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DPR Environmental Monitoring Branch Lisa Ross General branch mandate: FAC 12824 Requires continuous evaluation of all actively registered pesticides

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1 DPR Environmental Monitoring Branch Lisa Ross General branch mandate: FAC 12824 Requires continuous evaluation of all actively registered pesticides regprocess.pdf Specific mandates and regulations 1

2 Environmental Monitoring Branch 3 Programs AirAir Surface WaterSurface Water Ground WaterGround Water 2

3 Air Program Toxic air contaminants Toxic air contaminants Volatile organic compounds Volatile organic compounds Air monitoring Air monitoring 3

4 Toxic air contaminants Toxic air contaminants FAC sections 14021-14027 FAC sections 14021-14027 “Toxic air contaminant means an air pollutant that may cause or contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious illness, or which may pose a present or potential hazard to human health. Pesticides that have been identified as hazardous air pollutants pursuant to Section 7412 of Title 42 of the United States Code shall be identified by the director as toxic air contaminants.”“Toxic air contaminant means an air pollutant that may cause or contribute to an increase in mortality or an increase in serious illness, or which may pose a present or potential hazard to human health. Pesticides that have been identified as hazardous air pollutants pursuant to Section 7412 of Title 42 of the United States Code shall be identified by the director as toxic air contaminants.” Monitoring Monitoring Risk assessment and TAC listing Risk assessment and TAC listing Risk management and mitigation Risk management and mitigation 4

5 Volatile organic compounds Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) react with sunlight to form ozone Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) react with sunlight to form ozone As required by Clean Air Act, the state implementation plan (SIP) describes measures to reduce VOCs and NOx to achieve ozone standard As required by Clean Air Act, the state implementation plan (SIP) describes measures to reduce VOCs and NOx to achieve ozone standard SIP requires DPR to SIP requires DPR to Develop and maintain an emission inventory to track pesticide VOC emissions from agricultural and structural useDevelop and maintain an emission inventory to track pesticide VOC emissions from agricultural and structural use Reduce pesticide emissions by specified amounts during May-Oct peak ozone season in 5 nonattainment areasReduce pesticide emissions by specified amounts during May-Oct peak ozone season in 5 nonattainment areas 5

6 VOC Activities Pesticide emission inventory for 2009 showed compliance with SIP Pesticide emission inventory for 2009 showed compliance with SIP 12% reduction from 1990 in San Joaquin Valley12% reduction from 1990 in San Joaquin Valley 20% reduction from 1990 in Sacramento Metro, Southeast Desert, South Coast, and Ventura20% reduction from 1990 in Sacramento Metro, Southeast Desert, South Coast, and Ventura Submitted SIP amendment for San Joaquin Valley to EPA in 2009 Submitted SIP amendment for San Joaquin Valley to EPA in 2009 Converts 12% reduction to 18.1 tons/day limitConverts 12% reduction to 18.1 tons/day limit Commits to implement restrictions on non-fumigant pesticides by 2014Commits to implement restrictions on non-fumigant pesticides by 2014 Implemented series of fumigant VOC regulations beginning in 2008, submitted to EPA in 2009 Implemented series of fumigant VOC regulations beginning in 2008, submitted to EPA in 2009 Developing options to reduce non-fumigant VOC emissions Developing options to reduce non-fumigant VOC emissions 6

7 Air monitoring Air monitoring used for Air monitoring used for Risk assessmentRisk assessment Development of mitigation measuresDevelopment of mitigation measures Determining effectiveness of mitigation measuresDetermining effectiveness of mitigation measures DPR air monitoring network DPR air monitoring network Monitoring several years for long-term exposure to multiple pesticidesMonitoring several years for long-term exposure to multiple pesticides 3 communities: Ripon, Salinas, Shafter3 communities: Ripon, Salinas, Shafter 34 pesticides34 pesticides One set of 24-hr samples each weekOne set of 24-hr samples each week Sampling began in Feb 2011Sampling began in Feb 2011 7

8 Surface Water Program Monitoring Monitoring Mitigation Mitigation Regulation Regulation 8

9 Monitoring Surface Water, Sediment, Aquatic Toxicity Agricultural and urban Compare to water quality criteria, benchmarks, standards

10 Mitigation Preventing pesticide runoff to surface water Constructed wetlands, vegetated ditches Orchard cover crops Degradation enzymes Holding ponds, irrigation return systems

11 Surface Water – Proposed Regulations for Nonagricultural Pesticides 17 pyrethroid pesticides 17 pyrethroid pesticides Prohibitions Prohibitions e.g. rain, standing water, sewer/storm drainse.g. rain, standing water, sewer/storm drains Modified uses Modified uses e.g. spot, band treatmentse.g. spot, band treatments Exemptions Exemptions e.g. soil injection, trench termiticide applicationse.g. soil injection, trench termiticide applications 11

12 Ground Water Program Pesticide Contamination Prevention Act Pesticide Contamination Prevention Act Mitigation Mitigation Regulation Regulation Methyl iodide monitoring Methyl iodide monitoring 12

13 Pesticide Contamination Prevention Act (PCPA) Enacted in 1985 FAC 13141-13152 Enacted in 1985 FAC 13141-13152 To prevent further pollution of ground water from agricultural pesticides To prevent further pollution of ground water from agricultural pesticides

14 PCPA Requires Registrants to submit chemistry data to DPR DPR to use those data to identify potential GW contaminants Monitor GW for pesticides with potential to contaminate State and local agencies to report pesticides GW DPR to maintain a database of pesticides in GW DPR to formally evaluate pesticides found in GW If use can continue, adopt mitigation measures to protect GW

15 Mitigation of GW Contamination Depends on pathway to GW Leaching areas: Control irrigation Runoff areas: Keep pesticide out of runoff water Manage contaminated runoff water

16 GW Regulations Pesticides regulated (3 CCR 6800 (a))Pesticides regulated (3 CCR 6800 (a)) GWPAsGWPAs Permit requirementPermit requirement Use restrictions inside GWPAsUse restrictions inside GWPAs Statewide use restrictionsStatewide use restrictions

17 Methyl Iodide Monitoring GW Long-term monitoring of methyl iodide, iodide and iodine Monitoring of shallow domestic wells Three to four regions of California where use anticipated Sampling began January 2012

18 Questions?

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