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 How does technology impact your life?  How does technology impact your behaviour?  What impact does technology have on the way you and other individuals.

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2  How does technology impact your life?  How does technology impact your behaviour?  What impact does technology have on the way you and other individuals interact? DISCUSSION

3 Technology: An agent of Social Change Making our lives easier everyday!

4 What is Technology? Technology is the creation of tools or objects that both extend our natural abilities and alter our social environment Technology is the creation of tools or objects that both extend our natural abilities and alter our social environment

5 Johanne Gutenberg He created the printing press in 1450 He created the printing press in 1450 This invention took the process of reading out of wealthy circles and monasteries and into the hands of the ordinary people This invention took the process of reading out of wealthy circles and monasteries and into the hands of the ordinary people Books became more affordable and became the method of choice when circulating new ideas Books became more affordable and became the method of choice when circulating new ideas Martin Luther used the printing press to his advantage in the 1500s when he challenged church doctrine starting off what has come to be known as the Reformation Martin Luther used the printing press to his advantage in the 1500s when he challenged church doctrine starting off what has come to be known as the Reformation

6 Reading is good, right? While the printing press brought us many good things it also changed the way we tell stories Memorization and oral recitation begin to lose favour after the printing press The church starts to lose some of its control over the congregation as bibles become more accessible to the public Luther uses the printed word to start the Reformation Aboriginal peoples in Canada have passed their stories on through oral histories for generations

7  Social Change Theory › Looks at factors contributing to change within the structure of society › Traditional theories take the position that change within society is brought about by a myriad of interactions within a society’s framework that begin with the individual person Individual Idea Change  E.g. individual creates an idea about technology which causes it to be accepted and change occurs Does Change Begin With the Individual or technology?

8  Technological Determinism › Social change is initiated by TECHNOLOGY › Contrary to what traditional theorists believe › Society adapts to technological change  Thorstein Veblen  Challenges traditional theories of social change  Technological determinists see the invention of a particular tool (e.g. computer) as motivator for change and society simply reacting to the technology Does Change Begin With the Individual or technology?

9  We are changing our behaviour to suit technology trends-- technology is not changing to suit our behaviours

10 Coping with Technological Change – Not Always for the Positive While we are for the most part eager to accept and use new technological advancements we have to be aware of the negative consequences of these technological advancements While we are for the most part eager to accept and use new technological advancements we have to be aware of the negative consequences of these technological advancements Internet has allowed many people to access useful information but has also allowed easy access to porn sites, hate sites and other dangerous sites on the web that parents don’t want their children seeing Internet has allowed many people to access useful information but has also allowed easy access to porn sites, hate sites and other dangerous sites on the web that parents don’t want their children seeing

11 Running to Keep Up! Another stressor of technological change is the feeling that we “can’t keep up” with what is new Another stressor of technological change is the feeling that we “can’t keep up” with what is new Alvin Toffler describe this idea as “future shock” or the “dizzying disorientation brought on by the premature arrival of the future” Alvin Toffler describe this idea as “future shock” or the “dizzying disorientation brought on by the premature arrival of the future” Many believe that technological change is happening so fast that the fundamental values of society are becoming blurred Many believe that technological change is happening so fast that the fundamental values of society are becoming blurred Many also see the “click of a mouse” having an effect on society’s patience as we now cannot wait for the simplest of daily tasks Many also see the “click of a mouse” having an effect on society’s patience as we now cannot wait for the simplest of daily tasks

12 Overdependence on Technology Society has grown so dependent on technology that when it doesn’t work we feel tremendous anxiety (Weil and Rosen) Society has grown so dependent on technology that when it doesn’t work we feel tremendous anxiety (Weil and Rosen) What did we do before these technologies What did we do before these technologies

13 Negative Side Effects Overdependence On Technology - we rely heavily on machines - when they break down, we experience stress -“technosis” a term to describe how people feel out of touch if they do not check email, cell phone etc.

14 Social Isolation Addictive use of the internet can lead to social isolation, increased depression, academic failure, financial debt of job loss (Kimberly Young) Addictive use of the internet can lead to social isolation, increased depression, academic failure, financial debt of job loss (Kimberly Young) Societies have relied on social interaction for centuries to survive, what happens if this element is taken out of our lives? Societies have relied on social interaction for centuries to survive, what happens if this element is taken out of our lives?

15  “ Cyber disorders”- addiction has been extended to include problematic Internet use associated with social, psychological, and occupational impairment  symptoms include pre-occupation with the Internet, increased anxiety when offline, lying about Internet use Cyber Disorders

16  Accept technology and become active in its implementation  Oppose technology and halt its progress  “Luddite”- term derived from secret society whose goal was to destroy new textile machines in England in early years of the Industrial Revolution.  Today “luddite” refers to anyone who opposes technological change COPING WITH CHANGE

17 Cultural Lag Theory William Ogden believes that acceptance of a new technology follows a three-phase process William Ogden believes that acceptance of a new technology follows a three-phase process Stage One: Invention – combining elements and materials to form new ones Stage One: Invention – combining elements and materials to form new ones Stage Two: Discovery – discovering a new way of viewing reality Stage Two: Discovery – discovering a new way of viewing reality Stage Three: Diffusion – the spread of a discovery from one area to another Stage Three: Diffusion – the spread of a discovery from one area to another People who oppose new technologies are often called “luddites” after a secret society whose goal it was to destroy new textile machines during the early years of the Industrial Revolution

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