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Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas113 - 15 March 2003 Subregional Workshop on the Implementation of the UNECE-Industrial.

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Presentation on theme: "Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas113 - 15 March 2003 Subregional Workshop on the Implementation of the UNECE-Industrial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas113 - 15 March 2003 Subregional Workshop on the Implementation of the UNECE-Industrial Accidents Convention 13-15 March 2003, Erevan, Armenia German Experiences on Safety Measures at Industrial Installations Example of the State of Brandenburg by Abdulrahman Abbas Brandenburg State Office for Environment, Germany

2 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas213 - 15 March 2003 Aim of both UN/ECE Convention and SEVESO II prevention of major industrial accidents involving dangerous substances limitation of the consequences of such accidents on man and the environment In the case of transboundary effects: Co-operation between UN/ECE countries and/or EU member states before, through and after an accident

3 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas313 - 15 March 2003 Germany: 16 Federal States (Länder) Brandenburg 2,6 Mio Inhabitants 29 476 km 2 Density of population = 88 inhabitants per km ² Armenia about 126 inhabitants per km ²

4 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas413 - 15 March 2003 German Democratic Republic (GDR): …….. code for environment TGL standards of the State of GDR TGL was a law all products, processes, technologies and production sequences were standardized Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) ……… Federal Immission Control Act Hazardous Incident Ordinance General Administrative Regulations for the Implementation of the Hazardous Incident Ordinance (binding for the Authority) Technical rules and standards (DIN Standards, …) as recommendations

5 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas513 - 15 March 2003 Art. 67a of Federal Immission Control Act  Notification of GDR installations, for which licensing required under the Federal Immission Control Act untill 31.12.90  within this period notifications not completed  Installations had an existence guarantee, in condition that no modifications were made on these installations  existence guarantee also apply to installations, that didn’t comply with the safety standards of FRG?  no alternative, except direct danger for man and environment Exclusion of dangers by safety measures plans according to inspection programs

6 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas613 - 15 March 2003  …….  older LPG storage installations are permitted as long as they comply with the appropriate standards in the GDR  licensed aboveground storage tanks before to pass this Decree are permitted, when they are equipped with a fire protection isolation, that provides a minimum 90 minutes fire protection for the tank ......... Brandenburg Decree from 19.01.1996

7 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas713 - 15 March 2003 1990 - 1991Registration of installations 1992 - 1996128 ASBK activities ( = inspections) Program for the Inspection of process safety in Brandenburg (ASBK)  Checking, how is the actual state of the installation (hazards potential)  Use of SEVESO  Recommendation of safety measures: short, medium and long term Checklists for typical industrial activities  Process installations and storage  Storage of pesticides, insecticides, chemical substances and  Storage of flammable substances and LPG

8 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas813 - 15 March 2003 Lacks we found:  Quantity of hazardous substances was unknown  Ownerships was not clear - parts of the establishment were sold or shut-down  Necessity of safety report  Lacks of safety measures  Lacks or absense of documentation

9 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas913 - 15 March 2003 Aboveground storage tank 15 t propane (85 % filling degree) 2 safety valves level bearing device level and pressure measuring devices level sensor wind direction measuring device Inspection of a LPG storge installation (1992):

10 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas1013 - 15 March 2003 one-sided open height = truck - loading height full and empty gas cylinders Provision storage

11 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas1113 - 15 March 2003 area free from canalization and cellar opening no collision protection Loading and unloading device

12 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas1213 - 15 March 2003 pump station: 2 pumps (1 standby pump) and fittings shut-down valve with linkage to remote control ventilation system

13 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas1313 - 15 March 2003 Examples for recommended safety measures  Installation of emergency shut-down system  Installation of gas detection system and its connecting to emergency shut-down system  Storage tank should be put underground  Installation of remote control fittings and valves (fire-safe and fail-safe )  Safety break away and dry-break couplings  Installation of suitable pump (magnet coupling pump)  Collision protection of loading and unloading device

14 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas1413 - 15 March 2003  Short term safety measures (0.5 to 1 year)  Safety user manuals  Explosion protection plan  Collision protection  Medium term safety measures (2 – 3 years)  remote control fittings and valves  emergency shut-down system  Long term safety measures (4 – 6 years)  Underground Storage tank Safety measures plan, decided 1992

15 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas1513 - 15 March 2003 Petrochemical industry Steel industry Chemical industry

16 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas1613 - 15 March 2003 Safety Management System (SMS) large proportion (~ 2/3) of reported accidents caused by management failings Great importance of Safety Management Systems in prevention of major accidents and limitation of their consequences SMS implements the M ajor- A ccident P revention P olicy (MAPP)

17 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas1713 - 15 March 2003 Safety Management Systems The issues of SMS:  Organization and personnel (including training)  Identification and evaluation of major hazards  Operational control  Management of change  Planning for emergencies  Monitoring performance  Audit and review of SMS

18 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas1813 - 15 March 2003 Initiatives in the EU and in various countries over the last years  development of guidelines for SMS  aids to value it In Brandenburg  aid for the competent authorities  developed in State of NRW/Germany Safety Management Systems

19 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas1913 - 15 March 2003 Authorities for immission protection required to identify “Domino Effects” Three steps in Brandenburg *Step 1 -Locate all establishments (considering industry parks ) -Consider their separation distances (lower tier 200 m, upper tier 500 m) Domino Effects

20 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas2013 - 15 March 2003 *Step 2 -Considering the possible scenarios and estimating their effects -Consulting with the operators *Step 3 -Decision Domino Effects

21 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas2113 - 15 March 2003  A modular structure is recommended Description MAPP and SMS, Description of the site and its environment Description for each of the installation -safety analysis for an installation constitutes the main body of an installation module Description of the possible major-accident scenarios and emergency management Safety report

22 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas2213 - 15 March 2003 Safety report  Checking of the safety report Licensing authorities and occupational health and safety agencies  assess the completeness and correctness of the safety report Individual aspects may have to be assessed by independent experts

23 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas2313 - 15 March 2003 Inspection  Inspections are not new in Brandenburg Inspections have been carried out under legislation on chemicals, pressure vessels, occupational health and safety, etc. for many years  Systematic inspections explicitly due to Seveso II / Major Accidents Legislation are a new task

24 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas2413 - 15 March 2003 Inspection  In Brandenburg the inspection is the responsibility of the authorities  Independent experts can be contracted in individual cases as an exception, not generally  The inspection consists of three steps: preparation: assessing the available documentation, reports, third party inspections

25 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas2513 - 15 March 2003 Inspection inspection visit: assessing the compliance with the documentation, function of the SMS, individual controls of safe operation inspection report: documentation of the visit, follow-up measures, general points relevant to safety

26 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas2613 - 15 March 2003 Inspection  Aid for the inspection visit: modular “tools” with contributions from various Federal States  Decision in Brandenburg: „Upper tier establishments” are to be inspected annually

27 Landesumweltamt Brandenburg UNECE-Workshop Dr. Abdulrahman Abbas2713 - 15 March 2003  All establishments in Brandenburg correspond to state-of-the-art of safety technology  Additional measures are taken to increase the process safety and to prevent major accidents according to the Seveso II Directive  Seveso II and the UN/ECE-convention requirements implemented successfully Summary

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