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National Climate Change Response Green Paper – Comments by WRC Chris Moseki, Water Research Commission of SA (WRC) Parliament, Cape Town 3 March 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "National Climate Change Response Green Paper – Comments by WRC Chris Moseki, Water Research Commission of SA (WRC) Parliament, Cape Town 3 March 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Climate Change Response Green Paper – Comments by WRC Chris Moseki, Water Research Commission of SA (WRC) Parliament, Cape Town 3 March 2011

2 Overview of the presentation (Areas that need to be addressed) Introduction & Principles Seawater intrusion, Ecosystem Approach Principle National Climate Change Response Strategy Mainstreaming climate change into existing Policies Key adaptation sectors – Water & Agriculture Water quality, drinking water & mine water reuse Efficient water use in agriculture Key mitigation sector - Transport Improved confidence & efficiency in public transport Biodiversity, human settlements & resources Impacts on biodiversity & human settlements; skills development Concluding Remarks Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris2

3 Introduction  This section entails the rationale and purpose of the Green Paper on response to climate change impacts  Status of climate (e.g. SA is a water stressed country)  Government to create enabling environment for tackling the impacts  Potential sea level rise resulting in saline intrusion of coastal aquifers thus impacting on water quality, and flooding of low lying settlements (the vulnerable poor could be hardest hit) also need to be considered Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris3 RSA is 30 th driest country in the World; Highly variable climate & fossil fuel dependent vulnerable economy; potential impacts on infrastructure Climate observation and the planned stabilization of GHG emissions; the need to adapt to climate effects

4 The objective of the response …  Giving effect to the Constitutional provisions regarding the right to a safe environment and the future generation’s right by Ensuring fair attribution towards GHG stabilisation Interventions or adaptation action to address climate change impacts is reasonable Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris4

5 Principles All principles mentioned (e.g. precautionary, people-centred, polluter pay, are acceptable) However, for the country such as RSA with fragile ecosystem goods & services that support communities’ livelihoods – the Ecosystem Approach Principle is also important because therein: other human-induced impacts such as pollution are also considered in decision making processes ensures protection of ecosystem goods & services Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris5

6 Climate Change Response Strategy Each strategy mentioned (e.g. balanced approach to mitigation and adaptation responses such as resource allocation) is fine Emphasis on mainstreaming of climate change responses into policy formulation and practice is important Taking climate issues into account when implementing Government Policies is a challenge yet crucial (e.g. modifying international water sharing agreements, if climate projections indicate that less water will be available in future) Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris6

7 Key adaptation sector - Water Additional item on water quality is suggested: Rising temperatures due to climate change could cause increased evaporation rate thus leading to increased salt concentration in water = water quality deterioration High temperatures in nutrient rich waters promotes eutrophication Research & development coupled with monitoring at various levels should form part of the solution package for effective results Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris7

8 Water – the adaptation sector (2) Drinking water (potable): Both quantity and quality are important: it is now known that emerging pathogens are resistant to chlorine (including viruses, parasites & bacteria that cause hepatitis or gastroenteritis, cryptosporidium, etc) Results of research studies (WRC Reports 584/1/96; 231/1/93, etc) Impacts of sea water desalination on marine ecology & the technology as just one option effluent of concentrated brine could harm marine ecology E.g. Fishing Palestinian community’s livelihoods in Gaza is threatened by return waste (concentrated brine) from Mediterranean desalination plants Desalination guides (e.g. WRC reports TT 296/06, 1326/1/04, etc) Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris8

9 Water – the adaptation sector (3) Drinking water (potable): Water-energy nexus: Opportunities in increasing efficiency in energy use and use of renewable energy (solar, wind, etc) + nanotechnology Results of research studies (WRC Reports 347/2/96; KV 195/07, etc) Increased average temperature could impact on pathogens Enforce treatment of effluent to decrease potential impact Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris9 Pneumonia

10 Water – the adaptation sector (3) Mine water (reuse): Efficiency in water use including recycling and reuse: Treated mine water is also a resource to augment supply Regulatory framework to enable treatment and reuse Results of research studies (WRC Reports 1298/1/04, 1347/1/05) Water is pumped from mine below (off-peak) to storage above, then reversed for electricity generation Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris10

11 Agriculture – adaptation/ mitigation Increased efficiency in agricultural water use is recommended for this major water user sector Stating the need for efficiency has to be explicit here Several reports (WRC TT466/10, TT465/10, 1189/1/05, etc) Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris11 Drip irrigationGreenhouse

12 Key Mitigation Sector – Transport Improve conditions under which public transport is operated – preferred mode of transport by commuters e.g. efficiency, safety, & compliance to road regulations If more people use public transport that could lead to less carbon emission, reduced costs & less congestion on roads Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris12

13 Aquatic to terrestrial biodiversity Freshwater ecosystem is discussed here: Increased temperature (and resulting reduced water flow and chemistry) impacts on biodiversity (i.e. Loss of aquatic biodiversity among others) Also promote research in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystem adaptation Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris13

14 Human Society, Livelihoods and services Settlements, Infrastructure & Built Environment – Urban: Giving effect to cooperative governance (coordination) & compliance to regulations on land management are key Otherwise the vulnerable poor could be negatively impacted Zoning to prevent settlements in flood prone areas is crucial Settlements, Infrastructure & Built Environment – Coastal: Unsustainable use of coastal groundwater could trigger sea water intrusion impacting on water quality Sustainable management and use (balance use & protection) Zoning may be part of the solution is well Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris14 FLOODING

15 Inputs and Resources Mobilization Human Resource Though climate science research in South Africa is World class, number of researchers is low & declining Government to take the lead in provision of adequate and predictable resources for skills development Technological Resources Mainstreaming climate change into policy formulation and practice is necessary Therefore research results and products have to be taken up to support (or inform) implementation Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris15

16 Concluding remarks Sector issues including water have potential to be adequately be addressed in the Green Paper Water needs a balance between mitigation & adaptation Climate change response strategy will have details Each sector including water should have a strategy Water quality and efficient water use are crucial Ensuring compliance to regulations could save lives Climate science skills are necessary for good research Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris16

17 THANK YOU Climate Change Green Paper_ 2011_Chris17

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