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BU224: Microeconomics Unit 6 Seminar Tutor Center: (Check the Business Tutor Center Link) Greg.

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Presentation on theme: "BU224: Microeconomics Unit 6 Seminar Tutor Center: (Check the Business Tutor Center Link) Greg."— Presentation transcript:

1 BU224: Microeconomics Unit 6 Seminar Tutor Center: (Check the Business Tutor Center Link) Greg Evans, PhD

2 Unit 6 Seminar Agenda Chapter 11: Behind the Supply Curve: Inputs and Costs “Theory of Production and Costs” “Production, Costs and Supply”

3 Behind the Supply Curve: Inputs and Costs The various types of costs a firm faces Goals: – Understand how a profit-maximizing firm chooses the optimal quantity of output – Understand the costs of production relationships between input and output

4 The Production Function The purpose of a firm is to turn inputs into outputs A production function is the relationship between the quantity of inputs a firm uses and the quantity of output it produces Output = f(labor, capital, inputs, technology)

5 Inputs and Output: Short run and Long run The short run: the time period in which at least one input is fixed. (fixed inputs + variable inputs) The long run: the time period in which all inputs can be varied. (all inputs are variable inputs) Short run and long run varies from firm to firm

6 Fixed Inputs vs. Variable Inputs In the Short run a firm faces: – A fixed input is an input whose quantity is fixed for a period of time and cannot be varied – Variable inputs: resources that can change in quantity depending on the level of output being produced

7 Production and Costs A fixed cost is a cost that does not depend on the quantity of output produced. It is the cost of the fixed input A variable cost is a cost that depends on the quantity of output produced. It is the cost of the variable input – Cost minimization generally involves variable costs Cost minimization leads to profit maximization

8 Total Costs of Production The total cost (TC) of producing a given quantity of output is the sum of the fixed cost (FC) and the variable cost (VC) of producing that quantity of output TC = FC + VC

9 Fixed, variable and total costs of production for a firm Output (Q)VC*FCTC (‘000) 00$30$30 1$103040 2253055 3453075 47030100 510030130 613530165 * VC = Labor needed to produce Q * price of labor (wage rate)

10 Average Total Cost Average total cost (ATC) is total cost of production divided by the quantity of output produced Total Cost/Quantity of Output ATC = TC/Q

11 Average Total Cost (ATC) Output (Q)TC (VC+FC)ATC (TC/Q) 0$30-- 14040 25527.5 37525 410025 513026 616527.5

12 Profit maximization and the output decision The rule for determining whether a firm is profitable depends on a comparison of the peer unit market price (P) or the marginal revenue of the good to the firm’s break even price – If P>ATC, the firm earns a profit – If P=ATC, the firm breaks even – If P<ATC, the firm incurs a loss A firm’s break even price: minimum average total cost (ATC) Minimum-cost output: it is the quantity of output level where the firm incurs the lowest ATC Note the output levels of 3 and 4 with ATC=$25 in table

13 Average Fixed Cost & Average Variable Cost Average fixed cost: fixed cost per unit of output Fixed Cost / Quantity of Output AFC = FC/Q Average variable cost: variable cost per unit of output Variable Cost / Quantity of Output AVC = VC/Q

14 Average Fixed Cost (AFC) OutputFCAFC (FC/Q) 0$30-- 13030 23015 33010 4307.5 5306 6305

15 Average Variable Cost OutputVCAVC (VC/Q) 00-- 1$1010 22512.5 34515 47017.5 510020 613522.5

16 Various Costs of the Firm QVCFCTCAVCAFCATC 00$30$30------ 1$103040103040 225305512.51527.5 3453075151025 4703010017.57.525 51003013020626 61353016522.5527.5

17 Marginal Cost of Production Change in total cost of production for a one unit increase in production quantity Change in Total Cost / Change in Quantity

18 Computing Marginal Cost of Production QTCMC 0$30-- 14010 25515 37520 410025 513030 616535

19 Questions???

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