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Shark Attack! by Mark Chklovskii.

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1 Shark Attack! by Mark Chklovskii

2 What Do Sharks Eat? Sharks eat lots of animals. Sharks eat shelled animals, squid, and fish. They also eat seals. They can also eat other sharks. A shark is a carnivore. A shark can also eat dolphins, octopus, lobster, and sea urchins. A shark can also eat stingray, sea and sea turtle.

3 Sharks Habitat. Sharks live in all of the oceans. Sharks also live in body’s of water. They live all over the world. Sharks also live in the seas to. They also live in oceans. In march sharks go to the Florida cost line. Tiger sharks live in shallow places.

4 Bull Sharks Bull sharks
Bull sharks will attack almost anything. They are blue and gray. Tiger sharks can eat a Bull shark. Bull sharks sneak on their prey. They are deadly.

5 Why I Chose my Topic People think sharks attack us on purpose. But they don’t. Sharks think people are seals because they have bad eyesight. People also kill sharks so they can make shark fin soup.

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