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TAKS Jeopardy Review.

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Presentation on theme: "TAKS Jeopardy Review."— Presentation transcript:

1 TAKS Jeopardy Review

2 Jeopardy

3 Direct Variation

4 Functions

5 Probability

6 Solving for Variables

7 Areas and Lines

8 Solving for X

9 Jeopardy Direct Variation Solving for X 100 100 100 100 100 100 200
Functions Probability Solving for Variables Areas and Lines Solving for X 100 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 Final Jeopardy

10 $100 Question Direct Variation
What letter represents “varies directly?”

11 $100 Answer Direct Variation

12 Return

13 $200 Question Direct Variation
The distance traveled by a plane varies directly with the square of the wind speed. Write an equation to model the problem.

14 $200 Answer Direct Variation
D = ks2

15 Return

16 $300 Question Direct Variation
The distance traveled by a car after the breaks are applied varies directly with the square of the speed. A car traveling at 30 mph has a breaking distance of 24 feet. Find the breaking distance of a car traveling 45 mph.

17 $300 Answer Direct Variation
54 feet

18 Return

19 $400 Question Direct Variation
The amount of material needed to cover a ball varies directly with the square of the radius. Find the radius of a ball that needs 366 square centimeters of material to cover it. The variation constant is

20 $400 Answer Direct Variation

21 Return

22 $500 Question Direct Variation
The cross sectional area of a tree trunk varies directly with the square of its age. A tree with a cross sectional area of 49 square inches is 11 years old. What is the cross sectional area of a tree that is 18 years old?

23 $500 Answer Direct Variation

24 Return

25 $100 Question Functions How can you tell if a graph is a function?

26 $100 Answer Functions It passes the Vertical Line Test (VLT)

27 Return

28 Daily Double Daily Double

29 Daily Double Question F(x) = -5x2-5x-3, find f(3)

30 Daily Double Answer F(5) = -153

31 Return

32 $300 Question Functions F(4) = 2 and F(7) = 5 Write an equation to model the points in F(x) = mx+b

33 $300 Answer Functions F(x) = x-2

34 Return

35 $400 Question Functions What kind of a function is F(x) = -3x2+4x-2?

36 $400 Answer Functions Quadratic

37 Return

38 $500 Question Functions What is the range of a function?

39 $500 Answer Functions The range is all y values of the graph or how far down and up a graph goes.

40 Return

41 $100 Question Probability
How many ways to arrange the word MATHEMATICS?

42 $100 Answer Probability 4,989,600

43 Return

44 $200 Question Probability
The GlenOak Chess Club has 9 members. 3 of these members will be chosen for an elite team. How would you compute the possible total?

45 $200 Answer Probability 9C3

46 Return

47 $300 Question Probability
Two dice are rolled. Find P(sum is 9)

48 $300 Answer Probability

49 Return

50 $400 Question Probability
The eleven member Board of Directors of a company wants to elect a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian from 11 members. How many different ways can this be done?

51 $400 Answer Probability 55,440

52 Return

53 $500 Question Probability
Mrs Yoskey has a bag of 2 red, 6 blue, 3 yellow, and 4 green marbles. She reaches in and pulls out 2 marbles without putting them back in. Calculate P(2 yellow marbles)

54 $500 Answer Probability 1/35 or 2.8%

55 Return

56 $100 Question Solving for Variables
Y = mx+b, solve for x

57 $100 Answer Solving for Variables

58 Return

59 $200 Question Solving for Variables
Solve for d.

60 $200 Answer Solving for Variables

61 Return

62 $300 Question Solving for Variables
Solve for b.

63 $300 Answer Solving for Variables

64 Return

65 $400 Question Solving for Variables
Solve for V1

66 $400 Answer Solving for Variables

67 Return

68 $500 Question Solving for Variables
Solve for g.

69 $500 Answer Solving for Variables

70 Return

71 $100 Question Areas and Lines
Perpendicular lines have what kind of slope?

72 $100 Answer Areas and Lines
Negative Reciprocals

73 Return

74 $200 Question Areas and Lines
Write an equation of a line that goes through (-6,-6) and it perpendicular to the line y=2x-2

75 $200 Answer Areas and Lines
y= - 1/2x - 9

76 Return

77 $300 Question Areas and Lines
Does this system of equations have no solutions, one solution, or many solutions? -3x+6y = 12 X-2y = 6

78 $300 Answer Areas and Lines
No Solutions because they are parallel lines.

79 Return

80 $400 Question Areas and Lines
What is the length of the base of a trapezoid that has an area of 162 feet2 , a height of 6 feet, and a base of 40 feet?

81 $400 Answer Areas and Lines
14 feet

82 Return

83 $500 Question Areas and Lines
Find the area of a sector that has an angle measure of 37o and a radius of 8 millimeters.

84 $500 Answer Areas and Lines
20.66 millimeters2

85 Return

86 $100 Question Solving for X
XY = Find x when y = 4.6

87 $100 Answer Solving for X X = 6

88 Return

89 $200 Question Solving for X
Y = 4x Find x when Y = 12

90 $200 Answer Solving for X X =1.44

91 Return

92 $300 Question Solving for X
Y = 2x Find x when Y = 12

93 $300 Answer Solving for X X = 2.45

94 Return

95 $400 Question Solving for X
Solve for X using linear combination or substitution. 2X + 3Y = 18 Y = 3X – 16

96 $400 Answer Solving for X X = 6

97 Return

98 $500 Question Solving for X
Solve for X and Y using linear combination or substitution. -5x + 4y = 56 -4x – y = 7

99 $500 Answer Solving for X X = -4 Y = 9 (-4,9)

100 Return

101 Final Jeopardy Topic Averages

102 Final Jeopardy Question
Amy’s average on her first six tests in Math 2 is a 79%. What grade does she need on her 7th test to raise her average to an 82%?

103 Final Jeopardy Answer 100%

104 Thank You for Playing

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