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Economics 216: The Macroeconomics of Development Lawrence J. Lau, Ph. D., D. Soc. Sc. (hon.) Kwoh-Ting Li Professor of Economic Development Department of Economics Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6072, U.S.A. Spring 2000-2001 Email:; WebPages:
Lecture 4 The Sources of Economic Growth in Developed and Developing Economies Lawrence J. Lau, Ph. D., D. Soc. Sc. (hon.) Kwoh-Ting Li Professor of Economic Development Department of Economics Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6072, U.S.A. Spring 2000-2001 Email:; WebPages:
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University3 Introduction u Tangible capital accumulation is the most important source of growth in developing economies u Technical progress is the most important source of economic growth in developed economies u The controversy over the role of technical progress in postwar East Asian economic growth u Kim and Lau (1992, 1994a, 1994b) u Paul Krugman (1994) u The World Bank (1993) u Alwyn Young (1992, 1995)
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University4 Rates of Growth on Inputs & Outputs of the East Asian NIEs and the G-5 Countries
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University5 The Estimated Parameters of the Aggregate Meta-Production Function
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University6 The Findings of Kim & Lau (1992, 1994a, 1994b) using data from early 50s to late 80s u (1) No technical progress in the East Asian NIEs but significant technical progress in the industrialized economies (IEs) including Japan u (2) East Asian economic growth has been input-driven, with tangible capital accumulation as the most important source of economic growth (applying also to Japan) u Working harder as opposed to working smarter u (3) Technical progress is the most important source of economic growth for the IEs, followed by tangible capital, accounting for over 50% and 30% respectively, with the exception of Japan u NOTE THE UNIQUE POSITION OF JAPAN!
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University7 The Findings of Kim & Lau (1992, 1994a, 1994b) using data from early 50s to late 80s u (4) Despite their high rates of economic growth and rapid capital accumulation, the East Asian Newly Industrialized Economies actually experienced a significant decline in productive efficiency relative to the industrialized countries as a group u (5) Technical progress is purely tangible capital- augmenting and hence complementary to tangible capital u (6) Technical progress being purely tangible capital- augmenting implies that it is less likely to cause technological unemployment than if it were purely labor- augmenting
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University8 Accounts of Growth: Kim & Lau (1992, 1994a, 1994b)
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University9 Purely Capital-Augmenting Technical Progress
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University10 Implications of Rejection of the Hypothesis of Purely Labor-Augmenting Technical Progress u Technical progress is not simply equivalent to more labor (One thousand janitors are not equivalent to a Kenneth Arrow) u The existence of a steady state growth can no longer be assured u Capital-augmenting technical progress implies the complementarity between tangible capital and technical progress (intangible capital)
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University11 Production Elasticities of Capital
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University12 Production Elasticities of Labor
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University13 Degrees of Returns to Scale
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University14 Empirical Evidence for the Hypothesis of No Technical Progress in East Asian NIEs u Tsao (1985) and Young (1992) for Singapore u Kim & Lau (1992, 1994a, 1994b) and Young (1995) for the four East Asian NIEs u Paul Krugman (1994) u Kim & Lau (1996) extend the same finding to other East Asian economies--China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, and Thailand
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University15 Empirical Evidence Against the Hypothesis of No Technical Progress u Young (1992) for Hong Kong u The World Bank (1993) u Credibility of such studies undermined by restrictive maintained hypotheses such as u CONSTANT RETURNS TO SCALE u NEUTRALITY OF TECHNICAL PROGRESS & u INSTANTANEOUS COMPETITIVE PROFIT MAXIMIZATION
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University16 International and Intertemporal Comparison of Productive Efficiency: A Thought Experiment u Suppose all countries have the same quantities of measured inputs of capital and labor as the United States u What would have been the quantities of their real outputs? and u How would they evolve over time? WE COMPARE THEIR OUTPUTS HOLDING MEASURED INPUTS CONSTANT!
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University17 Hypothetical Output Levels
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University18 Relative Productive Efficiency (U.S.=100%)
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University19 The Sources of Economic Growth: Selected East Asian and Western Economies
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University20 The Sources of Economic Growth: Selected East Asian and Western Economies
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University21 Human Capital
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University22 Sources of Economic Growth with Explicit Inclusion of Human Capital
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University23 Simultaneous Capital- and Human Capital- Augmenting Technical Progress
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University24 R&D Expenditure as a Percentage of GDP
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University25 R&D Capital
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University26 Sources of Economic Growth with Explicit Inclusion of Human and R&D Capital
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University27 Why is There No Measured Technical Progress in East Asian NIEs? (1) u (1) Low level of investment in intangible capital (human capital, R&D capital, knowledge capital and other forms of intangible capital) u The effects of technical progress in these production function studies are essentially captured by the estimated parameters of the time trend, which is supposed to reflect the influence of the changes in the omitted or unmeasured inputs, such as human capital, R&D capital, R&D capital, knowledge capital, land or more generally the natural endowment of resources, and other intangible "investments" such as software and market development. u However, since the developing East Asian economies, until very recently, have invested relatively little in intangible capital (e.g., R&D, especially in basic research), such omitted or unmeasured variables are actually unlikely to be important in them.
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University28 Why is There No Measured Technical Progress in East Asian NIEs? (1) u Thus the indigenously generated improvements in technology have been quite scarce in developing East Asian economies other than Japan. u By contrast, the industrialized economies invest a significant percentage of their GDP in R&D and even greater amounts in innovation and other productivity-enhancing activities. u Thus, it should not be surprising that technical progress, or the "residual", is much larger in the industrialized economies than in the developing East Asian economies. u Moreover, utilization of other countries’ intangible capital is not costless--royalties, license fees, maintenance and service contracts, cross-licensing, full pricing of capital goods u Complementary indigenous investment is required, e.g., the new rice varieties of the Green Revolution
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University29 Why is There No Measured Technical Progress in East Asian NIEs? (2) u (2) The distribution of "Innovation Rents” (quite properly) favors the innovators and investors u The industries in the developing East Asian economies typically employ mature technologies with limited innovation possibilities but the capital goods and technology for which, mostly imported, have been fully priced (i.e., the acquisition as well as royalty costs fully reflect the possible efficiency gains and the amortization of R&D and other developmental costs) in the international market, so that there may be little or no net increase in value added, over and above the normal returns to the factor inputs. In other words, the "innovation rents" have been largely captured by the inventors, manufacturers and distributors of the new equipment or intermediate inputs in the industrialized economies in markets that are only very imperfectly competitive.
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University30 Why is There No Measured Technical Progress in East Asian NIEs? (2) u The "rents" can also take the form of royalties and licensing fees paid to the foreign technology licensors by the developing East Asian economies, or through transfer pricing by foreign direct investors, reducing correspondingly the domestic part of the real value-added. u Monopolistic pricing of capital equipment, technology licenses and critical components (e.g., systems integration capability for aircraft manufacturers; plastic lens for cameras), which limit the value added by manufacturers/assemblers in developing East Asian economies, e.g., notebook computers u Monopsonistic pricing for OEM manufacturers--the benefits of learning-by-doing on the part of the OEM manufacturers accrue mostly to the owners of brand names, designs, and marketing organizations
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University31 Why is There No Measured Technical Progress in East Asian NIEs? (2) u Consequently, even if a new technology were adopted, its effect might not be reflected in the form of a higher real value-added, holding measured factor inputs constant.
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University32 Why is There No Measured Technical Progress in East Asian NIEs? (3) u (3) Problems of Measurement of Capital u Fixed investment in equipment in industrialized economies are typically measured, at factor costs, net of the intangible inputs required, whereas fixed investment in equipment in developing economies, being mostly imported from developing economies, are measured inclusive of intangible inputs, returns to intellectual capital, monopoly rents, and turnkey installation costs uE.g., the fixed investment in equipment of the same semiconductor fabrication plant may well be higher in a developing economy as compared to an industrialized economy uA simple way to understand this point is that capital equipment in industrialized economies may be sold unbundled with the “soft” costs (including software), whereas capital equipment in developing economies are typically sold bundled with the “soft” costs
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University33 Why is There No Measured Technical Progress in East Asian NIEs? (4) u (4) Aggregation u It is possible, in fact likely, that there may have been positive technical progress in certain efficient (tradable) sectors and industries in the developing East Asian economies. u However, this may be largely offset by rising inefficiency in certain other industries, especially those in the nontradable sectors. u The economy as a whole may exhibit no measured technical progress. u Rising inefficiency can persist only in protected markets under monopolistic or oligopolistic conditions. Thus, technical progress at the microeconomic or industrial level may be nullified by the inefficiency caused by the lack of competition in the domestic market.
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University34 Why is There No Measured Technical Progress in East Asian NIEs? (5) u (5) Economies of Scale u There are significant measured economies of scale, in all inputs taken together, for the developing East Asian economies. For economies in which both output and inputs have been growing, economies of scale and technical progress provide alternative explanations for the ability of producing more than doubled the output by merely doubling the inputs. u We have found is that as far as the developing East Asian economies are concerned, it is economies of scale, rather than technical progress, that have contributed to the outstanding economic performance.
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University35 Why is There No Measured Technical Progress in East Asian NIEs? (6) u (6) Omission of the value of the quality of life u It is also possible that in some East Asian economies, such as Singapore, some public infrastructural investments have been made to improve the quality of life, e.g., cleaner air and water, less traffic congestion, etc., rather than to increase real GNP directly. Since these non-pecuniary benefits are not reflected in the measurement of the output (real GNP) but are included in the measurement of inputs (tangible capital), it may appear, from considering the growth of output alone, that tangible capital has not been employed efficiently, and that the efficiency of its use has not improved over time.
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University36 The Non-Uniqueness of the Postwar East Asian Experience u Abramovitz and David (1973): U. S. economic growth in the 19th Century can be largely attributed to the growth of inputs u Tostlebee (1956): The growth in U.S. agriculture in the 19th Century can be attributed to the growth of inputs, with a negative rate of growth of total factor productivity u Hayami and Ogasawara (1999): Japanese economic growth between the Meiji Restoration and the World War I can be largely attributed to the growth of inputs, principally capital u Godo and Hayami (1999): Confirm the lack of technical progress in prewar Japan (with human capital included)
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University37 The Sources of Economic Growth--Developing Economies in East Asia u Different types of measured inputs play different roles at different stages of economic growth u Tangible capital accumulation is the most important source of growth in the early stage of economic development u But simply accumulating tangible capital is not enough--it must also be efficiently allocated u Efficient tangible capital accumulation is the major accomplishment of the East Asian NIEs in the postwar period u Intangible capital accumulation becomes important only after a certain level of tangible capital per worker is achieved but has begun to be important for some East Asian NIEs such as South Korea and Taiwan
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University38 How is Efficiency Achieved in the East Asian NIEs? u Market-directed allocation of new investment, aided by export orientation, promotes efficiency u Private enterprises have the incentives for prompt self- correction
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University39 The Sources of Economic Growth-- Industrialized Countries u The most important source of economic growth for industrialized countries is technical progress, accounting for more than half of the growth of output u Tangible capital is the next important source of economic growth, accounting for almost a third u Technical progress reflects the effects of intangible capital- -R&D capital, knowledge capital, goodwill, etc. u The United States is a leader in human capital and R&D capital
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University40 The Sources of Growth: Further Results with Extended Sample--Lau and Park (2000)
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University41 The Sources of Growth: Further Results with Extended Sample--Lau and Park (2000)
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University42 Sources of Economic Growth with Breaks in the Rates of Capital Augmentation (1985)
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University43 Sources of Economic Growth with Breaks: Sub-periods
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University44 Was East Asian Economic Growth a Bubble? u Past economic growth neither a miracle nor a mere bubble u Economic growth experience replicated in different East Asian economies u Sustained economic growth over decades u Recent crisis due to many factors, of which “irrational exuberance” is only one u Economic fundamentals remain sound--high savings rates, investment in human capital, and more recently in R&D capital, entrepreneurship, market orientation u Past economic growth input-driven rather than technical progress-driven--it is attributable to growth in inputs, particularly the efficient and rapid accumulation of tangible capital
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University45 Where Is the “Miracle”? u Achievement of a high savings rate u Translating domestic savings into investments--the role of self-fulfilling expectations u Creating and maintaining an environment in which investments are productive--a market-friendly environment u Philippines as a counter-example
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University46 Is Economic Growth Sustainable? Krugman’s Worry about East Asia u If the major source of economic growth is the growth of tangible capital, then given the diminishing marginal productivity of tangible capital, as more and more tangible capital is accumulated, each additional unit of tangible capital will be less productive than the unit before it. Eventually economic growth must slow down and then stop altogether. u The former Soviet Union was used as an example where a great deal of tangible capital was accumulated but failed to be productive; China prior to its economic reform which began in 1979 would be another example
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University47 Is East Asian Economic Growth Sustainable? u Considerable room for continuation of rapid tangible inputs-driven economic growth in the future--tangible capital per unit labor still lags considerably behind the developed economies u Investment in intangible capital, e.g., R&D investments, has begun to increase in the East Asian NIEs--in terms of stocks, intangible capital per unit labor lags even further behind, offering additional opportunities for improvement u Because of its complementarity with tangible capital, investments in intangible capital can retard the decline in the marginal productivity of tangible capital u JAPAN HAS SHOWN HOW THIS CAN BE DONE!
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University48 Capital Intensity
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University49 Human Capital per Unit Labor
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University50 R&D Capital Stock per Unit Labor
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University51 Is East Asian Economic Growth Sustainable? u The attractiveness of investment in intangible capital depends on the protection of intellectual property rights, which in turn depends on whether a country is a producer of intellectual property
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University52 Differences between Tangible and Intangible Capital u Intangible capital is different from tangible capital in three important aspects: u Intangible capital is freely mobile across countries u Intangible capital (other than human capital) is simultaneously deployable in different locations without diminution of its effectiveness (increasing returns in the utilization of intangible capital) u Intangible capital enhances the productivity of existing tangible capital whereas additional tangible capital diminishes the productivity of existing tangible capital
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University53 Implications for East Asian NIEs (1) u Maintaining the growth in tangible capital u Encouraging savings and investment u Preserving a low-tax environment u Affirming property rights u Keeping inflation under control u Maintaining free flows of capital, labor and goods u Maintaining an orderly and stable foreign exchange market u Providing needed infrastructure u Avoiding open-ended social welfare programs u Strengthening capital markets
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University54 Implications for East Asian NIEs (2) u Assuring the efficiency of tangible capital u Commitment to an open economy u Continued liberalization and deregulation u Preserving open competition in all markets u Maintaining the rule of law u Providing needed infrastructure uTraditional economy requires physical infrastructure--railroads, roads, ports, airports, power, etc. uNew economy requires, in addition, virtual infrastructure-- Telecommunication (Telephone and internet access from every village; Fiber optic links); Wireless; National and international delivery services-- United Parcel Service (UPS), Federal Express; Generic trading platforms; Enabling technologies and services (Internet service providers; portals) u Eschewing market intervention
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University55 Implications for East Asian NIEs (3) u Closing the gap on intangible capital u Investment in human capital (formal, technical, on-the-job training, and re-training); universal secondary education u Upgrading the universities to be the among the best in the world u Support for basic science u Tax incentives and subsidies for education and re-training and R&D u Investment in R&D capital u Investment in other forms of intangible capital (design, goodwill, brand name, market development, information systems and software, etc.) u Protection of intellectual property rights (transformation from a consumer to a producer of intellectual capital) u Development of new modes of education and information dissemination
Lawrence J. Lau, Stanford University56 Investment in R&D Capital u Investment in R&D Capital--necessary for both learning and diffusion u Essentiality of indigenous R&D for the successful exploitation of imported technology, e.g., new rice variety u The distribution of gains from technology trade and transfer is biased in favor of the innovators and the owners of intangible capital (e.g. brand names) and not the imitators u Licensing frequently takes the form of cross-licensing u R&D projects as an instrument of industrial policy (Strategic R&D) u Focus on development rather than basic or applied research u Consortium approach
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