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The Strategic Value of Industrial Placements To The University, Students and Employers Julie Rees School of Systems Engineering (SSE) - Computer Science.

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Presentation on theme: "The Strategic Value of Industrial Placements To The University, Students and Employers Julie Rees School of Systems Engineering (SSE) - Computer Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Strategic Value of Industrial Placements To The University, Students and Employers Julie Rees School of Systems Engineering (SSE) - Computer Science and Informatics - Cybernetics - Electronic Engineering

2 SSE Industrial Placement/Internship Scheme Agenda Facets of employer engagement Benefits to Students University Employers Continuous cycle of improvement Employer perspective How the Scheme Works Evolution of employer engagement The Reading Advantage

3 Facets of Employer Engagement Sponsorship Industry in the lecture room Industry advice in the curriculum Work based learning Work related learning AccreditationCMS Mentoring Alumni

4 Students Commercial application of learning Industry and career awareness Exposure to emerging technologies Development of soft skills Helps compete for graduate employment University Improves academic results Access to industry expertise and emerging trends Insures relevant coursework Develops funnel for graduate employment Key selection criteria for prospective students Funding Employers Soft skill generation and employability Brand awareness Student awareness Insures relevant degrees Pipeline development for graduate recruitment Social responsibility Benefits

5 Improves academic results and soft skills Increases employability Improves chance of securing employment Increases calibre and number of applicants Enhances engagement with industry Cycle of continuous improvement

6 Companies are tracking where placement graduates are coming from to determine which universities to engage with An employers perspective

7 How the placement scheme works Minimum of 9 months (usually 12-13 months) Two placement visits Evaluations Company conducts two evaluations Student evaluates company Output (all approved by employer regarding confidentiality) Report Presentation Poster Portfolio

8 The Reading Advantage

9 old recent now and future Industry Careers Advisory Service University School Employability Evolution of Employer Engagement Industry University School Industry University School CMS

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