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1 ( b ) What sort of training do teaching and non-teaching staff of the ITI require? The teaching and non teaching staff of the ITI will be provided training.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ( b ) What sort of training do teaching and non-teaching staff of the ITI require? The teaching and non teaching staff of the ITI will be provided training."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ( b ) What sort of training do teaching and non-teaching staff of the ITI require? The teaching and non teaching staff of the ITI will be provided training in the following fields Computer utilization Computer Training and Communications Skills Training. Refresher Training on Principles of Teaching Document preservation Training for new equipments planned to be procured. Training on self-development and use of Audio-visual aids for effective teaching. Deputing for imparting Advance Training to upgrade / enhance trade related Knowledge to Instructors at specialized institution and invite expert faculties from reputed Industries. Soft Skill Training EMF training (c) What improvements in teaching & learning resources does the ITI require? 1.All class rooms and workshop with whiteboard LCD Projector 2.Training on power point presentation 3.Contemporary Machines/ Equipments to impart practical training like Computers, Laptop, Digital Copier, Xerox, Fax 4.Additional Civil Infrastructure for meeting the present requirements, up gradation of courses and starting new courses. 5.Library containing training manuals and contemporary books on trade theory & practical with reading facility,Magazines and CDs 6.Subscribing different news papers, technical magazines and electronic media (Internet). 7.Faculty to be paid market rates (or close to market rates) 8.Faculty to undergo regular industry relevant refresher training UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA SECTION D: DESCRIPTION OF THE MEASURES FOR IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE INSTITUTE Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI

2 22 SECTION D: DESCRIPTION OF THE MEASURES FOR IMPROVING THE PERFORMANCE OF THE INSTITUTE ( d )Can you improve the number of female students in ITI courses? How would this be done? * Creating Safe Environment and Safe approach road to create fear less atmosphere and also insist to recruit female teacher/Instructor to attract female students. The number of female students in ITI can be further improved by introducing Modular Employable Skill Courses such as Mobile Repairing, Creating apparel park, Beauty Parlor Courses in future and also through collaboration with institutions such as DRDA, Women Development Trust and Tribal Sub Plan etc. to get stipend for attending the courses and get financial assistance to start self- employment after passing the course. Education and self dependency awareness programme will be conducted periodically. ( e )Can you improve the number of students from disadvantaged background in the ITI courses? How would this be done? The number of students from the disadvantaged background in the ITI courses can be improved in the following manner By providing stipend, free training, uniform and tool kit to the underprivileged students Attracting disadvantaged background students with the help of NGOs working in the associated sector Motivation and awareness campaigns in the disadvantaged background areas Establishment of Placement Bureau (f)How can you improve your linkages with the local labor market? Do you need to improve your linkages with labor markets outside your locality and if yes, how could you go about it? Liaison and Collaboration with surrounding industries and employers associations in 100 kms radius through strengthening placement services. Participating in Employment Fair organized by industries outside our locality. Bringing out publication that publicizes the availability of quality manpower and sending the same to industries all over the state. Establishing Placement cell within ITI. Survey in Industries to identify emerging sector as well as multi-skill requirements & develop labour market information system, which will be helpful in assessing the trend of labour market demand, industry seminar results should be implemented. Establishment of Placement Bureau Developing ITI websites UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI

3 33 SECTION E: ACTION PLAN FOR UPGRADATION ( a ) Do you intend to establish a Centre of Excellence? - No If yes: Which trade sector do you prefer? N.A. Why did you choose this sector? N.A. ( b ) In addition to above or otherwise which trades would you prefer to upgrade? 1.Fiitter 2 Wireman 3 Computer operator cum programming assistance (COPA) 4.Cutting and Sewing 5. Mechanic Diesel 6. Welder 7. Electrician Why did you choose these trades? To enrich the skilled of students at par with demand of the industries & to increase better placement of mandvi ITI students.l ( C ) What resources do you need to upgrade your institute as a COE or to upgrade selected trades? (i)Civil Works: Describe and justify any civil works you want to undertake Upgrade Class rooms Practical Training rooms Workshops for technical trades Cabin for the Principal with appropriate facilities Meeting rooms with modern infrastructure Road infrastructure inside the campus Development of the exterior of the building of the institute and landscaping of the gardens in order to make the institute green and world class in appearance Placement Bureau Cattle guard (i)Equipment Tools & other items – describe and justify all goods you want to procure. Equipment As per syllabus in CoE and up gradation of trade, modern latest technology equipment will be installed. Furniture As per syllabus and guideline computer table, locker,classroom table,chairs banches will be installed Books Learning Resources and Software, Web site development. Internet connection, technical books, Magazine, news papers, CD, DVD Equipment required to established PAB UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI

4 4 SECTION E: ACTION PLAN FOR UPGRADATION (d)Training of Staff – describe and justify the training needed by your staff and indicate how this could be implemented (Please fill-up the Annexure to IDP) 1.The teaching staff of the ITI will be provided training in the following fields Use of computer application software Communication skills Audio visual aids Skill enhancement and new technologies EMF training 2. The teaching staff of the ITI will be provided training in the following fields Shall develop general awareness about their duties so that they impart their duties with devotion and dedication. EMF training Document preservation / Record keeping system Communication skills (e)Additional Staff – describe and justify any additional staff you need Trainers for Fitter-02 Electrician-02 Welder -02 Cutting & sewing-01 Computer Hardware-01 Administrative Assistant- 01 Security Guard-03 Web Designer-01 Accountant -01 Data Entry Operater-01 Lab Attendenat-02 Cleaning Assistant-01 Gardner-01 (f)Consumables, Training & Training Materials – describe and justify the consumables and any maintenance you need. A4 sheets, Grocery, Linen, Electronic Consumable, LPG,Wires, Bulb,Ink cartridge and others as per practical, Charts, Models CD’s, AMC for office equipments, Consumables required to run PAB, Implementing dress code for staffs, Maintaining and upgrading websites UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI

5 55 SECTION F: YEAR WISE BREAKUP OF RESOURCES REQUIRED IWhat finances do you need to procure the resources you described in the previous section? (a)For Centre of Excellence : (Figures in lakh of Rupees) As we are not going for establish centre of Excellence For any of the specialized trade. Sl No Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Total Non-recurring costs 1Civil Works-- 2Equipment-- 3Furniture-- 4Books, Learning Resources and Software etc -- 5Sub Total (1+2+3+4)-- Recurring Costs 6Additional manpower-- 7Consumables, Maintenance and Training Materials -- 8Misc Expenses (Pl Specify)-- 9Sub Total (6+7+8)-- TOTAL (5 +9)-- UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI

6 66 SECTION F: YEAR WISE BREAKUP OF RESOURCES REQUIRED I3. 0 What finances do you need to procure the resources you described in the previous section? (b)For Upgradation of trades (Figures in lakh of Rupees) Sl No Year 1 2009- 10 Year 2 2010- 11 Year 3 2011- 12 Year 4 2012-13 Year 5 2013- 14 Total Non-recurring costs 1Civil Works0. 2.5 2Equipment0. 15.00 3Furniture0.00.50.750.0 1.25 4Books, Learning Resources and Software etc 0.00.06 0.25 5Sub Total (1+2+3+4+5)0.013.565.310.06 19.00 Recurring Costs 6Additional manpower0.0 7Consumables, Maintenance and Training material 0.0 8Misc Expp (Pl specify ) 1.0 9Sub Total (6+7+8) 1.0 TOTAL (5 +9)0.014.565.310.06 20.0 Note: 1.Above calculations are based on assumption that the seed money and fund requirement for 1 st year will be made available to IMC from the day one of the execution of scheme and disbursement of subsequent years will also be made available before start of the year. 2.Since the MANDVI ITI is located in Tribal area, Recurring Expenses should be provided and be made available to MANDVI ITI through State Government’s budget on Tribal Development. UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI

7 77 SECTION F: YEAR WISE BREAKUP OF RESOURCES REQUIRED IWhat finances do you need to procure the resources you described in the previous section? (c)For New trades (Figures in lakh of Rupees) Sl No Year 1 2009- 10 Year 2 2010- 11 Year 3 2011- 12 Year 4 2012- 13 Year 5 2013- 14 Total Non-recurring costs 1Civil Works0. 60.0 2Equipment0.0 3Furniture0.0 1.00.501.5 4Books, Learning Resources and Software etc0.0 0.30.1 0.5 5Sub Total (1+2+3+4+5) Recurring Costs 6Additional manpower1.5 2.5 3.011 7Consumables, Maintenance and Training Materials 0.0 1.21.4 4 8Misc Expenses (Pl Specify) 15 9Sub Total (6+7+8) TOTAL (5 +9)1.530.57017.510.5130 Note: 1.Above calculations are based on assumption that the seed money and fund requirement for 1 st year will be made available to IMC from the day one of the execution of scheme and disbursement of subsequent years will also be made available before start of the year. 2.Since the MANDVI ITI is located in Tribal area, Recurring Expenses should be provided and be made available to MANDVI ITI through State Government’s budget on Tribal Development. UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI

8 88 SECTION F: YEAR WISE BREAKUP OF RESOURCES REQUIRED IWhat finances do you need to procure the resources you described in the previous section? TOTAL REQUIREMENT OF FUNDS (a) + (b) + (c) (Figures in lakh of Rupees) Sl No Year 1 2009- 10 Year 2 2010- 11 Year 3 2011- 12 Year 4 2012- 13 Year 5 2013- 14 Total Non-recurring costs 1Civil Works0. 62.5 2Equipment0. 3Furniture0.00.51.750.50.002.75 4 Books, Learning Resources and Software etc 0.75 5Sub Total (1+2+3+4+5)0.038.5666.6210.663.16119.0 Recurring Costs 6Additional manpower1.5 2.5 3.011 7Consumables, Maintenance and Training Materials 0.0 1.21.4 4 8Misc Expenses (Pl Specify)0.05.0 3.0 16 9Sub Total (6+7+8) TOTAL (6 +9)1.545.0675.3217.5610.56150 Note: 1.Above calculations are based on assumption that the seed money and fund requirement for 1 st year will be made available to IMC from the day one of the execution of scheme and disbursement of subsequent years will also be made available before start of the year. 2.Since the MANDVI ITI is located in Tribal area, Recurring Expenses should be provided and be made available to MANDVI ITI through State Government’s budget on Tribal Development. UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI

9 99 SECTION G: MISCELLANEOUS ( a )How do you see the future of the institute and what action would you suggest for achieving its growth and sustainability 1.With formation of IMC and adoption of MANDVI ITI under PPP mode, the MANDVI ITI will be able to provide quality training to the students and cater the changing needs of the industries. 2.Monthly meeting of IMC will be conducted to review the implementation of IDP and progress of MANDVI ITI on key performance indicators. This will ensure effective implementation of Institute Development Plan. 3.The students and faculties will be provided exposure to the industries through visits, structured training and lectures by guest faculties. 4.Campus Interview will be held for recruitment (b)Any outstanding achievements/ success stories of the institute? -- ITI Principal (Secretary of IMC) Signature Industry Partner (IMC Chairman) Signature UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI

10 10 DETAILS OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF IN THE INSTITUTE Sl. N o. Name of the Instructional Staff Educational/ Technical Qualification Email ID Mobile No./Phone No. Instructor in which Area and how long Is the Instructor Trained in Principles of Teaching- POT (Yes/No) Is the Instructor Trained in Trade area(s) (Yes/No) 1 SHRI Y.V.PATELITI ET--- Et group 25 yr YES 2 SHRI N.M.PATELD.E.E.---9925105760 Et group 15 yr YES 3 SHRI M.L.PATELITI ET---9427139985 Et group 13 yr YES 4 SHRI N.S.MAISURIYA D.E.E.---9638133980 Et group 6 yr ---YES 5 SHRI H.R.CHAUDHARI D.E.E.---9428631566 Mech group 12 yr YES 6 SHRI D.B.CHAUHANITI MMV---9998477767 Auto Group 24 yr YES Annexure to IDP UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI

11 11 DETAILS OF INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF IN THE INSTITUTE 7 SHRI S.B.CHAUDHARI D.A.E.---9913007525 Auto Group 15 yr YES 8SMT. D.M.SHAHITI STENO---9909207475 Sct. Group 20 yr YES 9SHRI J.B.TANDELITI STENO--- Sct. Group 24 yr YES 10 SHRI H.M.CHAUDHARI ITI STENO---9724300896 SCT GROUP 15 YRS YES 11 SMT. S.A.CHAUDHARI B.Sc. Computer Omsaira m.shilpa @gmail. com 9909208666 It Group 8 yr NOYES UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI Sl No Name of the Instructional Staff Educational / Technical Qualificatio ns E-mail ID Mobile No. / Phone No.Instructor in which and for how long Trained in Principles of Teaching – POT Trained in Trade area(s)

12 12 Sl No Name of the Instructional Staff Educational / Technical Qualifications E-mail ID Mobile No. / Phone No. Instructor in which and for how long Trained in Principles of Teaching – POT Trained in Trade area(s) ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF: 1Shri C.S.VasavaHSC--- Sr.Clerk 15yrsNO 2Shri D.G.Patel B.Com LLB --- 937422413 0 Jn.Clerk 15yrsNO 3 Kumari M.S.Valvi 12 th--- Jr.Clerk 02 yrsNO 4Shri M.M.Chaudhari 10th --- Peon 18yrsNO 5Shri G.K.Gamit6 th--- Watchman 20 yrsNO 6Shri V.G.Chaudhari 5th --- Watchman 20yrsNO UPGRADATION OF ITI MANDVI THROUGH PPP WITH GSFC (FIBRE UNIT), KOSAMBA Institute Development Plan of ITI MANDVI

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