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1 Faculty of Human Sciences Are we ready for AUQA?

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1 1 Faculty of Human Sciences Are we ready for AUQA?

2 2 Context Changes since last AUQA Review –Strategic Directions: Partnership and Performance 2008-2012 –MU Research Strategic Plans 2006-08 and 2009- 2011 –Learning and Teaching Plan 2008-2012 Faculty is building its Plan around these documents

3 3 Faculty of Human Sciences Implementing Change to new structure Participating in the Quality Enhancement Framework (complementary governance structures in place) Staff are aware of Policy Central Hearing Hub and Hospital interaction with Research Park and local industry PDs and PDRs for Heads of Departments and Associate Deans

4 4 International Participating in the approval process for offshore programs (no new programs since 2006?) –ASAM MSurgery (UKM – MoU in place) –Mexico (Monterrey program) –Renegotiation of new program in B Ed TESOL in Malaysia

5 5 Workload and PDR All Departments (except ASAM and IHCBS) use workload models There is no Faculty-wide model PDR is operating but it is patchy in its uptake Casual staff should be offered induction Application of LEU and LET not systematic in every area

6 6 Quality Enhancement FSQC in place Engagement with the Internationalisation Strategy and the Technology in Learning and Teaching is patchy FHS fully participating in curriculum review (People and Planet units developed; Capstone units developed; Induction units developed in some but not all areas)

7 7 Macquarie’s 2 Tier Approach to International Internationalisation Strategy –Goals and aspirations for learning, teaching and research –Derived from University’s L&T Plan –Compliments University’s Research Strategic Plan Macquarie International Strategy –Business plan identifying objectives and outcomes for operational level activities

8 8 International – Strategic Objectives Current position -19% of total Faculty enrolments but the vast majority of these are in the Department of Linguistics (64.3% of total); No International Committee – embedded in other committees Goals –Improve the balance of international student enrolments across the Faculty and increase the number of local students and staff studying and researching overseas. –Develop a Faculty Policy on internationalization that aligns with University policies and focuses on providing a quality international education experience for international and domestic students.

9 9 Int’l Students in FHS From 2002 to 2008 –Commencing load increased by 86% –Continuing load increased by 138% –Total student enrolment increased by 120% But from 2007 to 2008 there was –a 19% decline in commencing students –1% decline in continuing students –7% decline in total enrolments –Improving in 2009

10 10 Int’l enrolments by type HDR commencements run at about 30 per year Continuing and total enrolments have quadrupled since 2002 (currently at 102 and 120, respectively) PG by coursework total enrolment dropped by 20% from ’07 to ’08 to 954 (a19% drop in continuing and 23% drop in commencing) UG enrolments increased by 26% from ’07 to ’08; Figures showed a 39% increase in continuing but an 11% drop in commencing students (67)

11 11 Top Programs & Countries 2008 HDR – PhD Ling, PhD ASAM, PhD Cog Sc PG – MT&I, M Ad Tran, MT&I/MIntRel UG – BA, BEd ECE, BA Psych Korea (21%) Japan (20.8%) Hong Kong (7.9%)

12 12 Strategies and processes in place International issues are built into the terms of reference for all key academic committees (L&T, HDR, Research, FSQC, Faculty Board, Student Experience) Major programs like T&I have administrative support staff in place

13 13 T&L Arrangements In Australia –Academic Literacy workshops through Linguistics –CAPP100 –HDR support –Drop-in tutoring sessions –Peer-assisted learning Offshore –Formal agreements –Off-shore teaching (Malaysia, Korea) –Moderation of curriculum, facilities, teaching and grading –HDR supervision (DApLing) Local library support Web resources

14 14 Internationalisation Curriculum –Content integral to some courses –International comparisons and data used in most courses –Workshops planned through L&T Mobility –Exchanges (Psychology, IEC, ASAM) –Co-tutelles (Linguistics, Psychology, Education) –OSP –Volunteer Programs promoted

15 15 Other activities Research Partnerships – industry (Yokogawa Electric Corporation through KIT) Joint delivery of courses in Malaysia (B Ed TESOL), Korea (PGDipT&I), Mexico (DApLing – shared resources) Moderating CAPP100 for SIBT

16 16 Benchmarking None

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