2 Forces Gain Information Superiority Logistics Force Projection Joint Battle Management Command and Control JTF – Command and Control SJFHQ CJCS CONOPS Guidance JEMPRS-NT JFCOM DOT_LPFMDOT_LPFM Current C2 Cap EXAMPLE

12 12 JBMC2 USJFCOM JBMC2 Programs, Concepts and Initiatives Portfolio DJC2 SIGP/SIMP SIAP SE GCCS/JC2 DCGS ONA JISR/BISR GIG ES GCSS DCTS C2ISR Joint FiresInteragencyCoalition PE/TST JFI CIE JIACG Programs/Initiatives recommended for inclusion as JBMC2 programs Programs/Initiatives directed by MID 912Programs/Initiatives currently being developed by USJFCOM Programs/Initiatives proposed for expansion by MID 912 FIOP Systems Engineering Coordination

13 13 JBMC2 FIOP Integration Coordination SIAP (Army Led) FORCEnet (SIMP) (Navy Led) FIOP Task-1 (AFC2ISRC Led) SOFP (SOCOM Led) SISP (Air Force Led) SIGP (Army Led) USJFCOM In partnership with USD AT&L, JS, COCOMs, USD (I), ASD (NII) Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, Facilities (DOTMLPF) Synchronization across all aspects of JBMC2 Joint Distributed Engineering Plant (JDEP) SIAP - Single Integrated Air Picture SIGP - Single Integrated Ground Picture SIMP – Single Integrated Maritime Picture SISP - Single Integrated Space Picture SOFP – Special Operation Force Picture COP – Common Operational Picture CTP – Common Tactical Picture ONA JFI JISR/BISR CIE Joint Requirements Training Integrated Architectures Concepts & Experimentation Programs/Initiatives directed by MID 912 Programs/Initiatives currently being developed by USJFCOM Programs/Initiatives recommended for inclusion as JBMC2 programs Candidate programs/Initiatives for expansion by MID 912 DCTS CIE GCCS/JC2 DCGS GCSS GIG ES Key JBMC2 Programs

14 14 Summary JBMC2 Roadmap: – Provides a technical companion to MID 912 for executing JBMC2 programs, initiatives and responsibilities –Supports Joint Force Commander execution of joint operations

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