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1 SEG4910 – Projet génie logiciel en fin d’études / Software Engineering Capstone Project Review of Analysis and Iterative Development Timothy C. Lethbridge.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SEG4910 – Projet génie logiciel en fin d’études / Software Engineering Capstone Project Review of Analysis and Iterative Development Timothy C. Lethbridge."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SEG4910 – Projet génie logiciel en fin d’études / Software Engineering Capstone Project Review of Analysis and Iterative Development Timothy C. Lethbridge Derived from notes by Liam Peyton

2 2  Insufficient requirements  Ambiguous communications  Brittle architectures  Overwhelming complexity  Subjective assessment  Undetected inconsistencies  Poor testing  Waterfall development  Uncontrolled change  Insufficient automation  Develop iteratively  Manage requirements  Use component architectures  Model the software visually  Verify quality  Control changes Root Causes Best Practices Best Practices Address Root Causes

3 3 Iterative Development Accelerates Risk Reduction Waterfall Iterative RISKRISK T I M E Iteration

4 4 Iterative Development Characteristics Critical risks are resolved before making large investments Initial iterations enable early user feedback Testing and integration are continuous Objective milestones provide short-term focus Progress is measured by assessing implementations Partial implementations can be deployed

5 5 SCRUM (Ken Schwaber)   2-4 week sprints (customer releasable), prioritized feature backlog  See separate slide deck Extreme Programming (Ken Beck)  3 week iterations, tests and data created and agreed to by customer before coding begins Rational Unified Process (Phillipe Krutchen)  fully tested executable every iteration  use cases and architecture drive iterations Analysis & Iterative Development

6 6 Testing in an Iterative Environment Requirements Test Suite 1 Iteration 2 Iteration 3 Iteration 4 Test Suite 2 Test Suite 3 Test Suite 4 Iteration 1 Automated Tests

7 Testing in Umple Testing is automated using ant scripts, junit and other test scripts  See ant file: e/trunk/build/_template.xml e/trunk/build/_template.xml Junit instructions are at the end  Some tests: e/trunk/cruise.umple/test/cruise/umple/Umple Some tests: e/trunk/cruise.umple/test/cruise/umple/Umple  Report: http://qa.umple.org 7

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