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3 rd December 2009 Responsibility of the Global North A Southern Perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "3 rd December 2009 Responsibility of the Global North A Southern Perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 3 rd December 2009 Responsibility of the Global North A Southern Perspective

2 Increase in greenhouse gas emission 1990-2004 Source: UNFCCC 2

3 Current status: GHG emissions Diagram including LUCULF 3

4 Survival with Dignity: Adaptation UN Human Development Report for 2007 priced adaptation at 86 billion pa: entire current global aid budget. World Bank calculates total global adaptation funding for 2008-2012 at “less than $1 billion pa”, a tiny fraction of the need. UN Adaptation Fund, authorised at Bali: 2% levy on transactions within the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Not a single NAPA has been supported. Adaptation has entered the language of development but remains a fringe activity.

5 Expectations from the South Adequacy – in terms of being able to finance the different categories of adaptation interventions in developing countries; Predictable – so as to enable responses to be planned and implemented more effectively; Automaticity – an example of automaticity exists for the adaptation fund, which is financed through a 2 per cent levy on CDM transactions, this can be extended to other kinds of carbon market transactions. In addition, a scheme of defined contributions can be adopted. New and additional – this means there should be no redirection of investment in developing countries from development programmes.

6 Type of support Concrete adaptation projects – first, where projects have to respond to climate change and second where climate change poses new and unique risks Adaptation technologies –for enabling adaptation may be treated in a manner similar to mitigation technologies with regard to issues of IPR, grant finance and support for technology development and transfer. Insurance – a re-insurance mechanism to deal with catastrophic losses due to climate hazard may be created and a portion of the global resources generated for adaptation may be assigned for such a re-insurance fund. Mainstreaming in ongoing development programmes – in general such activities should be eligible for full cost funding.

7 Adaptation as Compensation African governments preparing for Copenhagen have issued a declaration that “Africa is seeking reparations from developed countries because it produces less than 4% green house gases while their effect on the climate could mortgage the future of the continent.”African governments preparing for Copenhagen

8 _________________________________ Comparing US-China: two biggest Emitters Greenpeace briefing, October 2009 (extracted) CHINAUSSource GDP per Capita $Intl 2008 5 96346 859IMF, World Economic Outlook Database – April 2009 CO2 Emissions per cap 4.6 t19.1 tIEA, Key World Energy Statistics 2009. Figures are for 2007. Income per capita (purchasing power parity) USD (2008) 6,02046,970World Bank, 2008 DATASTATISTICS Resources/GNIPC pdf Human Development Index 81 st place12 th placeUNDP, Human Development Report 2007/2008 Private cars per 1000 people 17445Chinese Government US Census Bureau

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