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Presentation on theme: " Developed by Kelly J Howard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developed by Kelly J Howard

2 Vision of the Students A place to interact outside of school A place to showcase artwork Provide information to prospective members and parents Provide information to club members that can be accessed 24/7

3 To enhance the overall educational experience of the club Provide a place for students to interact and showcase the club art work Informational for both students and parents Must be safe and secure for students Vision of the Faculty

4 Two lines of access One for all visitors Pages consist of a Home, About Us, History, Calendar and Contact page One for Members only (Students and Faculty) Log in and registration function Pages consist of a Member Profile, Account settings, Forum, Gallery and a Chat room. Color scheme to include school colors Logo will be student designed Concept Description

5 Design is to be age appropriate for the main user target group specified at ages 14 to 18 Graphics used will be student made art work where ever possible Chat and forum environment to be developed by the school web developer. Concept Description

6 Navigation Flash Based vertical navigation bar consistent on each page that allows Users to navigate the site as they wish no matter how deep they go. Keeping to Flash based stays consistent with The Marist Parent site.

7 Navigation Main navigation will be visible at all times while on the site. The member navigation will become available once the member has logged in. Possible link to Marist Parent site in banner or in the footer. Sub menu Possible Marist Home Link

8 Navigation Storyboards

9 Home Wire Frame

10 About Us Wire Frame

11 History Wire Frame

12 Calendar Wire Frame

13 Contact Us Wire Frame

14 Account Settings Wire Frame

15 Profile Wire Frame

16 Gallery Wire Frame

17 Chat Environment Wire Frame

18 Forum Environment Wire Frame Forum image from

19 Log out Wire Frame

20 Accessibility Descriptive text and adequate contrast for low vision and color blindness tab navigable site should be enough to cover the range of personas this site will encounter. Screen readers and magnifiers most likely to be used.

21 Test Plan 1.) W3C Validation Services- These tools will be used to validate and check markup, CSS, links and mobile friendliness for errors by the industry standards. 2.) Web Developer 1.1.9- will be used to test layouts in multiple screen sizes, as well as various tools to debug and optimize the site. It has a wide range of tools for SEO, CSS, forms, images, cookies and other tools to optimize layouts and pages. 3.)WebSitePulse- will be used to check for website response time and the results display the times for DNS lookup, connect, download the first byte and download the complete HTML of the tested website. 4.) will be used to test browser compatibility. It shows load time as well as a screen shoot of how the site looks in that browser. Tests multiple browsers at the same time. 5.) test server- a test server will be used to test the site live before launch to check for missed bugs and errors, give the client a live final approval and to perform user end testing. User end testing will be performed with a group a users to look for usability and unexpected problems that may need to be resolved before launch.

22 References Marist concept logo provided by the clubs president Autumn Regan-Steinberg Forum Image taken from

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