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Florida By Carly Olson The capital is Tallahassee It is in the south east region Major city Jacksonville Orlando Miami The area of the state is 65755.

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2 Florida By Carly Olson

3 The capital is Tallahassee It is in the south east region Major city Jacksonville Orlando Miami The area of the state is 65755 Sp.mles

4 Florida was admitted to the union on March 3 1845 It is the 27 state Juan Ponce de Leon fond Florida in 1513 historian

5 Economist Computers and electronics Farming products Tomatoes oranges peppers Strawberries watermelon Some major manufacturing products Are

6 Political scientist Governor Rick Scott It has 27 representatives

7 State Info Nick name the sun shine state State animal Florida panther State drink Orange Juice state Gem moon stone

8 Juan ponce Deleon A spanish explorer who Discovered Florida Some hunters would ware deer skin to help hunt deer State Info

9 Other facts The bordering states are Alabama And Georgia. Major land foams Everglades National park Fort Caroline. It is almost always warm Climate

10 More facts Carlos Lopez Cantera is the lieutenant governor U.S senators are Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio

11 More facts State Motto in god we trust State song swanee river

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