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Questions Answer What is your real name and how Zuan Chabotto (Uno shabott) dopronounce it? How do you spell your name? Z-U-A-N C-H-A-B-O-T-T-O Who do.

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Presentation on theme: "Questions Answer What is your real name and how Zuan Chabotto (Uno shabott) dopronounce it? How do you spell your name? Z-U-A-N C-H-A-B-O-T-T-O Who do."— Presentation transcript:


2 Questions Answer What is your real name and how Zuan Chabotto (Uno shabott) dopronounce it? How do you spell your name? Z-U-A-N C-H-A-B-O-T-T-O Who do you explore for? England. Where were you born? Genoa Italy. Do you have a family? Yes. 3 sons in the name of Lewis, Sebastian, and Sancio, and a wife named Mattea. When did you move here to England? 1494. You have been on one voyage will Yes I am going on a voyage you go on another one? 2 years in 1498 we are preparing for it now. Did you live anywhere else besides yes Venice Italy and Spain. Genoa Italy or here in England? When where you born? 1450. What did you name your ship? The Matthew.


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