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GISFI_CSeON_201306391GISFI#13, Jun 11-13 20131 CSeON WG (GSSM#13) Agenda GISFI # 13, Jun 11-13, 2013, Navi Mumbai Chair: Parag Pruthi, NIKSUN Vice-Chair:

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Presentation on theme: "GISFI_CSeON_201306391GISFI#13, Jun 11-13 20131 CSeON WG (GSSM#13) Agenda GISFI # 13, Jun 11-13, 2013, Navi Mumbai Chair: Parag Pruthi, NIKSUN Vice-Chair:"— Presentation transcript:

1 GISFI_CSeON_201306391GISFI#13, Jun 11-13 20131 CSeON WG (GSSM#13) Agenda GISFI # 13, Jun 11-13, 2013, Navi Mumbai Chair: Parag Pruthi, NIKSUN Vice-Chair: Niranth, Huawei

2 Agenda Sharing of CSeON WG GSSM #12 Report Status of CSeON WG Deliverables CSeON WG GSSM #13 Agenda

3 GSSM #12 Report Topics discussed during GISFI #12 –Deliverables Emergency Telecom Services TR text was approved. 3 topics were decided for further action – Numbering Plan, Unified Access, Location. Carrier Grade Cloud Computing TR text was approved. Use case on Distributed User Profile Mgmt in IMS. Information Management TR requested help on next steps for evaluating the methodologies identified. Topic on Mobile Cloud was deliberated and new WI is expected. –Liaisons LS to be followed up with IETF IAB, NIST, TEC and IEEE SA-India

4 Between GSSM #12 and GSSM#13 MoU agreement in principle between IEEE SA and GISFI. –Niranth (GISFI) and Sri Chandra (IEEE) are having continued discussions on this topic. –The MoU intent was communicated to all the GISFI Standardization Committee (GSC) members. –Topics and Drafting of MoU is in progress. Response to TRAI Consultation on “Integrated Emergency Communication and Response Systems” –Response Document prepared from GISFI - –Krishna Sirohi, Tilak Raj Dua, Ritesh (NEC) represented GISFI in the TRAI Open House Discussion on this topic TRAI has invited further interaction Suggestion to provide the recommendations from GISFI on the Technical Landscape on this topic. Propose a suitable Architecture of PSAP TRAI appreciated GISFI inputs. Preparatory meeting for GSSM#13 (7 th Jun’13 - Minutes circulated for review) –Actions to be followed up.

5 CSeON TR Map 5 Services Networks BSS/OSS VoiceMMBB Emergen cy PSTNGSMCDMALTEWiFi Devices VAS PCMobileSTB Billing Migration Provisioning TabletPOTS Service/Transport Infra IMSNGNWebCloudEPC (Packet/Circuit) Usage Convergence of Services Convergence of Networks Convergence of Devices Common Platform VoIP CES (TRAI) TR1: Framework Cloud TR2: Business models TR3: Information Mgmt TR4: CG-Cloud SEC QoS TR5TR6 TR7 Library Cloud TR8 Mob SDN

6 Milestones for 2013 (Suggestion) Produce baseline version of the common TRs like TR1, TR2 and TR3 mapped based on the NTP 2012 objective and strategy. – GSSM#14 Provide TR1, TR2 & TR3 as approach paper for TEC/TRAI towards the “Convergence” objective and strategy defined in NTP 2012. – GSSM#15 Contribute India specific “Convergence” requirements and Standards inputs to International SDOs like ITU-T, IEEE-SA, 3GPP. – GSSM#15 (NEW in GSSM#13)Support TRAI on the topic of IECRS & PSAP – GSSM#15 Provide Rel 1 of all other TRs. Close TRs which are not in scope. Study specific topics like VoIP as new WI – GSSM#14 Setup better working relationships with other SDOs (IEEE-SA) through MoU and joint projects. – GSSM#14

7 CSeON WG Deliverables - Status Technical Reports Status –TR1: CSeON Requirements and Framework (In Progress – 90%) – NIKSUN (Rapporteur), Huawei –TR2: CSeON Business Models (In Progress – 2 sections to be closed) – NEC (Rapporteur) –TR3: Information Management (Draft Available) – Basavaraj (Rapporteur) –TR4: Carrier Grade Cloud Computing (In Progress – 10%) – Huawei (Rapporteur) –TR5: Security and Monitoring Requirements for Cloud Computing (Open) – NIKSUN (Rapporteur) –TR6: QoS for Cloud Computing (Open) – TCS (Rapporteur) –TR7: Emergency Telecom Services (In Progress – 60%) – NEC (Rapporteur) –TR8: Knowledge Network - Use case for Cloud Computing) – I2TB (Rapporteur)

8 GSSM #13 Agenda (Draft) 1.CSeON WG Agenda (Niranth-Huawei) – For Approval 2.CSeON GSSM#13 Preparatory meeting minutes (Niranth- Huawei) – For Approval 3.Input on TR7 – Emergency Telecom Services Indian Requirements (Ritesh-NEC) – For Approval. 4.TRAI IECRS & PSAP Next Steps (NEC, Huawei, I2TB, CISCO) – For Discussion 5.IEEE Cloud Computing Activities (Niranth-Huawei) – For Information 6.Open Discussion a.TR3: Information Management – Next Steps and Support b.New Topics in CSeON WG. c.Any other Business and Suggestions for CSeON WG.

9 Thank You!

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