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Moon Phase Lesson Plan 4th Grade

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1 Moon Phase Lesson Plan 4th Grade
David Breeden VISA330

2 Standards GLE Analyze patterns, relative movements, and relationships among the sun, moon, and earth. GLE 0407.Inq. 4 Identify and interpret simple patterns of evidence to communicate the findings of multiple investigations. GLE 1.1 Manipulate a variety of tools and media in a safe and responsible manner. GLE 1.2 Apply a variety of media. GLE 1.3 Apply a variety of techniques.

3 Big Ideas/ Essential Questions
What causes the Moon to appear to change shape? Does the Moon rise and set like the Sun? Why? How do you think the Moon moves in Space?

4 New Learning Vocabulary – full moon, new moon, phases of the Moon, quarter moon, waning moon, waxing moon  Concepts – Students will understand the phases of the Moon and it’s relationship among the sun and the Earth Skills – Students will identify and interpret the phases of the Moon and its rotation. Applications – When one looks at the moon at night it looks like it changes shape. How is this possible?

5 Learning Targets/ Objectives:
Students will: Observe how the moon goes through phases Create a complete series of phases matching the appearance of the Moon. Relate moon phases to the positions of the Earth and the Sun. Summative Assessment: Ask students if they know what a moon phase is. Have students discuss and list possible explanations for the phenomena of moon phases.

6 Instructional Strategies/ Activities
Demonstrating Moon Phases Activity 1: Motion and Phase of the Moon Phases of the Moon Flip Book Phases of the Moon Pre/Post-test Moon Tracker Moon Phase Mosaic

7 Materials and Resources
Light bulb on a lamp stand Styrofoam ball (2” to 3” across) Small stick (used to mount Styrofoam ball) Demonstrating Moon Phases Activity 1: Motion and Phase of the Moon (Student guide) Moon flip book pages (enough for each student) 3”X 5” file cards (16 per flipbook) Glue Wide clear packing tape Rubber bands Phases of the Moon Pre/Post-test worksheet (one for each student) Moon Tracker worksheet (one for each student) Construction Paper Cut pieces of magazines for moon phase mosaic Blank index cards (for Exit Tickets)

8 Instructional Steps (Beginning)
The teacher will ask students: Have you ever noticed the moon at night? Does the moon always look the same? What do you know about the different shapes of the moon? *Give students time to answer and discuss their responses to these questions. Assessment: Verbal discussion of the questions will give the teacher a chance to see what their students already know about the moon and its phases.

9 Instructional Steps (Middle)
Content Input ( “I do” activities): Discuss how the moon has half of its surface sunlit and the other half dark. Explain how we see different amounts of the moon’s sunlit half as it orbits the Earth. Describe the different moon phases and what we see during these phases. Guided Practice (We do): Demonstrate moon phases (Activity 1: Motion and Phase of the Moon) Give each student Demonstrating Moon Phases student guide and a Styrofoam ball attached to a stick. Have them stand around the light bulb on a lamp stand. Work with students as they answer the questions on the worksheet.

10 Instructional Steps (Middle)
Independent Practice (You do; may include Homework): Students will complete the Phases of the Moon Pre/Post-test. Students will create a Phases of the Moon flip book to see how the phases change. Hand out Phases of the Moon activity sheet and supplies needed to create the flipbook.

11 Instructional Steps (Middle)
Art Integration: Students will create a moon phase mosaic. Hand out blank pieces of paper. The student will pick one of the moon phases and draw it on this paper. Then the student will glue pieces of cut up magazines to create “color” their drawing.

12 Instructional Steps (Middle)
Assessments: While working with students on the guided practice the teacher can assess what the students are discovering about the moon phases and they relate to the position of the Earth and the Sun. Phases of the Moon Pre/Post-test will assess what the students have learned and retained from the lesson. Anticipated Learning Difficulties: Students with learning difficulties will be allowed to work with other students if there is no Teacher’s Aid available.

13 END Moon Tracker worksheet will be sent home for students to complete with parents. This will help parents to have a part in their child’s learning experience. Exit Ticket: Students will draw on a blank note card one of the moon phases and the name of that phase.

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