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0 Un ited States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Information Enterprise Architecture Program Enterprise Architecture Working Group.

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1 0 Un ited States Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Information Enterprise Architecture Program Enterprise Architecture Working Group Session February 14, 2008

2 1 Agenda Today’s session will focus on EPA’s annual EA submission to OMB, EA expectations in the coming years, and 2008 solution architecture concepts. 9:00 a.m.Welcome & IntroductionsL. Watkins 9:05 a.m.EPA’s Annual EA Submission to OMBG. Bentkover 9:45 a.m.EPA’s 3-Year EA Stakeholder Action PlanJ. Hugney 10:15 a.m.How QTS is using EA Information for Decision- Making J. Sullivan 10:40 a.m.Discussion on 2008 Solution ArchitectureJ. Sullivan 11:00 a.m.AdjournJ. Sullivan

3 2 EPA’s Annual Submission to OMB EPA EA Self-Assessment The EA Program anticipates a rating of GREEN on this year’s EA submission to OMB based on a 4.0 in Completion, 4.5 in Use, and 4.0 in Results. 2008 EPA EA Self-Assessment Summary Same as in 2007 Up from 3.8 in 2007 Up from 3.0 in 2007

4 3 EPA’s Annual Submission to OMB Feb. 29, 2008 Submission Approach To justify our self-assessment, and to better communicate the story of EA at EPA, we developed a new, Web-based submission approach.

5 4 Page 1 of 4 Crosswalk between annual EA Assessment categories (in columns) and artifacts (in rows) EPA’s Annual Submission to OMB

6 5 Page 2 of 4 Crosswalk between annual EA Assessment categories (in columns) and artifacts (in rows) EPA’s Annual Submission to OMB

7 6 Page 3 of 4 Crosswalk between annual EA Assessment categories (in columns) and artifacts (in rows) EPA’s Annual Submission to OMB

8 7 Page 4 of 4 Crosswalk between annual EA Assessment categories (in columns) and artifacts (in rows) EPA’s Annual Submission to OMB

9 8 EPA’s Annual Submission to OMB Upcoming Activities WE APPRECIATE EVERYONE’S SUPPORT in preparing this submission – we are on-schedule to complete reviews and begin next steps.  2 nd Segment: Provide OMB with information on EPA segment advancement OMB provided recent clarification on their assessment framework  Reviews: Initial reviews completed within OEI; conduct final reviews  Transition Strategy: Review segment responses and finalize milestones Work with Investment Owners to refine milestones for the BY2010 CPIC process Leverage milestone information for decision-making and planning

10 9 EPA’s 3-Year EA Stakeholder Action Plan In response to EAWG feedback, the EA Team has developed a draft stakeholder action plan to forecast EA activities over the next 3 years.

11 10 This 3-Year EA Stakeholder Action Plan will be used to guide the requirements for the 2008 Architecture Development Standards and Guidance. 3-Year EA Stakeholder Action Plan Alignment with the 2008 Standards and Guidance The Standards and Guidance will include, for each FY2008 EA Activity: 1.Description of the Requirement 2.Compliance Criteria 3.Required Skill Sets 4.Expected Level of Effort 5.Templates and Standards (where applicable)

12 11 We used a methodology to analyze the impacts of business changes that emphasized reuse of information. We consulted many sources and worked with the programs, extracting data from business cases, transition milestones, and other sources. Understanding Our Changing Business Environment

13 12 QTS Technology Impact Assessment – Business Analysis Trends in the IT Portfolio (2008-2009) The key indicators shown in the columns below help determine the trends that are occurring in the IT portfolio. *FinRS hosting site is TBD # of Significant Milestones Systems with Significant Milestones

14 13 QTS Technology Impact Assessment – Business Analysis Trends in the IT Portfolio (2008-2009) Retirement There are 4 retirements by ’09 (2 more by 2014) Examples (2008-2009): o OPP will retire OPPIN & LUIS with PRISM launch o OSWER will retire “RMP Submit” with SRMP launch Examples (2010-2014): o OECA will retire the Permit Compliance System and Air Facilities System with ICIS phased deployment There are rollouts of new functionality, an increase in Enterprise Tool dependencies, more external sharing, and significant movement of systems. Over 60 systems will be changing. We plotted the milestones on a graph and used key indicators to determine trends. Examples are shown below. Moves Beginning in 2010, there are 3 significant moves OARM will move HR processing and PeoplePlus to Shared Service Centers OARM will move IGMS to the Grants Management LoB at HHS OCFO may move the Financial Replacement System offsite

15 14 Using EA Information for Decision-Making Considerations for Future Solution Architecture Requirements EPA is positioned in 2008 to refine our solution architecture requirements to improve the availability/accuracy of information for decisions. 2008 EPA Solution Architecture Considerations Information Needed for Decisions and Planning (e.g., QTS) Sound Investment Management Sound Life Cycle Management + + Performance Improvement

16 15 EPA maintains a Life Cycle Management Framework to demonstrate integration across IT investment governance areas (EA, CPIC, SLCM, Security). Discussion on 2008 Solution Architecture EPA Life Cycle Management Framework

17 16 For 2008, it will be important to consider EA’s role at SLCM Control Gates Discussion on 2008 Solution Architecture Integration of EA and SLCM

18 17 In 2007, we established a framework to define basic and detailed Solution Architecture requirements. Discussion on 2008 Solution Architecture 2007 Solution Architecture Framework

19 18 We would like your feedback on the 2007 requirements and input on changes that could be made for 2008 Solution Architecture Guidance. Discussion on 2008 Solution Architecture Open Discussion Some areas of consideration include:  What investments should be included?  How should we improve the standards/templates for Detailed Artifacts?  Would additional artifacts be helpful for understanding investments Agency-wide?  What should the verification process be for SLCM Control Gates 1 and 2?  How does the verification process within SLCM align with CPIC EA compliance?

20 19 The following provides a high-level schedule of activities associated with defining 2008 Solution Architecture Guidance. Discussion on 2008 Solution Architecture Schedule of Upcoming Activities  2/14 – Open discussion with EAWG membership  3/7 – Draft of 2008 Architecture Development Standards and Guidance  3/13 – Review of Guidance with EAWG membership; IIS Brownbag (same week)  3/17 – Begin working with Investment Owners on Solution Architecture artifacts  5/1-5/2 & 5/8-5/9 – Solution Architecture Training at Potomac Yards 4/28-4/30 & 5/5-5/7 – Segment Architecture Training at Potomac Yards  5/26 – Solution Architecture Submissions Due Postponed to April

21 20 Solution Architecture activities will be completed prior to the BY2010 CPIC submissions. Discussion on 2008 Solution Architecture Schedule of Upcoming Activities – CPIC MAY Early MayeCPIC opens to update BY 2010 Business Cases May 2OMB releases draft version of A-11, Sections 53 and 300 (tentative) TBD (Week of May 12)Exhibit 300 Training and Mentoring for Project Managers in GROUP ONE (To Be Scheduled) TBD (Week of May 19)Exhibit 300 Training and Mentoring for Project Managers in GROUP TWO (To Be Scheduled) JUNE TBD (Week of June 2)Exhibit 300 Business Cases (including PIAs) for investments in GROUP ONE due to OEI TBD (Week of June 16)Exhibit 300 Business Cases (including PIAs) for investments in GROUP TWO due to OEI May - June 2008 CPIC schedule excerpt

22 21 Contact Information If you have any questions about the information presented today please contact one of the following individuals John Sullivan EPA Chief Architect 202.566.0328 (office) Joanna Hugney PPC EA Program Manager 703.748.7094 (office) David Prompovitch EA Team Lead 202.564.0588 (office)

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