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Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona Facility Energy Audits Mike Gutowski Johnson Controls August 12, 2015 Agency Energy ManagerEnergy Audits: Implementing.

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Presentation on theme: "Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona Facility Energy Audits Mike Gutowski Johnson Controls August 12, 2015 Agency Energy ManagerEnergy Audits: Implementing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phoenix Convention Center Phoenix, Arizona Facility Energy Audits Mike Gutowski Johnson Controls August 12, 2015 Agency Energy ManagerEnergy Audits: Implementing Audits and Turning Audits into Projects

2 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Agenda Concept of Energy Audit Overview of ASHRAE Approach Before you get into the buildings The “Walk Thru” Compiling everything into something meaningful ECMs/EEMs/FIMs What next? 2

3 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Why am I being asked to audit these buildings? – Inventory/Assessment – Capital projects list – Certification of some kind – My boss is making me do this – Goals – Part of an established contracting vehicle 3 The Energy Audit

4 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Fundamental results of an energy audit – Establishing current usage, or baseline – Allocating current usage to different functions – Comparison of results to similar facilities in similar climate areas – Identification (and possibly implementation) of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) – Short version – establish where, when, why, and how, and then the best way to implement based on client goals 4 The Energy Audit

5 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Level 1 Audit - Walk-Through Analysis/Preliminary Audit Level 2 Audit - Energy Survey and Analysis Level 3 Audit - Detailed Analysis of Capital Intensive Modifications -Level of detail adequate to prioritize energy efficiency projects -Walk thru of facility -Typically uncovers major or “glaring” problem areas -High level review of utility data -Findings compiled to a report showing low cost/no cost measures, and those which should be studied further -Next level of energy calculations and financial analysis of proposed measures -2-3 years of monthly utility analysis, establishing rate structure -Presentation of measures by cost and savings, recommendations and prioritization -M&V support (measurement & verification) -Focus on capital intensive projects -Further detail in field analysis -Design drawings, specifications to support decisions -Calibrated building models and calculations to support findings 5 Overview of ASHRAE Methodology

6 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade “Procedures for Commercial Building Energy Audits” Audit sheets included 6 ASHRAE Documents

7 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Energy use data – Utility bills – Spreadsheets – Annual or monthly Electricity and fossil fuels compose Energy Use Intensity (EUI) – kBtu/sf/yr Compare to similar buildings in similar geographies CBECS (Commercial Energy Building Consumption Survey) Energy Star 7 Before Going Onsite

8 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey – 2003 was last complete effort – 2007 data not “valid statistical sets” – 2012 results now being released 8 CBECS

9 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Census Regions (Apples to Apples) 9 CBECS - Continued

10 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Uses CBECS Data! 10 Energy Star Portfolio Manager

11 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Prioritize buildings – Function – Outliers – Customer requests General understanding of systems Heating/Cooling – Controls – Schedules – What’s broken Decent plan of attack – Have the right team 11 Before going onsite - continued

12 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade SAFETY – Protective gear – Fall protection – Ladder safety – Space awareness – Bump cap/hardhat 12 The Walk Thru

13 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 13 The Walk Thru Not the most promising first impressions…..

14 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Arrival onsite – Escort – Finding “the guy” – Quick “sit down” Document as much as possible with photos – Plans – Nameplates – Model numbers Building walk-around – Envelope – Irrigation Mechanical rooms – HVAC airside/waterside 14 The Walk Thru - Continued

15 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Central plant(s) – Front end workstation – Find the operator Pipe and insulation Steam traps Plug loads 15 The Walk Thru - Continued

16 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Photos, notes, measurements Suggested practices picked up over the years – Title photos as soon as possible (ie CH-2, B-1) – Rewrite notes in Word – Tabulate data in Excel – Group as much as possible by building – Going back through your items will trigger more thoughts Correlate utility data to what you saw in the buildings – Calibration to end uses (HVAC, Lighting, Plug Load etc.) 16 Compiling / Analyzing Data

17 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade 17 Compiling / Analyzing Data Continued Important to understand how a building is operating Adjust level of detail based on final deliverable Basic principle – the closer your model is to the utility data, the more confident you can be in your savings potential

18 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Measure Energy Type(s) Units Saved $/Year Saved Install Cost Simple Payback Cost of O&M Cost of M&V Adjusted Simple Payback Hi Bay Lighting kWh2,300,000 $149,500 $1,196,0008.0 $ 27,000 $ 9,5008.2 VFDs on AHU Fans kWh/therm450,000 $ 29,250 $ 204,7507.0 $ 18,000 $12,5008.0 Boiler Controls MMBtu27,500 $ 16,500 $ 165,00010.0 $ 12,000 $ 9,50011.3 New Water Cooled Chiller kWh1,500,000 $ 97,500 $1,950,00020.0 $ 167,000 $45,00022.2 Night Setback in Offices kWh/Therm400,000 $240,000 $ 480,0002.0 $ 7,000 $12,5002.1 18 ECM Identification

19 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Reviewing results with your client – Clarify goals – Prioritize projects Metric specific Building specific Deferred capital projects Funding streams that can support the ECMs – Operational savings – Avoided cost of capital – One time planned budget items 19 What Now?

20 Energy Exchange : Federal Sustainability for the Next Decade Questions? Thank You! 20 Wrap Up

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