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The Roman Republic. Who the h#&!! Are the Romans? Rome was a small region in Italy The main powers were the: Etruscans, Oscans, and Greeks.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roman Republic. Who the h#&!! Are the Romans? Rome was a small region in Italy The main powers were the: Etruscans, Oscans, and Greeks."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roman Republic

2 Who the h#&!! Are the Romans? Rome was a small region in Italy The main powers were the: Etruscans, Oscans, and Greeks.

3 Who were the Etruscans? Well… They were independent city-states over Northern Italy. “Twelve cities” League, (guess what that was.) 474 B.C. Rome began to take over cities!

4 Etruscan Artwork

5 Government Etruscans were ruled by Theocracy. This means that the priest ruled the city. Rome on the other hand, was ruled by a king And more importantly, later by a Senate.

6 Back to Rome Now Rome was busy… making alliances with the other cities Remus and Romulus -Mythical founders of Rome -Both were raised by a she- wolf in the wild. -Romulus killed Remus

7 Southern Italy Always a problem area for Rome. 281B.C. Pyrrhus of Epirus invades Italy to protect Greek cities. Wins all battles, but with heavy losses. Coins the term “Pyrrhic victory”

8 Military Originally…the Romans fought using the Greek Phalanx. Then…one day someone thought of something better… the Triple Acies.

9 Roman becomes a Republic! In 509 B.C. Rome sent their king packing! Replaced him with a republican senate 300 member council of patricians that made laws and served Rome Patricians- aristocracy Plebeians- normal folk

10 Roman Government Assembly of Tribes - 35 tribes, based on geography Assembly of the Centuries - leaders of tribes met with consuls. Was also highest court. Consul- elected for one year term. Like a president, but more powerful. Could raise an army and go to war.

11 Twelve Tables Formed the basis of the Roman constitution The patricians judged the plebeians harshly In 462 B.C. the Plebeians had the Twelve Tables made so that law was regulated and all knew it Posted in the Roman Forum for all to see

12 1 st Punic War Messene begs for help from Rome to protect it from Carthage. Then turns around and does the same with Carthage! Both are dragged into war. However,… Rome only has an army/ Carthage is lord of the sea. Stay tuned!

13 1 st Punic War Rome builds a navy, but losses several hundred ships before it figures out how to win… the corvus - a bridge that allows soldiers to walk across to the enemy ships!

14 1 st Punic War Mainly fought in Sicily Carthaginians fought well, won almost every battle, but could not bring the Romans to complete defeat. They lost almost 20,000 men in just one battle! Rome eventually wins! But…the peace treaty is pretty harsh. Carthage had to…

15 Yah, more of the 1 st Punic War Pay for the entire war, give up all its islands next to Italy, and returns all prisoners. Hamilcar Barca - Carthage’s best general is frustrated and furious with the treaty. He moves to Spain to conquer the country with his three sons: Mago, Hasdrubal, and Hannibal.

16 2 nd Punic War Hannibal- Carthaginian general - grew up hating Rome and waited for the opportunity for revenge. Invaded Italy from the north via the Alps with 80 elephants. Gained alliance with Gauls to fight Romans On the march he lost all elephants and several thousand troops to cold, rivers, and fighting.

17 2 nd Punic War Rome lost every battle against Hannibal. Master of tactics-referred to as “Punnic trickery” Battle of Trasimene - ambushed Roman army completely devastating it Battle of Cannae - Completely annihilated the Roman army Yet, Hannibal lacked the troops necessary to take Rome.

18 2 nd Punic War Scipio-Roman general -Invaded Spain, Hannibal’s supply base - quickly defeats the three Carthaginian armies in Spain with superior tactics and training Hasdrubal, Hannibal’s brother leaves Spain to meet up with Hannibal in Italy - is killed fighting the Romans after leaving the Alps

19 2 nd Punic War Since Hannibal cannot fight in Italy, he goes back to Carthage Scipio follows him to Africa - Battle of Zama - Hannibal is defeated by Scipio Treaty: Carthage has to cut its navy down to ten ships, pay for the entire war, give up Spain, and forbidden from raising an army without Rome’s approval.

20 Macedonian Wars At first the Macedonian phalanx terrified the Roman army. King Philip V sided with Carthage in the 2 nd Punic War. - After Hannibal was defeated, the Greeks begged Rome to help free them from Philip. - Rome defeated the phalanx easily by finding gaps when they marched - Emperor Seleucus entered the war and also lost to Rome In the end, Rome won Greece, and much of Anatolia.

21 3 rd Punic War Numidia begins to raid Carthaginian land -They are prevented from fighting back - Ask Rome to help, however, Numidia is a Roman ally. - Carthage raises an army and fights back. Roman Senate declares war after much debate - Cato the Elder after every debate fished with “and I think that Carthage should be destroyed” 146 B.C. Carthage is burned to the ground and nothing was allowed to be built there.

22 The Results of the Wars

23 © 2010, TESCC Tiberius Gracchus –Elected to tribune promising aid to the farmers. –Called for taking land and distributing it to the landless. Limit farm size Gaius Gracchus –Gives grain to the poor. –Opened more land to farmers. –Secured more rights for the middle class. 23 The Gracchus Brothers

24 Romans originally stayed united due to their fear of Carthage –N–No Carthage– nothing to fear Senate unable to provide effective leadership. –P–Patricians become more concerned w/ keeping their power and wealth. Slave revolts ! 24 More turmoil…

25 25 Spartacus 73 BCE Proclaims war on Rome in attempt to free the slaves. 2 years of successful revolts Eventually killed along with 6000 followers.

26 © 2010, TESCC 26 The rise of dictators Dictator- one person w/ absolute power Military loyalty came from loyalty to Rome. Gaius Marius –Ensures loyalty of troops by promising loot from conquered lands. –Reorganized army, more functional Lucius Sulla –Rival to Marius –Bloody wars over power –Defeats Marius and becomes dictator of Rome.

27 © 2010, TESCC 27 First triumvirate 60 BCE- Three army generals unite to rule Rome. –P–Pompey –C–Crassus –J–Julius Caesar Caesar becomes consul and commands the Roman legions in Gaul. –C–Conquers Gaul (France) and England. Pompey gets support from Senate. –O–Orders Caesar to return home w/out the army. Caesar invades Rome w/ army and defeats Pompey. –B–Becomes a “hero of the empire.”

28 © 2010, TESCC 28 Julius Caesar Reforms Rome 1.Reorganized government with him as dictator. 2.Lowered taxes. 3.Makes governors responsible to him. 4.Grants citizenship to conquered peoples. March 15, 44 BCE- Caesar assassinated –Stabbed in the Senate “Beware the Ides of March.”

29 © 2010, TESCC Mark Antony Lepidus Octavian Created by Mark Antony. –Falls in love w/ Cleopatra, queen of Egypt. Octavian crushes the combined fleet of Antony and Cleopatra. 29 Second triumvirate

30 © 2010, TESCC 30 Octavian 31 BCE- creates the Roman Empire Allows Senate to keep some power, but he would retain sole rulership. Changes name to Augustus –“honored and majestic” Takes title of “Caesar” –“first citizen”

31 31 The Roman Empire Augustus gains control of the following: –M–Military Takes complete control of Gives veterans bonuses of land. –P–Provinces Supervised all the governors. Created 28 provinces –L–Loyalty to Rome Granted citizenship to more conquered peoples of Europe.

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