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Origin, Evolution, and Composition of the Atmosphere

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Presentation on theme: "Origin, Evolution, and Composition of the Atmosphere"— Presentation transcript:

1 Origin, Evolution, and Composition of the Atmosphere

2 Abbreviation Definitions
Ga: billion years Ma: Million years H2Ov : water vapor H2Ol : Liquid water CO2 : Carbon Dioxide N2 : nitrogen molecule O2 : oxygen molecule

3 Origins of Earth Nebula Theory
Solar nebula, rotating proto-planetary disk, accretion = planetesimals = protoplanet = planets Age of the Earth: 4.6 Ga

4 Possible sources of Earth’s present atmosphere
Volcanic outgassing CO2 and H2Ov are the most abundant volcanic gases Impact degassing CO2 and H2O released during impacts of planetesimals as Earth accreted Later impacts, especially by water-rich comets, during the heavy bombardment period (lasting to approx Ga)

5 Chemical Evolution of the atmosphere

6 Phase 1: Primordial atmosphere
4.6 Ga Original nebula Dominated by H, He , and hydrogen compounds (methane, ammonia) Blown away by solar wind

7 Phase 2: Early secondary atmosphere
4.6 to 2.0 Ga Formed by impact degassing, outgassing, and/or comet impacts N2, CO2, and H2Ov H2Ov largely removed by 4.0 Ga as Earth cools Formation of oceans due to cooling of H2Ov Carbon dioxide is “rained out” of the atmosphere to be eventually stored in marine sediments/limestone H2Ov →cooling→H2Ol =oceans

8 Phase 3: Transitional secondary atmosphere
2.0 Ga to 400 Ma Dominated N2 Continued removal of CO2 by biological processes and storage in marine sediments Build-up of O2 over time Evolution of photosynthesis, maybe as early as 3.8 Ga CO2 + H2O →Sunlight →Carbohydrate (C-H “food”) + O2

9 Figure 1http://www. windows2universe

10 Phase 4: Modern atmosphere
~ 400 Ma to present Dominated by N2 and O2 Presents levels of oxygen Ozone layer formed Life colonizes the land

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