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Chapter 6 Section 1 Notes. 509 B.C. 264 B.C. 218 B.C. 44 B.C. A.D. 284 A.D. 476 Ancient Rome and Early Christianity, 500 B.C. – A.D. 500 6 CHAPTER Time.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 Section 1 Notes. 509 B.C. 264 B.C. 218 B.C. 44 B.C. A.D. 284 A.D. 476 Ancient Rome and Early Christianity, 500 B.C. – A.D. 500 6 CHAPTER Time."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 Section 1 Notes

2 509 B.C. 264 B.C. 218 B.C. 44 B.C. A.D. 284 A.D. 476 Ancient Rome and Early Christianity, 500 B.C. – A.D. 500 6 CHAPTER Time Line 500 B.C.A.D. 500 HOME Rome becomes a republic. In the Second Punic War, Hannibal invades Italy. Diocletian, who will divide the Roman Empire, becomes emperor. The First Punic War with Carthage begins. Conspirators kill Julius Caesar. Western Roman Empire falls with the ouster of the last emperor, Romulus Augustulus.

3 I. The Beginnings of Rome

4 A. Geography

5 1.Rome located on the Tiber River and the Palatine Hill

6 2. Two major mountain ranges

7 a. Alps to the North 15,771 ft

8 b. Apennine running up the spine of Italy 10,000 FT

9 3. Boot located in the Middle of the Mediterranean Sea

10 4. Southern Europe

11 B. 753B.C. Romulus and Remus


13 1. Twin sons of Mars and a Latin princess

14 2. Raised by a she- wolf

15 C. Three groups make up the Romans

16 1. Etruscans to North

17 2. Latins along the Tiber River

18 3. Greeks in the South

19 II. The Early Republic ( Public Affairs )

20 A. Latin's and Etruscans start the Republic in 509 B.C. Taks Date Must Know

21 1. A form of government in which power rest with citizens who have the right to vote to select the leaders

22 2. Only free born males had citizenship

23 B. Patricians were the rich land owners

24 1. Patrician officials were called consuls

25 a. Two consuls ran the government

26 1.Commanded the army and directed the government

27 C. Plebeians were the common farmers, artisans and merchants

28 1. Plebeian officials were called tribunes

29 D. Law of the Twelve Tables

30 1. Hung in the Forum for all to see

31 2. Made laws fair for all

32 E. Senate aristocratic branch of the government

33 1. Had legislative and administrative ( executive ) duties

34 2. 300 members at first

35 3. Centuriat Assembly appointed the consuls made up of patricians / military

36 4. Later the Tribal Assembly made up of plebeians elected tribunes

37 F. In times of crises a dictator would rule for a six month term

38 G. The Roman Army

39 1. Basic fighting unit was called a Legion 5000 men



42 III. Rome Spreads its Power

43 A. Three phases to Roman expansion

44 1. The boot of Italy

45 2. Wars with Carthage

46 a. Punic Wars started in 264 B.C.

47 b. First Punic War was for the grain fields on Sicily

48 1. Rome wins, loses 100,000 men in Mediterranean

49 c. Second Punic War

50 1. Fought over Carthage coastal colonies in Spain and France

51 2. Rome wins

52 d. Third Punic War

53 1. Hannibal general of Carthage

54 2. Fabian Roman general

55 a. Fabian Policy

56 1. Wait and See

57 3. Scipio The Elder Roman general who defeats Hannibal at the Battle of Carthage


59 3. The Third Phase was a Domino Effect in the east

60 a. Each city-state was offered Roman protection

61 b. Each city-state had to give a tribute of tax, grain, and men

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