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Usability and Accessibility Usability of Accessibility Features Janey Barnes, PhD User-View, Inc. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Usability and Accessibility Usability of Accessibility Features Janey Barnes, PhD User-View, Inc. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Usability and Accessibility Usability of Accessibility Features Janey Barnes, PhD User-View, Inc. 1

2 Human Factors A Science…. the study of human behavior, human capabilities, and human limitations in the context of the environment where humans work, play, and live. An Applied Science… the application of theories, models and data regarding human performance and interactions people have with their work place, work tools, toys, etc. 2

3 Foundations of Human Factors Human behavior, human capabilities, and human limitations Cognitive, Physical, Emotional, Systemic aspects of our interactions Research Methods Social science methods (naturalist to controlled methods) Data continuum (qualitative to quantitative data) 3

4 Foundations of Human Factors Make the human interaction with systems more “usable” Apply adequate knowledge and using appropriate methods to ask and answer the right questions at the right time in a sound user-centered design process Achieve usability 4

5 Components of Usability Effectiveness: the accuracy and completeness with which users achieve specified goals Efficiency: the resources expended in relation to the accuracy and completeness with which users achieve goals (productivity) Satisfaction: freedom from discomfort, and positive attitude to the use of the product 5

6 Components of Usability Context of use: characteristics of the users, tasks and the organizational and physical environments 6

7 User-Centered Design Process Understand and specify the context of use Specify the user and organizational requirements Produce design solutions Evaluate designs against requirements ISO 9241-210 7

8 User-Centered Design Process Understand user needs, workflows and environments Engage users early and often Set user performance objectives Design the user interface applying known human behavior principles Conduct usability tests to measure how well the interface meets user needs 8

9 User-Centered Design Process Adapt the design and iteratively test with users until performance objectives are met Adapt and design iteratively = Formative Activities Validation of performance objectives = Summative Test 9

10 Usability Resources NISTIR 7804 SHARPC Design Briefs Nielsen's Heuristics Gerhardt-Powals’ cognitive engineering principles 10

11 Accessibility Resources Web AIM (Web Accessibility in Mind) International Association of Accessibility Professionals (webinars) Contrast checkers Automated web checkers 11

12 Challenges Checkbox vs Process Technical Accessibility vs Usable Accessibility Format for specifying accessibility features in user interface design documents hidden and dynamic text Content Creators vs Designers vs Coders 12

13 Janey Barnes, PhD Human Factors Specialist User-View, Inc. 13

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