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Oil & Gas Specialist Module April 2014. Background Aimed at people with occupational hygiene qualifications who want to work in the oil and gas (Petroleum)

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Presentation on theme: "Oil & Gas Specialist Module April 2014. Background Aimed at people with occupational hygiene qualifications who want to work in the oil and gas (Petroleum)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oil & Gas Specialist Module April 2014

2 Background Aimed at people with occupational hygiene qualifications who want to work in the oil and gas (Petroleum) industries Basic technical knowledge is assumed (to ICertOH level) Focus is on industry-specific knowledge Developed by industry practitioners to address their business needs

3 Syllabus -Summary Understanding the petroleum industry from Exploration to Distribution Basic Petroleum Chemistry Products and hazards Processes and technologies Specific O&G Issues Management of occupational hygiene - specific programs

4 Implementation An OHTA advanced level module Envisaged as interactive 5-day face-to-face course led by specialists Could be run in-company or as part of Master’s degree Training materials will include student manual, presentation slides and case studies Examination and certification still under consideration Draft materials will be placed on OHlearning Community for comment 3 pilot courses have been run in Australia (2010-2012)

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