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Presentation on theme: "ETUI EUROPEAN TRADE UNION INSTITUTE RESEARCHEDUCATION HEALTH & SAFETY Presentation ETUI REHS – E / 2005."— Presentation transcript:


2 ETUI REHS " The single best and most respected European knowledge and competence centre in relation to the world of labour" SOCIAL EUROPE Presentation ETUI REHS – E / 2005

3 TRACE TRade Unions Anticipating Change in Europe ETUI-REHS European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

4 TRACE TR ade Unions A nticipating C hange in E urope ETUI-REHS European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures To build capacity within the European trade union movement to respond to situations of economic and industrial change

5 TRACE - UMBRELLA PROJECT 18 Key Actions Projects 10 Transnational training activities 8 European sector networks 10Countries 11National Confederations 6European Industry Federations Networks & Bridges European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

6 TRACE Main objectives Developing knowledge and skills  to anticipate economic and industrial change  to face and to accompany restructuring more effectively Exchanging and developing models of ‘good practice’ in handling restructuring  minimal social costs  improved information and consultation  lifelong learning Considering the impact on trade union organisations European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

7 TRACE Partners I CONFEDERATIONS CC.OO., CFDT, ISF-CGIL, CGTP-IN, CISL, LO-D, LO-S, ÖGB, SAK, TUC European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

8 TRACE Partners II EUROPEAN INDUSTRY FEDERATIONS EMCEF, EMF, UNI-EUROPA, ETUCE, ETF/SEKO, EPSU European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

9 TRACE Partners’ Key Actions European Industry Federations Improving communication and co-ordination within EWCs Implementing channels of influence and networking while exchanging information and experience for EU and local negotiation as well as for EU-policy making Exploring major structural changes in the public sector in areas such as education, health and safety and local government Identifying significant trends within key industrial sectors Influencing policy making at EU level from national trade unions European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

10 TRACE Three phases Preparation and Support April 2005 - December 2005 Implementation June 2005 - May 2006 Review: Dissemination and Mainstreaming June 2006 - November 2006 European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

11 KEY ACTION 10 – CC.OO. & CGTP-IN Project aim: To enable EWC representatives to respond more effectively to situations involving restructuring through better communication and coordination. Participants: Trade unionists of both the Partners’ organisations from the sectors of - Bank (STEC, Portugal, COMFIA, Spain), - Metal (FEQUIMETAL, Portugal, Federacion Minera Metalurgica de CC.OO., Spain) - Chemical (SINQUIFA, Portugal, FITEQA, Spain) European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

12  Project Structure: Two Transnational Seminars I Seminar – 5 Days Face to Face meeting (16-20 Nov. 2005) II Seminar – 3 Days Face to Face meeting  Aims: –Restructuring processes into globalisation –EWCs: state of this tool of union movement, union strategy on the transnational fields of workers representative as EWCs are. Analysis of EWCs perspective in the next future –The EWCs Directive and its transposition in Spain and Portugal –The Directive revision: state of play and change proposals –Exploring internet resources on restructuring and EWCs activity –Setting of distance work activity using the FirstClass platform –Presentation of the draft of EWCs Methodological Guide Discussion on its function and its implementation during the involvement period till the last evaluation in the second Key Action seminar.  Output: Guide Book on communication for EWCs’ members KEY ACTION 10 – CC.OO. & CGTP-IN European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

13 KEY ACTION 11 – CFDT & TUC Project aim: To analyse restructuring cases and the impact of restructuring in two sectors TELECOMUNICATIONS TRANSPORT Participants: Trade unionists of both Partners’ organisations in the Transports and Telecommunication Sectors. European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

14  Project Structure: I Education Officers and Tutors Meetings: 2 days Face to Face Meeting II Education Officers and Tutors Meetings: 2 days Face to Face Meeting Course module: 4 Days Face to Face meeting (6-9 March 2006) Seminar evaluation session: specific evaluation activity for better and deeper analysis of pilot course  Aims: Case studies Analysis: A British case study on a catering company and a French one on an agro-food company Knowledge on National Trade Union Organisation and of Industrial relation structure Evaluation of State of play of EU legislation by Partners analysing consequences for national debate and legislation process  Action plan: Partners will plan actions using seminar inputs and further “evaluation”, checking how participants will put in concrete seminar’s input.  Output: Course Module on restructuring: one fixed part concerning national situation and European legal perspective ; one variable part concerning two specific Case studies Tutor Notes Handbook on Restructuring KEY ACTION 11 – CFDT & TUC European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

15 KEY ACTION 12 - ISF CGIL & FESETE CGTP-In Project aim: To anticipate and face restructuring processes within the textile industry in Italy and Portugal Participants: Trade unionists of both Partners’ organisations from the Textile Sector FILTEA (Italy) and FESETE (Portugal) European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

16 KEY ACTION 12 - ISF CGIL & FESETE CGTP-In  Project Structure: I Transnational Seminar: 2 Days Face to Face meeting (8-9 Sept. 2005) II Transnational Seminar: 2 Days Face to Face meeting I National Seminar: 2 Days Face to Face meeting (Portuguese Trade unionists) II National Seminar: 2 Days Face to Face meeting (Italian Trade unionists) Aims Seminar I : To analyse the evolution of the fashion production system in Europe (presentations of National General Secretaries of both organisations, heads and union officers of the local textile trade union organisations on local cases in Italy and Portugal) To provide FirstClass Conference system, the technological platform for sharing political proposals among the Italian and the Portuguese groups.  Output: CD-rom: Textile Workers Common Claim Chart Interactive tool on sector condition facing globalisation, composed by data banks, main documents (Claim Chart). The learner will access the system through a multi-choice game. European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

17 KEY ACTION 13 – CGTP-IN & CC.OO. Project aim: To analyse and anticipate the situations of economic change in the textile sector Participants: Trade unionists of FESETE, textile union of CGTP-IN, CGTP-IN Regional Structure of Braga, Trade unionists of Textile Federation, FITEQA, of Public Sector Federation, of Education Federation, of Castilia y Leon Regional Structure of CC.OO and education officers of Escuela Juan Muñiz Zapico, CC.OO. Education College. European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

18  Project Structure I Transnational Seminar: 3 Days Face to Face meeting (10-12 Nov. 2005) II Transnational Seminar: 3 Days Face to Face meeting I National Seminar: 2 Days Face to Face meeting (Portuguese Trade unionists) II National Seminar: 2 Days Face to Face meeting (Spanish Trade unionists) Aims of Seminar I: The situation of the textile sector “The future of Textile, Clothes and Shoe Industries in Europe and Portugal”: The matrix analysis tool: - information about different fields of activity of an enterprise, - company trends: specialisation and productivity, positioning in global markets and economy, - consequences at several levels: dynamics of the economy, stability of jobs, worsening of social and working conditions, possible risk of de-localisation.  Output : CD-ROM and Handbook on the use of the Analysis Matrix. Manual to guide the gathering of indicators for the Matrix’ design, explain methodology of completion and provide the tools and instruments for its reading and interpretation. KEY ACTION 13 – CGTP-IN & CC.OO. European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

19 KEY ACTION 14 – CISL & LO-Skolen Project aims: To share knowledge on changes and trends in specific sectors and their causes (global competition, introduction of new technologies, de-localisation) and build the capacity to understand change and analyse the workforces’ new needs for employability and adaptability. To enhance the role of trade unions in identifying effective negotiation policies with companies and public authorities. Participants: Trade unionists of both Partners’ organisations: Local Executives of FIM, CISL Metalworkers Federation, and of FEMCA, Energy and Fashion sectors workers Federation of CISL, National Executives of Danish Unions TIB Timber Industry & Construction Workers Union; 3F United Federation of Danish Workers ; El- forbund, Danish Union of Electricians ;NNF, Danish Food and Allied Workers Union European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

20  Project Structure: I Transnational Seminar: 5 Days Face to Face meeting (2-6 Oct. 2005) II Transnational Seminar: 5 Days Face to Face meeting Aims of Seminar I: To identify and manage four cases by four working groups, two Danish and two Italian. The cases will focus on Key Words: Restructuring and changes in work organisation, Redundancies and de-localisation ; Globalisation ; worldwide consequences of restructuring processes for trade union strategies ; Trade union organisation in Italy and Denmark ; labour law in Italy Presentation of an Italian case study: GE/Nuovo Pignone; Bargaining systems in Italy and Denmark.  Output: Case studies, with an appendix : “Guidelines for union intervention in restructuring situations” KEY ACTION 14 – CISL & LO-Skolen European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

21 KEY ACTION 15 – LO-Skolen & CISL Project aim: To find regional strategies on Restructuring from Trade Union point of view. Participants: Local General Secretaries of CISL Piemonte ; Union Officers and Workers Reps of three sector federations, that are part of LO- Denmark: - 3F, United Federation of Danish Workers, - TIB, Timber Industry & Construction Workers Union, - NNF Danish Food and Allied Workers Union. European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

22  Project Structure: I Transnational Seminar: 5 Days Face to Face meeting (24-28 Oct. 2005) II Transnational Seminar: 5 Days Face to Face meeting Aims of Seminar I: Present national trade union model in both countries. Description and discussion on the status of Denmark facing Globalisation ; Present Danish model of “Flexicurity” ; Present local conditions in Denmark and the Piemonte-region in Italy ; Prepare distance on-line work for the project : building of union action to manage questions of territorial social and economic development.  Output: Case studies Analysis KEY ACTION 15 – LO-Skolen & CISL European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

23 KEY ACTION 16 – LO-Sweden European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures Project aim: To create a platform of metalworkers’ unions for cooperation on the issue of anticipating and managing restructuring with a view to: Identifying indicators of possible future restructuring processes ; Agreeing on a set of definitions and analyses “Developing optional strategies in order to meet closures and re-locations within the multi-national companies” ; Analysing trade union performance in cases when plants are made to compete against one another for employment in inter- company “beauty-contests”. Participants: 16 participants from IG Metall and Svenska Metall

24 KEY ACTION 16 – LO-Sweden European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures  Project Structure: Two transnational seminars Networking with individuals and the Trade-Union bodies in the two organisations respectively The seminars will mainly be built on: Materials produced by an external expert The topic sheets centrally produced by the TRACE project Case studies presented by the two organisations

25 KEY ACTION 17 – OEGB & TUC Project aims: To provide a training context to pilot measures through seminars with workplace representatives; To exchange good practices ; To design new training measures to respond to changes in the workplace environment and in trade union culture ; To identify problems with organising trade union members in SMEs: Investigating the role of trade unions in restructuring processes ; How trade unions can support shop stewards with member recruitment Participants: Education Officers of both organisations ; Workers reps at company level. European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

26  Project Structure: Workshop A1: 3 Days Meeting (10-12 October 2005) Workshop B: 3 Days Meeting Workshop A2: 3 Days Meeting Workshop C: 3 Days Meeting Aim of Workshop I To define problems and compare the systems of employee representation in Great Britain and Austria at both company and trade union levels.  Output: Guidebook “Handbook for Member Recruitment” Curriculum (plan of the course – description of the Seminar) ; Training course (PILOT PHASE) for shop stewards and trade union officers – this will be a tool for disseminating good practice among shop stewards KEY ACTION 17 – OEGB & TUC European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

27 KEY ACTION 18 – SAK & Estonian Unions Project aims: To examine restructuring within the context of EU enlargement and the perspective of enterprises relocating to new member states. To develop and deliver training seminars on legal frameworks, negotiation and consultation, workers’ rights in restructuring processes. Individualisation of good practice concerning work market policies. Participants: Representatives and shop stewards, working in the same Finnish multinational enterprises having production sites in both Finland and Estonia. European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

28  Project Structure: I Seminar: 3 days Face to Face meeting II Seminar: 3 Days Face to Face meeting  Output: The output will be a handbook on restructuring in multinationals. Experts have been recruited to develop the different parts of the handbook on the basis of the content. Handbook topics: Meaning of Restructuring. Definition and description of the process elements Impact of low working costs. Expert advice on restructuring and presentation of cases Workers’ conditions in restructuring processes Activity of Finnish multinational companies in Estonia Tools for facing crisis in a transnational context: EWCs, European Company, Unions’ cooperation Tasks for International Trade Union Movement Union’s affiliation: why be a member ? Union action at the workplace KEY ACTION 18 – SAK & Estonian Unions European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

29 KEY ACTION 19 - TUC & TCO Project aims: Development of web-based learning materials, on-line course on methodology and outsourcing. To analyse outsourcing as a common phenomenon across all sectors (especially in outsourcing of production or services to other countries) Participants: Full-time officers and representatives involved in discussions and negotiations regarding business strategy and restructuring. European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures

30  Project Structure: virtual learning environment activity: fine-tuning of existing learning activities and selection of learning resources (completed end February 2006) ; tutors finalise and ‘test’ activities before the system goes ‘live’ and is opened to participants ; learning environment will be opened to participants from April to June evaluation workshop: scheduled for 22-26 May 2006  Output: Two courses for trainers. Production of a Study Guide and a Tutors Handbook to support the web-based learning material used ; Web course will consist of a common field for both partner groups and will include a shared Glossary. The methodology can be used and adapted to deal with other issues within economic and business restructuring. KEY ACTION 19 - TUC & TCO European Union European Social Fund Article 6 Innovative Measures



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