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How Voluntary Consensus Standards Impact Federal Asset Management Bob Holcombe.

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Presentation on theme: "How Voluntary Consensus Standards Impact Federal Asset Management Bob Holcombe."— Presentation transcript:

1 How Voluntary Consensus Standards Impact Federal Asset Management Bob Holcombe

2 A “Perfect Storm” of Events GSA OGP Emphasis on Identification, Development, and Adherence to Standards. Release of ISO Standard 55001 on Asset Management. Commercial interest in developing ASTM International Fleet Standard and Training.

3 Why Should I Care About Standards? Because we WANT to identify standards to increase efficiency and promulgation of best practices. Because we HAVE to.

4 Why Should I Care About Standards? (continued) Public Law - P.L. 104-113 OMB Circular A-119: SUBJECT: Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities

5 OMB Circular A-119 6. What Is The Policy For Federal Use Of Standards? All federal agencies must use voluntary consensus standards in lieu of government-unique standards in their procurement and regulatory activities, except where inconsistent with law or otherwise impractical. In these circumstances, your agency must submit a report describing the reason(s) for its use of government-unique standards in lieu of voluntary consensus standards to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

6 OMB Circular A-119 7. What Is The Policy For Federal Participation In Voluntary Consensus Standards Bodies? Agencies must consult with voluntary consensus standards bodies, both domestic and international, and must participate with such bodies in the development of voluntary consensus standards when consultation and participation is in the public interest and is compatible with their missions, authorities, priorities, and budget resources.

7 OMB Circular A-119 – revision for public review and comment.

8 OMB Circular A-119 – Elements of Proposed Revision Preference for voluntary consensus standards Guidance on use of standards and participation in standards development. Guidance on conformity assessment Enhanced transparency Burden reduction International considerations

9 Asset Management Standards (Specifically – Voluntary Consensus Standards (VCS)) ISO Asset Management Standards – Very High Level and Strategic standards. Describes “what” must be done. Not specific as to “how”. ASTM Asset Management Standards – Can dovetail with the ISO requirements. More Tactical standards - Answers some “how” questions.

10 ASTM Fleet Management Standard NPMA Leadership Asked by Private Sector to Consider Developing Training, Certification, and Standards. GSA OGP led development of initial ASTM standard (NPMA is not a VCS). “Fleet” can cover motor vehicles, aircraft, vessels, truck lines, etc.

11 ASTM Fleet Management Standard (continued) The proposed first standard is an overview of fleet management. Subsequent standards are planned, and will be more specific as to “how”. ASTM standard specifically does not supersede US Federal policies nor practices.

12 Questions? Bob Holcombe (202) 501-3828

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