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Roman Expansion Imperialism…. Peak of the Greek Empire.

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Presentation on theme: "Roman Expansion Imperialism…. Peak of the Greek Empire."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roman Expansion Imperialism…

2 Peak of the Greek Empire

3  Rise of Rome  Gradually extends its rule over the Italian Peninsula over the next century.

4  Roman Republic in 270 B.C.E.  Conflict with Carthage after taking over Italian Peninsula…

5 1 st Punic War  Carthage v. Rome  Fight for Sicily  Rome builds a navy just to defeat the Carthinagians  War lasts for 20 years  Rome wins

6  Sicily  Rome after the 1 st Punic War; 220 B.C.E.


8 2 nd Punic War  Carthage expands into Spain because of the lose of Sicily.  Rome feels that Carthage is too close to its borders.  Hannibal: Carthage sends their best General to punish Rome.  Rome suffers great loss at the hands of Hannibal in the north of Italy.  Rome invades the City of Carthage forcing Hannibal to retreat.


10  Roman conquest of the Mediterranean Sea

11 3 rd Punic War  Rome Burns Carthage to the ground to ensure they never threaten the Roman Empire again.  150 B.C.E. Rome takes over all of Greece.  Romans call the Mediterranean “Our Sea”.

12 Rome under Julius Ceasar

13 Julius Caesar  Military Hero seizes power and makes drastic reforms.  Forms the 1 st Triumvirate: when 3 people share power.  Pompey, Caesar, Crassus  Caesar came from the lower class;  His military victories made him a hero to the poor.

14 Continued….  Senate fears that he will try and take over.  Order Caesar to come back to Rome and surrender…. They plan to kill him.  Fearing death Caesar marches on Rome and seizes control.

15 Caesar’s Reforms  Emperor for life… Fall of the Republic but the Birth of an Empire  Filled Senate with loyal members.  Most served with him in the military.  Gave full citizenship to all in Roman territory.  Started new colonies to give land to Plebeians.  Created jobs; got rid of slaves (not all).

16 “Be ware the Ides of March”  Some feared Caesar wanted to become king…  Senators Cassus and Brutus plotted to assassinate Julius Caesar.  Julius was warned… “Beware the Ides of March”  Beware of March 15 th …  March 15 th, 44 B.C.E. Julius is stabbed to death by Senators Cassus and Brutus.

17 Rome Under Augustus Caesar

18 2 nd Triumvirate:  Augustus Caesar defeats Antony and Cleopatra and becomes Emperor of Rome.  Another end to the Republic

19 Deployment of Troops

20 Rome at it’s Greatest Extent…

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