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JWAITS Jolla, CA1 Bionet Project Overview: Applying Biological Concepts and Mechanisms for Designing Adaptable, Scalable and Survivable Communication.

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Presentation on theme: "JWAITS Jolla, CA1 Bionet Project Overview: Applying Biological Concepts and Mechanisms for Designing Adaptable, Scalable and Survivable Communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA1 Bionet Project Overview: Applying Biological Concepts and Mechanisms for Designing Adaptable, Scalable and Survivable Communication Software Jun Suzuki and Tatsuya Suda Dept. of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine

2 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 2 Agenda Bio-Networking Architecture Overview Motivation to Bionet Project Observations of large scale biological systems that scale, adapt, and survive in dynamic environment How bio concepts are used in the Bionet project Bio-Networking Architecture Design Current Project Status and Future Work Conclusion

3 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 3 Motivation: Bionet Project The explosive growth of the net places larger and more challenging demands on underlying communication software. Future network services and applications have to satisfy: Scalability  They have to be able to scale to billions of nodes and users. Adaptability  They have to be able to adapt to diverse and dynamic conditions in the network.

4 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 4 Availability and Survivability  They have to be secure and highly available. Autonomy  They have to require minimal human configuration and management. Networks need to have built-in mechanisms to provide these features

5 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 5 Bionet: Applying Biological Concepts and Mechanisms Observation: large scale biological systems scale, adapt, and survive e.g. bee colony Bionet: applying biological concepts/mechanisms to network services and applications A bee colony can scale to a large number of bees because all activities of the colony are carried out without centralized control.  decentralization

6 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 6 Bees act autonomously, influenced by local conditions and local interactions with other bees. The bee colony also adapts to dynamic conditions, often to optimize its food gain relative to energy expenditure. The bee colony is survivable because it is not dependent on any single bee Scalability, adaptability and survivability are not present in any single bee. Rather, they emerge from the collective actions and interactions of all the bees in the colony.

7 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 7 Complex Adaptive System a super entity with emergent characteristics individual entities (agents) emergence through self-organization Feedback and reinforcement learning

8 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 8 Agenda Bio-Networking Architecture Overview Motivation to Bionet Project Observations of large scale biological systems that scale, adapt, and survive in dynamic environment How bio concepts are used in the Bionet project Bio-Networking Architecture Design Current Project Status and Future Work Conclusion

9 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 9 Emergent Behavior Biological systems consist of many autonomous entities useful group behavior emerges from autonomous local interaction of individuals with simple behaviors

10 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 10 Bio-Network application constructed from a collection of cyber- entities (objects/agents) cyber-entities have biological behaviors  e.g. migration, reproduction, death, energy exchange each cyber-entity has basic functionality related to its application and service

11 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 11 Food and Energy Biological systems biological entities naturally strive to gain energy by seeking and consuming food

12 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 12 Bio-Network cyber-entity stores/expends energy (food/money) Energy is the unit of exchange for service or resource usages. energy exchange  CE gains energy from a user/another CE in exchange for performing a service  CE expend energy to use network/computing resources energy used as a control mechanism (natural selection mechanism)  abundance induces replication or reproduction  scarcity induces death

13 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 13 Evolution and Adaptation Biological systems the biological system specializes and optimizes itself for environmental changes. key enablers:  diversity from mutations and crossovers during replication/reproduction  natural selection keeps entities with beneficial features alive and increase reproduction probability

14 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 14 Bio-Network cyber-entities (CEs) evolve, adapt, and localize through diversity and natural selection diversity  A CE behavior can be implemented by a number of algorithms/policies  human designers can introduce diversity in CEs  CEs replicate/reproduce with mutation/crossover natural selection  death from energy starvation  replication/reproduction from energy abundance

15 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 15 Agenda Bio-Networking Architecture Overview Motivation to Bionet Project Observations of large scale biological systems that scale, adapt, and survive in dynamic environment How bio concepts are used in the Bionet project Bio-Networking Architecture Design Current Project Status and Future Work Conclusion

16 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 16 Bionet Platform Architecture Bionet Services Bionet Platform Bionet Container CE CE Context CE Java VM

17 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 17 Bionet Platform Components Bionet Platform is developed by Java and runs on a Java virtual machine. Major components: Cyber entity  runs and moves autonomously  Provides a simple service  is the smallest component in Bionet environment. Cyber entity context Bionet Services Bionet Container

18 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 18 Ineter-CE Communication A CE has a single method “service”, which accepts a message written in an Agent Communication Language (ACL). Each CE has an ACL interpretation engine. CE service( ) CE reserve 01 …

19 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 19 The class CyberEntity CyberEntity migrate() replicate() reproduce() … init(Object[]): void run(): void getCEContext(): AgentContext setCEContext(CEContext): void log(): void … onCreated(): void onMove(): void onArrival(): void onActivated(): void onDeactivated(): void onDestroy(): void private float energy private int age private String name … Behavior Auxiliary methods Callback operations attribute HotelReservationAgent private float rate private Vector reservations extends reserve() checkAvailability() cancelRerservation() Body ’ s non- executable data Body ’ s executable code

20 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 20 Cyber Entity Context CE Context is an entry point for CE to access Bionet Services. is created and associated with each CE implicitly by Bionet Lifecycle Service, when a CE is created, replicated, reproduced, or migrated from another host. is called by only its associated cyber entity. CyberEntity getCEContext(): CEContext setCEContext(CEContext): void … CEContext find(String): Object getBionetContainer(String): BionetContainer getReference(): CERreference 11

21 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 21 Bionet Services CE Directory Cyber Entity Migration Pheromone Emission Resource Sensing Social Networking Cyber-Entity Comm. Cyber-Entity Lifecycle Security Bionet Services Relationship Management Energy Management Resource Allocation

22 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 22 Bionet Container is a sandbox in which CEs and Bionet Services run. runs on per-process basis.  One or more Bionet containers can run on a single host. a host Bionet Container Process 1 Bionet Container Process 2

23 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 23 Bionet Platform provides the bottom most operations to maintain Bionet Platform. CE registration/unregistration CE activation/deactivation resource management CE reference management request/event parsing Bionet Services Bionet Container CE memory connectio n threads CE Bionet Services available resources

24 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 24 Agenda Bio-Networking Architecture Overview Motivation to Bionet Project Observations of large scale biological systems that scale, adapt, and survive in dynamic environment How bio concepts are used in the Bionet project Bio-Networking Architecture Design Current Project Status and Future Work Conclusion

25 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 25 Current Project Status Bionet Simulator Adaptation/evolution simulation done.  See a technical paper for details: Results show Bio-Networking Architecture works well. Bionet Platform is design/early implementation stages. on top of CORBA and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)

26 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 26 An Ongoing project: Self-Organizing Agents It has been one of the biggest problem in traditional distributed object computing environments to decide and optimize object locations. Static and manual configuration in the environment without object mobility  e.g. Many objects on a powerful machine  Frequently interacting objects on the same host/process Tedious and time-consuming The system/object should be stopped; availability decreased. The decision is ad-hoc or static even in mobile agent environments. e.g. Developers define an agent itinerary that describes when and where to move at development time.

27 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 27 We need more dynamic and autonomous mechanism of deciding agent location. Bionet facilitates this by using self-organizing cyber entities A CE organization is emerged from autonomous local interactions.  Energy exchange between CEs  Energy exchange between an CE and its platform

28 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 28 Agent-agent/agent-platform interactions Energy in Bionet Unit of exchange for service or resource usages Agent-agent interaction Each agent gains energy from another agent (or user) in exchange for performing a service.  abundance induces replication or reproduction  scarcity induces death Agent-platform interaction Each agent expends energy to use network/computing resources.  e.g. thread, transport connection, memory space and CPU cycle Agent platform knows the types, amount and cost of available resources.

29 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 29 An Example Scenario Each agent asks its underlying platform to assign a thread, and pays its energy. The unit cost of a thread utilization may vary with the number of available threads. More idle threads exist in a pool, cheaper the unit cost is. Each agent behaves autonomously with its policies. e.g. An agent migrates to another host when migration cost is cheaper than thread utilization cost. e.g. An agent deactivates itself when its thread utilization cost is too expensive to pay. The concept of energy allows agents to consume available resources in a distributed environment effectively. Bionet Container CE agent registration table Thread pool (2) assigns an idle thread (3) requires the cost (1) registers

30 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 30 Wrap up Bionet provides a new paradigm to build network services and applications. Inspired by biology Bionet Platform is in design/early implementation stages Most of the elements are in place Several simulation results have supported our direction. Bionet Simulator is available at Bionet Platform will be available in the middle of this year.

31 JWAITS 2001 @La Jolla, CA 31 Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation through grants ANI-0083074 and ANI- 9903427, DARPA through Grant MDA972-99-1-0007, AFOSR through Grant MURI F49620-00-1-0330, grants from the University of California MICRO Program, Hitachi, Hitachi America, Standard Microsystems Corporation, Canon, Canon USA, Novell, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), NTT Docomo, Fujitsu, Nippon Steel Information and Communication Systems Incorporated (ENICOM), Matsushita Electric Industrial company.

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