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Presentation on theme: "FY09 Annual Planning OFFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL."— Presentation transcript:


2 FY08 Successes  GCO:  Efforts to Manage CI Intellectual Property  Support to Complex Corporate Work  Management of Risk  GRANTS RESOURCES:  Development of Desk Monitoring Procedures  Transition of Revenue Function to Development  Snagging Martine Culbertson

3 FY09 Plan  Output 1: Advise on Compliance with Federal Law  Output 2:Advise on Compliance with State Law  Output 3:Advise on Compliance with Foreign Law GCO Outcome: CI Remains in Good Standing

4 FY09 Plan  Output 1: Advise Chairman’s Office and Board of Directors on Corporate Governance  Output 2: Manage Whistleblower Function  Output 3:Advise on Organizational Structural Issues GCO Outcome: CI Practices Good Governance

5 FY09 Plan  Output 1: Management of CI Intellectual Property Assets  Output 2:Management of CI Financial Assets in Grant-making  Output 3:Participation in Operations Assessments and Other Institutional Fora GCO Outcome: Management of Risk to Assets and Reputation

6 System Development and Integration Divisional Role: Develop system to facilitate management of CI intellectual property FY09 Activities:  Management of service marks as first step (registration; enforcement; licensing; reporting)  DECIPHER: partial donation of sophisticated system  Participation in Data Dissemination Task Force  Streamlining Terms of Use for all CI websites FY09 Details

7 Capacity-Building Efforts Divisional Role: GCO and Grants Resources independently, and in collaboration with Operations staff, work to build compliance and grant-making capacity  Training and Technical Assistance  Desk Monitoring Process  Participation in ROC and OMT  PMG Operations Assessments Managed in Grants Resources FY09 Details

8 Organizational Sustainability Divisional Role: Advising on basics of 501c3 status FY09 Activities:  Legal Compliance  Risk Management FY09 Details

9 Organizational Chart Amelia Smith General Counsel and Senior Vice President Angelo Somaschini Assistant General Counsel Joanna Smith Assistant General Counsel Patricia Petty Assistant General Counsel Martine Culbertson Senior Director GRU Robin Hissong Senior Manager GRU Papa Fall Senior Manager GRU Mercedes Giménez Manager, Operations and Finance Nancie Thomas Senior Counsel

10 Headcount RegularFixed-Term FY08 Board- approved budget # FT positions8- # PT positions1- Positions added in FY08 # FT positions0- # PT positions0- FY09 Requested# FT positions8- # PT positions1-

11 FY09 Budget Growth GCO TotalFY08 BudgetProposed FY09 Budget % Growth GCO$1,320,800$1,687,96528% Activity Area GCO$984,045$1,130,00515% Grants Resources $336,755$563,687***66%

12 FY09 Budget Detail by Expense Category Expense Category FY08 Budget % of Total FY09 Proposed Budget % of Total % Change FY08 to FY09 Salaries & Benefits $977,596$1,159,369 Legal Services/Audit $110,521$205,000 Travel & Conferences $46,903$121,934 Occupancy$99,688$100,050 Other Direct Costs $86,092$101,612 Total$1,320,800$1,687,96528%

13 FY09 Budget Detail by Funding Source Funding SourceFY08 Budget % of Total FY09 Proposed Budget % of Total % Change FY08 to FY09 GBMF$51,539 Individual CEPF Government Foundation Corporate CELB Shortfall Unrestricted$1,320,800$1,642,153 Total1,320,800$1,693,692


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