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Incan art Art is a window into the past.. About the Inca.

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1 Incan art Art is a window into the past.

2 About the Inca

3 Incan religion

4 Gods of the Inca The Inca Worshiped many gods, a religion that worships many gods is called Polytheism. They revered their ancestors and often consulted with them. The practice of mummification was common in the upper class. Mummys would not be put in tombs but kept in the house as family members. Most of these mummies had ornate masks made of precious metals and stones.

5 Procedures Design a mask on newsprint showing characteristics of Incan art combined with original ideas. Design mask to meet the needs of the Inca or personal need. Transfer mask drawing to tooling foil - Tape drawing to foil. Place on newspaper pad and trace over all lines making an impression. Remove drawing and save for reference as needed. Tool mask. Place on newspaper pad. Press down some shapes while making other come out in relief. Go back over lines as needed to make shapes show up. Cut out mask - - Antique with India ink if desired. Mount on black poster board or mat board. Write about mask. What need does your mask fulfill?

6 Objective Show an understanding and awareness of Inca culture and religion.

7 Origins of Repousse Repousse is an ancient art form, dating back almost as far as men have worked metal. Repousse, simply put, is raising a design in relief on metal from the back or inside. The process is of ancient origin, having been employed by most early civilizations. Among the finest examples of repousse are the famous bronze armor of Greece of the 4th cent. B.C.

8 Procedure Place a pad of newspaper under your foil so you have a soft surface Tape your design over the metal Use a ball point pen to impress the main components of your design Decide which shapes will be convex (puff out) and which will be sunken inward (concave) Reinforce the pushed out areas by applying pressure to the stick and review the area a number of times to stretch the metal. Flip the metal over, and reinforce the outlines of your design using the point of the V- tipped popsicle stick

9 Procedure Continue indenting the metal by working on it Work both sides of the metal to form the relief sculpture Add texture to some areas, creating patterns of parallel lines, dots, circles, etc. Continue to work both sides to see what is possible When complete, brush a thin coat of Indian ink and wipe it off, allowing the ink to nestle into the crevices of your design Mount the metal on black matt board for an effective display

10 Objective Finish your mask, show concavity (areas pushed back) and convexity (areas pushed forward) and use the elements of art, line, shape and value to create a project filled with texture, pattern. Mount your artwork on a piece of colored construction paper and write what your mask represents. Grade yourself in your rubric.

11 Objective Design a creature that lives on your imaginary world, starting with the largest forms. Fill the drawing area with the creature, environment, textures, details. Fill out the statistics and write about your creature. Show depth using spatial strategies..

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