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History And Governments Southeast Asia Ch. 22 Section 1 Ch. 22 Section 1.

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1 History And Governments Southeast Asia Ch. 22 Section 1 Ch. 22 Section 1

2 New Cultures in Southeast Asia  Two stronger, more advanced cultures influenced Southeast Asia: China and India  New religions came to Southeast Asia from China and India: Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism

3  Instead of states or nations, Southeast Asia was made up of mandalas.  The mandala system stayed in place in many parts of Southeast Asia until the 19 th century.  Over time, the mandalas developed into states, and new ideas were exchanged among the regions.

4  In the ninth or tenth centuries Muslim traders brought Islam to the region.  In the 1500’s, Christian missionaries came to Southeast Asia and were successful in the Philippines.  Today, about 90% of Filipinos are Christian.

5 European Colonialism  Europeans came to Southeast Asia for wealth, spices, gems, and gold in 1509.  In the 19 th and 20 th centuries Europeans began to colonize nations in Southeast Asia.  During WWII the Japanese pushed most Europeans from the region, but European influences, such as chili peppers and coffee remained.

6 After Independence  Brunei, Malaysia, Cambodia, and Thailand are all constitutional monarchies.  Indonesia, Philippines, and Singapore are republics.  Laos and Vietnam are communist.  Myanmar has been a military dictatorship since 1988.

7 1.What impression might the gold temples have given Marco Polo about Southeast Asia? He might think the region is rich in gold 2. How did India & China influence the region? Writing systems literature, religions, ideas of government, and social class 3. What were mandalas? Government systems whose rulers help power via trade and business 4. How did the mandalas change over time? They developed into states, then into nations

8 4. What is the Angkor Wat? Huge ancient stone Hindu temple in Cambodia 5. When did Europeans first come to the region, and why did they come? In 1509; for wealth – spices, gems, & gold 6.When did Europeans establish colonies in the region? 19 th & 20 th centuries (1800s & 1900s) 7. What countries were colonized by France and Britain? France – Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam Britain – Burma, Malaysia, Singapore

9 8.When did most countries gain independence? After 1945 (after WWII) 9.What did Europeans contribute to the region? Chile peppers, coffee (both from the Americas) 10. After independence, which countries were taken over by military governments? Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar 11.Which countries are constitutional monarchies? Brunei, Malaysia, Cambodia, & Thailand 12.Which countries are republics? Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore

10 13) What kind of government do Laos & Vietnam have? Communist 14) What happened in East Timor since 1975? East Timor declared independence in 1975; Indonesia took over; Indonesia is still trying to impose control 15) Why did Aung San Suu Kyi win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991? She leads a peaceful protest movement against the brutal military dictatorship of Mynamar

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