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University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Towards Verified Model Transformations Holger Giese 1, Sabine Glesner 2, Johannes.

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1 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Towards Verified Model Transformations Holger Giese 1, Sabine Glesner 2, Johannes Leitner 3, Wilhelm Schäfer 1, and Robert Wagner 1 3rd Workshop on Model Design and Validation: Perspectives on Integrating MDA and V&V Genoa, Italy 1 Software Engineering Group University of Paderborn [hg|wilhelm|wagner] 2 Faculty IV - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Technical University of Berlin 3 Department for Computer and Information Science University of Konstanz

2 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 2Towards Verified Model Transformations Motivation  Model-Driven Software Engineering  increases software quality  reduces development costs  Verified model transformations MDE Model Analysis Model Code (Model) Are the transformations correct?

3 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 3Towards Verified Model Transformations Case Study

4 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 4Towards Verified Model Transformations Example switch2round=true / interlock:=false straight unlocked switching round round round unlocked switching straight straight round_sensor=true / interlock:=true; round_cylinder:=false / round_cylinder:=true switch2straight=true / interlock:=false; / straight_cylinder:=true straight_sensor=true / interlock:=true; straight_cylinder:=false Automaton Is the transformation correct? 1 2 3 6 4 5 VAR state : INT := 1; END_VAR; CASE state OF 1: / * straight */ IF switch2round=true THEN interlock:=false; state:=2; /* straight unlocked */ END_IF; 2: /* straight unlocked */ round_cylinder:=true; state:=3; /* switching round */ … END_CASE PLC-Code Are the models semantically equivalent?

5 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 5Towards Verified Model Transformations [Karsai et al., “Towards verifying model transformations”, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 2006] Related Work Target Model Source Model Transformation Checker to be verified ok ¬ok Source Model Target Model Transformation Model Checking P ok ¬ok Model Checking P’ ok ¬ok Transformation P’=T(P) [Varró et al., “Automated formal verification of model transformations”, Proceedings of CSDUML Workshop 2003] ≠ Rule Developer User

6 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 6Towards Verified Model Transformations Model Transformations Specification Verification Execution

7 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 7Towards Verified Model Transformations Triple Graph Grammars [Sch94] [Sch94] A. Schürr, "Specification of Graph Translators with Triple Graph Grammars", in: G. Tinhofer (ed.), Springer Verlag, 1994; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 903, 151-163. s:Statec:Case :CorrNode ++ b:CaseBlock a:Automaton :CorrNode Triple Graph Grammar Rule l:Label ++ Automata Domain PLC-Code Domain Correspondence Domain LHS RHS ++ value=map( ++

8 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 8Towards Verified Model Transformations Rule Execution : State name=„straight“ : State name=“straight unlocked“ : Automaton : CorrNode : CaseBlock : Transition guard=“…” : Case : CorrNode : Label value=“1” : CorrNode : IfBlock : CorrNode : Case : Label value=“2” :Automaton:CaseBlock :CorrNode ++ Rule 1 (Axiom) ++ :State:Case :CorrNode ++ :Label ++ :CaseBlock ++ :Automaton :CorrNode Rule 2 :Transition:IfBlock :CorrNode ++ :Case :State :CorrNode Rule 3 :Case :State :CorrNode

9 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 9Towards Verified Model Transformations Verification Approach - Overview I/O-Automaton PLC-Code Isabelle/HOL interactive theorem prover for second-order logic

10 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 10Towards Verified Model Transformations Verification Approach - Overview Formalize metamodels as abstract data types - use records, lists and other primitive data types Formalize metamodels as abstract data types - use records, lists and other primitive data types Formalize metamodels as abstract data types - use records, lists and other primitive data types Formalize metamodels as abstract data types - use records, lists and other primitive data types

11 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 11Towards Verified Model Transformations Verification Approach - Overview Formalize metamodels as abstract data types - use records, lists and other primitive data types Formalize metamodels as abstract data types - use records, lists and other primitive data types Define the operational semantics as a recursive function over the formalized metamodels (abstract data types)

12 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 12Towards Verified Model Transformations Verification Approach - Overview Define modifiers analogously to the modifications specified by triple graph grammar rules - adding states, transitions, actions,… - adding case block, if-statements, assignment expressions, … Define modifiers analogously to the modifications specified by triple graph grammar rules - adding states, transitions, actions,… - adding case block, if-statements, assignment expressions, … :State:Case :CorrNode :Label :CaseBlock :Automaton :CorrNode

13 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 13Towards Verified Model Transformations Verification of Transformation  Axiom: Empty Automaton and empty PLC-Program are equivalent  Induction Step: Simultaneous evolution of the models preserves semantic equivalence  Result: For any model M n and corresponding program code P n = trans(M n ) produced by the triple graph grammar holds M n ≈ P n M‘ M P‘ P ≈ ≈ modifier pairs M0M0 P0P0 ≈ MnMn PnPn ≈ Mn:Mn:

14 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 14Towards Verified Model Transformations Conclusion & Future Work  Conclusion  first step towards verification of transformations  has been verified in Isabelle/HOL for simple transformations (approx. 1500 lopc)  verified transformation results in semantically equivalent source and target models for any given source model  Future Work  prove more complex transformations  include automatic checking of correspondence nodes as preconditions  automatic derivation of the formalization for the theorem prover  combine interactive theorem proving with automated verification techniques

15 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 15Towards Verified Model Transformations Programmable Logic Controller Read Input Statement Write Output Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)

16 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 16Towards Verified Model Transformations :Automaton:CaseBlock :CorrNode ++ Axiom ++ :State:Case :CorrNode ++ :Label ++ :CaseBlock ++ :Automaton :CorrNode Rule 1

17 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 17Towards Verified Model Transformations :Transition:IfBlock :CorrNode ++ :Case :State :CorrNode Rule 2 :Case :State :CorrNode

18 University of Paderborn Software Engineering Group Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Schäfer Robert Wagner - 18Towards Verified Model Transformations Semantics  Reactive Systems  non-terminating behavior and reaction to stimulus provided by the environment  Here  I/O-Automata  PLC-Program  Operational Semantics for I/O-Automaton and PLC-Program

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