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Presentation on theme: "Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün1 İLERİ ÇOCUK GELİŞİMİ VE ERİNLİK PSİKOLOJİSİ 5 Perception."— Presentation transcript:


2 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün2 Perception is a process that involves the selection, organization, and interpretation of stimuli.

3 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün3 We may think of perception as a somewhat more cognitive and central process than sensation. Senses present us with information about the world in which we live.

4 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün4 Perception represent (re-present) that information, often flavored by our motivational states, our expectations, and our past experiences.

5 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün5 Perception as a cognitive process is very much related to both sensation and memory. By giving meaning to sensory input, perception readies information for storage in memory.

6 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün6 Things are not always as they seem. What we perceive can be influenced by more than just what is there to be perceived.

7 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün7 There are many variables that influence our selection of stimuli from the environment. Perception selectivity: paying attention

8 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün8 These variables can be divided into two general types: stimulus factors and personal factors. The most common and important stimulus factor in perceptual selection is contrast, the extent to which a given stimulus is physically different from the other stimuli around it.

9 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün9 intensity size motion repetition (TV advertisement) novelty-familiarity (44) bold, italik

10 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün10 Personal factors in selectivity Imagine that two students are watching a football game on television. Both are being presented with identical stimulation from the same tv screen. One says:....... The other viewer responds.....

11 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün11 The difference is due to charecteristics of the perceivers. The viewer tend to see what they wanted to see.

12 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün12 Although there are many personal factors that ultimately determine the selection of our perceptions, we can categorize them as being a function of motivation, expectation, and post experience.

13 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün13 We often perceive what we want to perceive, and it is equally true that we often perceive what we expect to perceive. When we are psychologically prepared to perceive something, we say that we have formed a mental set (predisposition, expectation).

14 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün14 Perceptual organization What do you see here? Figure - ground relationship

15 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün15

16 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün16

17 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün17

18 Prof.Dr. Mustafa Ergün18 We don’t really hear the individual sounds of speech; we organize them and perceive them as words, phrases, and sentences. Our visual experience is not one of tiny bits of color and light and dark, as recorded at the retina, but of identifiable objects and events. We don’t perceive a warm pat on the back as responses from hundreds of individual receptors in our skin.

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