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SAIF Effects on Interoperability Reviews WG Baris E. Suzek May, 11, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "SAIF Effects on Interoperability Reviews WG Baris E. Suzek May, 11, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 SAIF Effects on Interoperability Reviews WG Baris E. Suzek May, 11, 2010

2 Agenda Administrative/announcements Status of Whitepaper SAIF Interoperability Review Goal/Scope Process Artifacts Governance Next Steps

3 Administrative/announcements Note taker for today’s call Submitted abstract for Arch/VCDE F2F Last week’s meeting cancelled due to ICR/TBPT F2F (May 4-6, 2010) Proposal: Tentatively schedule an additional meeting for the week of May 24 th

4 Status of Whitepaper +White+Paper +White+Paper Updates since last week (Group Report)

5 Goal/Scope – Discussion Points Goal (Bob) Only certification of conformance? Ensure/test Interoperability Level of interoperability to be tested/checked? Scope (Lewis) At what level of specification the interoperability can be conducted? Is focus on conformance or compliance or both? What viewpoints are in scope? How this is related to specification reviews? Is the scope; testing interoperability based on explicit interactions? Enterprise-services vs. non-enterprise services? Process (Mukesh/Cui) Is specification review part of review?

6 Process – Relevant Information a_files/frame.htm a_files/frame.htm

7 Process – Relevant Information es/frame.htm es/frame.htm

8 Process – Relevant Information Conformance testing involves two components: Standard or Specification Conformance Test Suite A test suite, which is the combination of test cases and test documentation, is used to check whether an implementation satisfies the requirements in the standard/specification. The test cases, consisting of a test tool or a set of files (i.e., data, programs, scripts, or instructions for manual action) checks each requirement in the specification to determine whether the results produced by the implementation match the expected results, as defined by the specification. The test documentation describes how the testing is to be done and the directions for the tester to follow.

9 Process – Proposal? Service Specification Reviews (Out of scope will go to Assumptions/Prerequisites) Check Interoperability for Interactions Check consistency/traceability Validate/test conformance: Use conformance assertions paired with conformance statements Certify conformance

10 Governance – Relevant Information Validation and certification also involves these four components: Testing Laboratory Certification Authority Control Board Testing Policies and Procedures

11 Governance – Relevant Information Certification process interactions

12 Artifacts From training: From implementation guide pilot activity: ion_Artifacts.doc ion_Artifacts.doc

13 Artifacts CIM/PIM Specification Documents Supplementary documents such as class diagrams (UML), activity diagrams (UML) Platform-specific artifacts What is needed for caGrid? What is needed for Web services? Few examples? Technology binding/Implementation

14 Governance Roles as described in for ebXML specification conformance: Testing Laboratory [Review team?] Prepare test results in accordance with the appropriate ebXML testing policy Certificate of Validation requirements Conduct conformance testing in accordance with the prescribed procedures Certification Authority [GT?] Establishes and maintains the conformance testing program policies and procedures Approves the test suites used in determining conformance of implementations Control Board [ESST?] Resolve differences in interpretations or queries on the test suite or test procedures Yet another body [CAT?]

15 Next Steps Whitepaper Team/Recommendation discussions

16 Additional Information Conformance Testing and Certification Framework (NIST) General concepts, components, and issues related to establishing and administering a conformance testing and certification program What is this thing called Conformance? (NIST) E.g. Conformance Test Suites Building HL7 EHR-S Conformance Criteria, Slide presentation (NIST) _files/frame.htm _files/frame.htm

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