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The Strategic Position of Research and Graduate Education at UNR Marc A. Johnson, EVP/Provost April 8, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "The Strategic Position of Research and Graduate Education at UNR Marc A. Johnson, EVP/Provost April 8, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Strategic Position of Research and Graduate Education at UNR Marc A. Johnson, EVP/Provost April 8, 2009

2 Context  Carnegie –Arts and Sciences/Professions—Balanced –Comprehensive Doctoral, High Research  Economic Environment –Short-term Recession—Budget Cuts and Trim to the Core Stimulus Funds Institutional Developments—Services and Systems Research Coordination Infrastructural Development –Long-term Planned Growth

3 Observations  Current –Internal Entrepreneurship –Internal Competition –Internally Driven –$95 Million Grant Portfolio –Small Graduate Programs  Future –External Entrepreneurship –Internal Cooperation –Community Driven –$190 Million Grant Portfolio –Filled-Out Graduate Programs

4 Planning Approach Functional Performance→ ________________ Topical Focus↓ Undergraduate Education Graduate Education Research, Scholarship and Artistry Community & Industry Engagement State, National & International Impact Arts Humanities Natural Sciences Social Sciences Health Sciences Earth Resources & Engineering Sustainability: Environment, Ecology & Natural Resources Renewable Energy Education (P-20 ) Communications & Information Systems Economic, Business & Community Development

5 Graduate Education  Masters’ Degrees –Workforce Preparation –Terminal Masters’ Degrees –Doctoral Preparation  Education/Professional Degrees –Workforce Preparation –Doctoral Preparation  Doctoral Degrees –Workforce Preparation –Research and Scholarly Careers

6 Graduate Education Emphases to 2015  Support Recruitment: Grow from 3,500 to 4,200  Recruit Nationally and Internationally  Encourage Proper Time to Graduation  Build Alternative Workforce Masters’ Degrees  Build Doctoral Programs in High Research Areas  Coordinate Interdisciplinary Programs  Match Graduate Students to Active Scholars  Review Small Programs  Increase Grant-funded Assistantships  Rely Less on 400/600 Courses

7 Research, Scholarship, and Artistry Goal for 2015  Expand in a Balanced Way from our Strengths  Expand Tenure-track and Grant-funded Faculty  Expand the Portion of Scholarship-Active Faculty  Expand the Portion of Extramurally-Supported Faculty  Increase the Portion of Nationally-Participating Faculty  Increase Core Outputs—Articles, Books, Works  Increase Sponsored Expenditures—Public and Private  Reduce Reliance on Federal Earmarks  Enhance Research Support Services  Enhance Application of Research Results in Reno Area  Enhance Cross-College Research Coordination

8 F&A Leaders  CollegeTop 50Top 100  Science 16 34  Medicine 19 30  Engineering 8 17  CABNR 6 15  Liberal Arts 0 3  Business 1 1  Total 50 100

9 Output From 539 Faculty Reports  Academic and Professional Articles: 1,354  New Scholarly Books: 15  New Scholarly Book Chapters: 169

10 Enhance Research Support Infrastructure  Research Service Center –Pre- and Post-Award Services (Intake Specialists) –Human Subjects Review –Animal Subjects Review –Research Design and Statistical Support –Survey Design and Implementation –Grant Writing Support –Editing Support –Grant Opportunity Surveillance –Granting Agency Expertise

11 Enhance Research Support Infrastructure  Technology Transfer Office –Intellectual Property Protection –Intellectual Property Marketing—Put it to Work –Industry Relations Industry Partnerships Industry Support Business Services Group Professional Development Workforce Preparation

12 Enhance Research Support Infrastructure  Compliance Services –Animal Laboratory Management/Service/Regulation –Environmental Safety and Health –Conflict of Interest Reporting and Management –Effort Reporting

13 Indirect Cost Recovery Management and Distribution  Research Support and Compliance Capacity  Core Facilities –Core Facility Development Committee –Website Inventory of Accessible Instruments –Precision Startup Calculation  Laboratory Renovation  Startup Management  ICR Distribution Incentives

14 Research Coordination  Multi-College Coordination –Critical Mass –National Recognition –Complementary Expertise  Example: Renewable Energy –Steering Committee of Four Deans –Five Working Groups  Other Areas Likely: – Molecular Biological Sciences –Earth Sciences –Environmental Sciences/Sustainability

15 Roles and Responsibilities  Administration –Faculty and Staff Position Growth –Support Services –Facilities –Incentives and Security  Faculty –Program Financial and Staff Growth –Productivity –Ethical Practice –Program Visibility and Reputation

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