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RoMow Progress Update #2. Team Members Nathan Terschak (EE), Dustin Brouwer (ME), Jordan Newhof (ME), Andy Frandsen (ME)

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Presentation on theme: "RoMow Progress Update #2. Team Members Nathan Terschak (EE), Dustin Brouwer (ME), Jordan Newhof (ME), Andy Frandsen (ME)"— Presentation transcript:

1 RoMow Progress Update #2

2 Team Members Nathan Terschak (EE), Dustin Brouwer (ME), Jordan Newhof (ME), Andy Frandsen (ME)

3 Overview  Problem Statement  Need  Objectives  Design Norms  Scope  Design Decisions  Design Implementation  Current Status  Obstacles  Future Work

4 Problem Statement: Need Designing a remote-controlled lawn mowing system for:  Professor Kim  Serving as:  Customer  Mentor  Elderly or Disabled  Living Independently  Ease of use  Hobbyists

5 Problem Statement: Objectives Design a remote-control platform:  Should be attachable to a standard push lawnmower  Will house control system, electric motors, and batteries  Can be driven via wireless controller  Does not require modifications to push mower  Must include Safety System

6 Design Norms Integrity  Delightful Harmony  Intuitive Design Transparency  Reproducible  Simple Operation Caring  Help provide independence  Safety

7 Scope Changes Eric Walstra helped identify problems and proposed some scope reductions:  Automation  Sensors  Video  Thermal  Proxy 113013/pictures/10-13092012-113013L.gif

8 Design Decisions Material Selection  Steel Square Tubing Motors  Two electric motors from Hoveround MPV5  Front wheel driven, rear casters Size of Lawnmower  Toro GTS Recycler Transmitter/Receiver Pair  Purchase hobbyist RF transmitter and receiver  2.4 GHz

9 Design Implementation Hoveround MPV5  12 V Batteries  Motors  Motor Drivers  Wheels Steel Frame  Suspending Mower above the grass  Compartment to hold  Batteries  Controls system  Motors  Self-Contained Ramp for loading

10 Current Status Obstacles  Keeping the mower blade close to the ground  Implementing reliable safety features (E-Stop, loss of communication)  Designing the microcontroller between receiver and motor drivers Future Work  Design motor mounts and frame  3D CAD and FEA  Decide drive system  Direct vs. geared vs. chain

11 Questions?

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