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1 photography

2  Model does not sit square to the camera  Turn model one direction or the other so that light sources will affect a given area of the face in terms of how light vs. shadow falls on the subject  Different subjects might demand different lighting conditions – experiment with lighting before creating a portrait!!

3  Light positioned ‘Slight Camera Right or Left’

4  Shadow off of model’s nose closes a loop on the shadow from model’s cheek  Small triangle on side of face that remains in more shadow  No shadow fill  Single, simple light placement

5  Move light far right (or left) so that it is splitting the model’s face in terms of strong light vs. shadow

6  Light splits models’ face  Strong highlight side and strong shadow side  Split light runs down bridge of model’s nose  Dramatic, interesting light vs. shadow  Makes a stronger statement


8  Move light back to Rembrant position  Model turns and faces AWAY FROM LIGHT  ‘Rembrant’ traingle on far side  Broad (more intense area of light) on the dominant side of model’s face  Light can flow from Rembrant, to Broad, to Split easily if positioned correctly

9  Light positioned up high, light hitting model directly from front, angled down

10  Softbox/light positioned so that light is hitting model directly from front  Positioned up high, light coming down from above on steep angle  ‘Butterfly’ shadow just underneath model’s nose  Nice shadow on right/left cheeks  Chin shadow underneath model  ‘Beauty Lighting’

11  Fill card underneath (white bristol board can substitute for this as well)  Place on Model’s lap  Fills up chin area underneath  Fills up shadow area under the nose  Need to get highlight (small square of light) in the eye

12  Light still coming from above, but at Slight Camera Right or Left. Not directly hitting model.

13  Not the same steep angle right between camera and model’s face as Butterfly  Creates ‘Loop’ Shadow on model’s face  Will give preference to shadow on one side over the other  Variation of butterfly  Light a little higher than ‘Rembrant’

14  Key Light  Provides main source of lighting, creates the main/dramatic light and shadow contrasts on model  Fill Light  Fills in areas of light/shadow (i.e. can lessen dramatic shadows); not as strong/influential as key light though  Background Light  Highlights or creates value changes in the background (i.e. light to dark transition behind model)


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